It's very linear, and only challenging if you are missing both thumbs and drank a fifth of gin beforehand.
So you've played it.
It's very linear, and only challenging if you are missing both thumbs and drank a fifth of gin beforehand.
It doesn't really answer my question, though; I'm just wondering how much downtime there is, because I really find myself craving that these days.
So, there's a lot of back and forth on the overall quality of the game, but would you guys recommend I grab a copy? I really enjoyed the Uncharted games, and someone earlier in the thread made a comparison to the Telltale games. How much exploration/problem solving is there in the game?
It doesn't really answer my question, though; I'm just wondering how much downtime there is, because I really find myself craving that these days.
Absolutely. it's a very original game and a lot of fun. Target has a nice promo of The Order + $20 PSN card/3Mo PSN+. I got that earlier today.
Yes he may be too young to know this, but what he did is still wrong. Fortunately the cat taught him a lesson. As soon as you are old enough to think about what you are doing, you need to know at least some basics of what is okay and what is not.
You're not too bright, are you?
It doesn't really answer my question, though; I'm just wondering how much downtime there is, because I really find myself craving that these days.
So you've played it.
I find it to be a mixture of a Tell Tale game and a TPS. It has very methodical pacing. If those sound fine by you, then definitely pick it up.
I'm enjoying the pacing quite a bit.
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One. Here's Driveclub.Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One.
Do I even have to say they're fake?
No... Let Sony's developers keep their creative freedom. It worked on PS3, it'll work now.
Better that than a situation like last gen where every other game used UE3.
It's not ridiculous, it's the absolute truth. Particularly on consoles.
Can you even name, say 20 games with an excellent story?
Mass Effect? B grade sci-fi, nothing exceptionnal
MGS? B grade espionage stuff
Silent Hill 2, ok
TLOU, ok
Compared to dozens and dozens of brilliant movie stories. There's just no competition.
Most game stories are teenage boy fantasies.
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One. Here's Driveclub.
Do I even have to say they're fake?
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One. Here's Driveclub.
Do I even have to say they're fake?
People can be so gullible...Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Sounds legit!Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One. Here's Driveclub.
Do I even have to say they're fake?
It doesn't really answer my question, though; I'm just wondering how much downtime there is, because I really find myself craving that these days.
Put a gun to my head and I wouldn't be able to tell you what's going on in the story. It's bored me so much that I've just stopped paying attention, which is a major negative for a cinematic game in my eyes. I'm starting to wonder if I would even enjoy the game were it not so god damn gorgeous.I'm really enjoying this game. I'm on the third chapter right now, the visual and atmosphere are breathtaking and the story has intrigued me thus far.
Nobody has heard of the PS4 emulator? It even runs on the Xbox One. Here's Driveclub.
Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Put a gun to my head and I wouldn't be able to tell you what's going on in the story. It's bored me so much that I've just stopped paying attention, which is a major negative for a cinematic game in my eyes. I'm starting to wonder if I would even enjoy the game were it not so god damn gorgeous.
Currently playing the 3DS version.
Currently playing the 3DS version.
Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Currently playing the 3DS version.
Currently playing the 3DS version.
at 30fps it is a slide show!
Currently playing the 3DS version.
Currently playing the 3DS version.
Here are some screenshots that he sent me:
These are a couple he sent me. He says its a 12gig file running on PlayStation firmware emulated on the PC.Will try to get more details!
Someone remind me to never to go into the OT.
Never go into the OT. There.Someone remind me to never to go into the OT.
There are many instances where it looks like you're playing a pre-rendered scene. This level in particular has a huge graphical advantage over the burning level in ACU.
Someone remind me to never to go into the OT.
Herp-a-derp, I disagree with them too. Difference is I'm not condemning reviewers because they happen to disagree with me. Thanks for trying though.What? Because people disagree with the reviews? Get over yourself.
Except... I actually like the game. But bravo to you too!Don't worry, here is a safe haven for you to troll the game with like minded individuals should you wish.