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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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The lesson we got here is that medium-size studios like Ready at Dawn must use third party engines (like UE4 or Cryengine) and spend all the time in the game mechanics' itself.

It seems that RaD used big part of those 3 years in making the engine, so they couldn't deliver in the game itself (in the graphic department, The Order is a Juggernaut)

Since last Gen we could see that only big studios could create engines from scratch (how many years capcom used MT Framework as their core engine?) and even then, those engines didnt paid off in the end as they should (Luminous engine)

Now, i can see that sony uses the order's engine in their future games, and maybe part of the deal between Sony and RaD was to make them a game AND a graphic engine for their internal studios.

I cant see this magnificent engine be used only for The Order and nothing else, that could be really burning money in a drum.
I thought they would have used the Killzone 2 engine in more games for the PS3 but they didn't as far as I know. I could be wrong.
I don't get reviews theses days. Infamous SS, The Order, LA Noire, Driveclub names just of few I enjoyed a lot. Way more than internet critics darlings such as recent Call of Duty or Assassins Creed.
I'm a gamer with bad taste? I just don't get it.

Stop trying to "get" it. Reviews are just another persons opinion, just like mine or yours or anyone else's. Nothing more or less. Stop seeking validation in someone else's opinion. If someone told you they didn't care for steak and you did would you rack your brain trying to figure out why?
I thought they would have used the Killzone 2 engine in more games for the PS3 but they didn't as far as I know. I could be wrong.

IMO Sony should design just one or two engines for its games.

Its retarded how like, every studio is making its own engine.

They should let Naughty Dog's graphics engine be the one most studios use.

The RAD guys should've used the Uncharted 4 engine. Would've worked well. It does gorgeous character models too.
Stop trying to "get" it. Reviews are just another persons opinion, just like mine or yours or anyone else's. Nothing more or less. Stop seeking validation in someone else's opinion. If someone told you they didn't care for steak and you did would you rack your brain trying to figure out why?

i agree. specially after being to Target and best buy today. the game has been selling out very well. on top of that, most people which have purchased and played the game have been enjoyed it very much. it just shows that reviews from gaming sites dont really hold the weight that they once did.


After the hype, denial. How many times will have to suffer through this cycle this year? Let's at least hope bloodborne is as good as it seems to be...

Bloodborne is not the game we need to worry about, we know the game is 90+ quality already.

it's FFXV, The Witcher 3, No Mans Sky, Assassins Bug 49, SW Battlefront, etc we should be worrying about. I really hope No Mans Sky doesn't disappoint.

Best game ever graphically? As in better than Unity?

For those who've played it of course.

Haven't played The Order but I guarantee it looks better than Unity on PS4. Game is blurry and ugly as fuck while running at a garbage framerate. PC tho.... no chance
A buddy of mine sent me a screenshot of him playing The Order 1886 on his PC with PS4 emulator. Is such a thing even possible? I am finding it hard to believe, immediately after he started playing, his Nvidia driver crashed and he pinged me back the screenshot of the error.


After 8 hours in I saw the last Sequenz and I can say I will never give any crap about a review again.

Very Very amazing, I was so amazed I had to take a breathe and realize that this runs real time. The beautiful art direction helps and it is very atmospheric, like the whole game. The sceneries and set pieces are pure art and really suck you in. Really a stunner.

Astonishing soundtrack and a very well mixed sound. Maybe one of the best I have ever heard. Voices are clear and hearable. Grenades have huge impact and guns sounds are amazing too. You can really feel the kick and heavyness of the gun just by listening.

Yes the game is not flawless and far from perfect when talking about gameplay. Too much help from the game itself. To much button smashing and press X to go further. Very corrdiorlike encounters. The guns feel great though, but I hoped for more fancy weapons.
The Elders encounters and Lycans encounters were a little bit disappointing and kind of underwhelming.
The basic shooting is very good though and the cover mechanics work great.

The Story is really good even great for a videogame ( I believe games are nowhere near movies and only Last of Us reached a very comparable awesome movie storyline). The Pacing is a little but just a little imperfect. The game starts too slow and ends too quick with slight confusion ( I can totally understand why the game ended that way and why this decision is made). I also disliked that I just got thrown into the world. No Background, no explaining. At the beginning you get lost a little , because you don't understand what is going on, unless you watches all Trailers and Interviews/Making-Ofs.
They should have made an Intro revealing some backstory or other ways to get you more into the Order and the Knight and the Lycans
.I did not quite understand why they want to sent Vampires to USA, instead of Wolves ?The Leader were Half-breeds , Elders or the ancient heritages ?
But overall I really liked the story and was really drawn into it. I wanted to know more. The atmosphere is really tight and superb, while the music delivers everytime, which make the Story even more compelling.

I really liked the Order and hope for more. I would love the to have a sequel to this awesome foundation. I would not recommend that game to Players, who love exploring and making decisions or open-world fans. The Game is what it wants to be. A cinematic experience with a good to great story and basic gameplay. It sucks you in though and really delivers, when you are open enough to embrace the concept. When you like movielike games and a great Story go for it. I love these kind of games and do not like openworld that much though. I recommend that to everyone, who loves story, atmosphere and great soundtracks. If you like Wolfenstein New Order, Killzone 2 or Resistance you will like this also, I guess.
I really had a fun time and enjoyed the whole cinematic-game-experience and can just say please play that game it really deserves a shot and please give me a even better sequel.
I hate giving numbers, but if I have to it would end up with 7,5 / 10

PS: If you are offended by my english skills, I am sorry, but it is not my mothertongue


Bloodborne is not the game we need to worry about, we know the game is 90+ quality already.

it's FFXV, The Witcher 3, No Mans Sky, Assassins Bug 49, SW Battlefront, etc we should be worrying about. I really hope No Mans Sky doesn't disappoint.

For no man's sky I'd be OK if it was just essentially aimless exploration with a bit of shooting inbetween. Anything else on top of that is gravy. I'm more worried that Battlefront will be turned into a Battlefield clone.


IMO Sony should design just one or two engines for its games.

Its retarded how like, every studio is making its own engine.

They should let Naughty Dog's graphics engine be the one most studios use.

The RAD guys should've used the Uncharted 4 engine. Would've worked well. It does gorgeous character models too.
No... Let Sony's developers keep their creative freedom. It worked on PS3, it'll work now.

Better that than a situation like last gen where every other game used UE3.
A buddy of mine sent me a screenshot of him playing The Order 1886 on his PC with PS4 emulator. Is such a thing even possible? I am finding it hard to believe, immediately after he started playing, his Nvidia driver crashed and he pinged me back the screenshot of the error.

Ps4 emulator? Maybe a ps TV?


Gold Member
Best game ever graphically? As in better than Unity?

For those who've played it of course.

I don't think it's a stretch to say The Order has the best graphics ever. Unity looks great for sure but I don't think it matches or surpasses The Order visually.

Card Boy

I really hope No Mans Sky doesn't disappoint.

I have prepared for disappointment months ago. They literally have shown nothing besides flying and walking around and the people that defend it and post a list of boring stuff of what you can do ain't exactly inspiring confidence.


Bloodborne is not the game we need to worry about, we know the game is 90+ quality already.
Never make too many assumptions about From Software quality. Even with Miyazaki at the head, there's still a lot that could go wrong.

But I hope you're right.


Bloodborne is not the game we need to worry about, we know the game is 90+ quality already.

it's FFXV, The Witcher 3, No Mans Sky, Assassins Bug 49, SW Battlefront, etc we should be worrying about. I really hope No Mans Sky doesn't disappoint.

How do we know Bloodborne is "90+ quality already"? While I expect that the game will be good because it comes from an excellent pedigree, I certainly don't know that.


Threads like these are stereotyped as being total trainwrecks, but I've seen some of the best posts I've ever read on GAF in this thread and yours is another.

Not really. All he is saying is that people who enjoy the game aren't really enjoying the game. It's sophistry.


I don't think it's a stretch to say The Order has the best graphics ever. Unity looks great for sure but I don't think it matches or surpasses The Order visually.

Screenshots must not be doing the game any justice, because they're pretty equal from what I've seen.

Everything looks better in person, so I won't really know until I play the game myself.
i agree. specially after being to Target and best buy today. the game has been selling out very well. on top of that, most people which have purchased and played the game have been enjoyed it very much. it just shows that reviews from gaming sites dont really hold the weight that they once did.
My stores were full of the game. Hold your horses on speculation either way until
Numbers get released


Stop trying to "get" it. Reviews are just another persons opinion, just like mine or yours or anyone else's. Nothing more or less. Stop seeking validation in someone else's opinion. If someone told you they didn't care for steak and you did would you rack your brain trying to figure out why?


It's really weird to see the fetish-ization of reviewers in this thread to the point where people are questioning their own feelings.



A buddy of mine sent me a screenshot of him playing The Order 1886 on his PC with PS4 emulator. Is such a thing even possible? I am finding it hard to believe, immediately after he started playing, his Nvidia driver crashed and he pinged me back the screenshot of the error.
PS4 emulator? Your buddy is just making fun of you.



It's really weird to see the fetish-ization of reviewers in this thread to the point where people are questioning their own feelings.


Yes, saying you shouldn't take it personally that a reviewer has a different opinion then you is fetishization.


It's the reviewers that have an agenda, like you in this thread correct?


Watched a no commentary playthrough as I can't afford too many games nowadays. Agree that that the game has flaws (albeit not 65/100 flaws, but it is what it is). What struck me is the possibility of The Order 2 being this generation's Uncharted 2.
A graphical powerhouse in its first iteration with issues in other areas. But for its second iteration RAD has a finished top-notch engine, which leaves more time to develop gameplay mechanics and story writing.
I mean, they're no Naughty Dog but still, the resemblance is there. Hope they don't waste the opportunity!
OMG yes!

I don't mean to suggest this is worthless, but people make these sorts of "well on the bright side, things will be cheaper in the future because now we have the groundwork laid out with engines and experience and so forth," and while there is likely some cost saving, it never seems to wave a magic wand over the cost problems.

In a general sense, people said the same thing last generation, and yet, the cost of development continued ramping up steadily as the generation went on. Early games on the PS3/360 cost 20-30M to produce and market; by the end, you had 200M+ dollar affairs dominating the market. For instance, Ubisoft stated that Assassin's Creed 3 cost more to make than all the previous entries in the series combined, despite all being on the same platforms.

I'm not saying that the cost savings are worthless, but they are also clearly not a panacea, either. The cost of AAA development has relentlessly and ruthlessly climbed for years, even with cost savings factored in.
The reason for that is because developers continue to try and one-up each other with unnecessary epicness in their games. If you increase your scope it won't matter how much the costs go down because you just use the leftover cash to cover the budget for your new ideas.

Basically they really do want to spend $300 million on the game; they just want to spread it around on more crap.

No no not PS TV, Order 1886 running on his PC played with an Xbox 360 controller!
So that's "PC" as in "PlayStation Console"?


There isn't even a reliable emulator for 360/PS3...the odds of him actually using a PS4 emulator to play the game is unlikely.


Watched a no commentary playthrough as I can't afford too many games nowadays. Agree that that the game has flaws (albeit not 65/100 flaws, but it is what it is). What struck me is the possibility of The Order 2 being this generation's Uncharted 2.
A graphical powerhouse in its first iteration with issues in other areas. But for its second iteration RAD has a finished top-notch engine, which leaves more time to develop gameplay mechanics and story writing.
I mean, they're no Naughty Dog but still, the resemblance is there. Hope they don't waste the opportunity!

The Lead Designer/Producer Dana Jan, essentially mentioned that gameplay was an afterthought for this game. So, unless RaD's tune changes dramatically, the gameplay mechanics will continue to be second fiddle to their graphics and story. If that is the case, the sequel will get shit on like this one did in most Reviews.


Why should it have that stuff? Did they say the game was made to allow the player to make choices that will branch off and change how the game plays out, or did they say they were telling a narrative that they've handcrafted? Seems weird to expect a game to be something it is totally different from.

Agreed. A lot of the reviews remind me of Gene Siskel's movie reviews (frequently). He tended to review a movie based on what he thought the movie should have been rather than what it actually was. Which is unfair to the subject being reviewed. Review what's there, not what isn't there.
I don't think it's a stretch to say The Order has the best graphics ever. Unity looks great for sure but I don't think it matches or surpasses The Order visually.

yeah this game is visually gorgeous if they can get the other things polished up in the sequel it could be one of the best games ever in this sort of genre.
IMO Sony should design just one or two engines for its games.

Its retarded how like, every studio is making its own engine.

They should let Naughty Dog's graphics engine be the one most studios use.

The RAD guys should've used the Uncharted 4 engine. Would've worked well. It does gorgeous character models too.
I totally agree and it's strange they haven't done this yet, such and increase in effencies.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
A buddy of mine sent me a screenshot of him playing The Order 1886 on his PC with PS4 emulator. Is such a thing even possible? I am finding it hard to believe, immediately after he started playing, his Nvidia driver crashed and he pinged me back the screenshot of the error.

Hold on... making new(s) thread!


As someone who wasn't particularly interested in this game in the first place, the larger observation that the story of this game reinforces is a depressing one: AAA game development has become unattainable unless you are a very large studio.

Ready at Dawn is a team of ~80 that took ~3 years to make this game. If we assume an average salary of 80,000 (RaD is based in Irvine, so this is a safe estimate), this ~19 million dollars just on salaries for 80 people over 3 years, without considering anything else.

And even then, RaD clearly had to cut some corners. The game is short; the game is corridorish; the game is tightly controlled. I think to make a bigger AAA game of this type without cutting corners, you're going to need a team of ~250 people for 2 years, or 500-750 people for 1 year, to plausibly get the game out without cutting the sorts of corners RaD clearly did with this game. For those who don't want to do the math, that's more than 2x the burn rate that RaD would have faced for this game. I remember that we mocked (for instance) the size of Assassin's Creed teams just a few years ago. 500 people? 700 people?!?!??

It seems absurd, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that it's necessary if you want to make a game with "AAA" technical scope.
Fire the game designer, and get someone in there with a practical idea that doesn't rely on the player not engaging.

If there's one third person game they should have imitated, it's Batman:AA. Small locale that you pack full of unique things to interact with, while still having control for a script.
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