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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Playing with the Dpad is hard, but game still looks amazing on this 240x160 !

Xaero Gravity

Why can't people say reviewers got it wrong? I don't get it. If they like the game, they can say that.
It's not that, it's some of the vicious posts towards the integrity of reviewers. But to be fair, that sort of thing isn't exclusive to The Order OT, so I shouldn't condemn that thread in particular.


Gold Member
Except... I actually like the game. But bravo to you too!

My mistake, sounds like you're loving it:



It's not that, it's some of the vicious posts towards the integrity of reviewers. But to be fair, that sort of thing isn't exclusive to The Order OT, so I shouldn't condemn that thread in particular.

You'll probably find more posts like that in this thread, not the OT.
I own it, i played it and beat it, i think you will love it or hate it...i leaned towards hating it... a beautiful disaster. BUT again, this is only my opinion. I think most reviews have it average at best and id agree, but i def do not think i spend 60 well on this

agreed. specially since Target and best buy have it for $40-$50 depending on the promotion.
Wouldn't skippable cut scenes in a narrative heavy game be counterproductive? If the goal was to tell a story and a substantial portion of that story is told through cut scenes, why would making them skippable ever be a consideration?

What? You make them skippable because they can be tedious on replays when you've seen them a couple times already and they are exactly the same every time because you can't interact with them. Or if you just want to, you know, play. Because it's a game. If the game told more of its story interactively (like the medium is designed to do) than this wouldn't even be an issue. You shouldn't lock players in to watching the cutscenes even if they have significant story segments. The Uncharted games, or almost any other story focused cinematic shooter, lets you skip cutscenes and they are all the better for it. Watch them when you want, and skip them when you don't.

Seems to me like this isn't the kind of game that someone looking for skippable cut scenes would want to play, anyway.

lmao now you're just being petty.
I imagine quite a bit of the time it took to make the game was spent making the engine they used for this. If the game gets a sequel(which was implied by the game itself, from what I understand), then I doubt it would take nearly as much time or money. Even if the game doesn't get a sequel, I'd think other 1st party sony games would make use of it.

I'm only about 1.5 hrs in at the moment (enjoying the game so far btw...full impressions on Sunday)...but the whole time I've been playing this I've been thinking to myself, "This engine would be perfect for a Sherlock Holmes adventure game or some type of survival horror game." Thoughts of tweaking/upgrading it to make the environment more interactive/destructable and adapting it for use in an open world format keep entering my mind as nearby nooks and crannies as well as the faraway vistas beg to be explored.

It seems to me this game is very much a foundation game tech-wise. That much is obvious from the get-go. As a game its atmospheric and beautiful with fun gun-play but it does feel incredibly constrained like it needs to be let loose. So far its a solid 7.5 in my book, with a few hours left to play. I feel like the 5s and 6s are a bit too low. Given that I'm a notorious bargain shopper with games this is big praise considering I rarely buy games at release. I ended up getting the CE version for $48 from Best Buy on a price mistake, so it was hard to pass up. After I trade/sell it and sell the statue, stickers, DLC, soundtrack, etc... I'll end up making money to play this thing for a weekend. lol That said, as much as I enjoy it, if it truly only holds my attention for a single play through I'd say my personal value on this game would be somewhere in the $20-$30 range. It isn't worth the full $60 price by any stretch.

Heh, that "Add 30 sec." button is pretty inadvertently topical too!

All kidding aside, I actually did pick up the game today. I sorta knew what I was getting into and I hope to enjoy myself this weekend! We will see!

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
My mistake, sounds like you're loving it:



You'll probably find more posts like that in this thread, not the OT.
In that first post you linked he literally says that he's enjoying it. -_-

it's not even a good movie per say... I really hope uncharted won't be filled with stuffs like this...
ND most certainly will deliver. Can't imagine how UC4 won't be better than this game in literally every way.

Heh, that "Add 30 sec." button is pretty inadvertently topical too!

All kidding aside, I actually did pick up the game today. I sorta knew what I was getting into and I hope to enjoy myself this weekend! We will see!

I'm taking my time with it tonight (frequent breaks) and having fun with it. That said, this game verifies why it's better to buy physical than digital so you can trade/sell it after you finish it.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
After playing the game to chapter 15, I can tell you the sole reason for those 5s and 4s was a certain insta-fail stealth section.

Goddamn that shit was frustrating.

Other than that game is super solid and actually enjoyable, def feels like 7 or 8.


After playing the game to chapter 15, I can tell you the sole reason for those 5s and 4s was a certain insta-fail stealth section.

Goddamn that shit was frustrating.

Other than that game is super solid and actually enjoyable, def feels like 7 or 8.

If you fail any of the QTE's, do they actually affect the outcome or do they make you start all over? I can see how it would be frustrating sitting through cutscenes over and over.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
If you fail any of the QTE's, do they actually affect the outcome or do they make you start all over? I can see how it would be frustrating sitting through cutscenes over and over.

Well according to some there's actually some good branching ones (we were talking about it just now in the OT lol) But I didn't fuck up many of the QTEs. However the ones I did fuck up, it was an instant restart. It didn't restart the cutscene though, just the bit right before the QTE in the cutscene.

The stealth bit I'm talking about though did restart you from the beginning of said part until you hit the checkpoint. Took me like 5 tries and it was getting annoying.


If you fail any of the QTE's, do they actually affect the outcome or do they make you start all over? I can see how it would be frustrating sitting through cutscenes over and over.

I failed an early QTE (I think) where you're struggling over a gun with someone, the other guy ends up with the gun and then there's another QTE to tackle him.


What is going on at ps world wide studios? most of their games on ps4 have been poorly received or at best average, its like they lost all quality control.
I'll have a clearer picture of the game when I get finish it, but having played through a small-ish chunk can't help but feel that this is absolutely not a game that deserves 5 and 6's or even 7's (okay, maybe a case could be made for that, but I feel that stretches it). I mean, that is absurd. Yes, it doesn't do anything groundbreaking but the game is very well made and a lot of the great work they did gets lost. Granted, if you absolutely hate heavily story based game that play in a very linear fashion, you won't like this but I'm not sure that alone can possibly bring this game to that level. On the surface, especially for those who simply refer to Metacritic or just the score, most of the scores it got makes it seem like the game itself is poorly made, barely functioning, buggy, etc. I don't get hung up on reviews, but this one is crazy to me.

It isn't for everyone. But after playing it, I feel like the reviews have been unfairly and overly critical of the game. It is a bit a different, but that can be a good thing.

Post this in the OT man impressions go there.

Except the post is in relation to the reviews that is received, so it does have something to do with the thread. But I'll be fair and condense this here and post the full thing it in the OT.
I give this game an 8. Beat it on hard 10 hours. Plat in little under 12 hours. I liked it alot. I really feel like this games sequel will be so much better. Ready At Dawn said they want to use all the assets and engine in the future. Pretty decent game for a team that has never made a console game. No way it deserves 5's or 6's. People are saying it is one of the worst games made in recent memory.

zero bugs unlike so many other games
Good story. It felt rushed some in the end though.
Voice acting was great.
Graphics were over the top. holy shit wow.
Soundtrack awesome.
Atmosphere was perfect.
Gameplay at some parts was awesome.
Galahad is sick

Final battle sucked.
Lycans seemed like a missed opportunity
Gameplay needed to be fleshed out.
Too many QTES.
It felt like a prequel.

Reminds me of Gears, Uncharted and Heavy Rain all put together. Looking forward to the sequel.


I don't even have a PS4, but I love short cinematic games, they're my guilty pleasure. Of course I'd never pay 60 for one though, but at 20 1-2 years down the line, seems like a perfect fit for me.
Whelp. I just finished it about 30 minutes ago. I disagree with the reviewers. I'll be writing my impressions layer today after I've slept on it, but needless to say I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see a sequel from Ready at Dawn. Hopefully the reviews haven't made this game DOA.
Whelp. I just finished it about 30 minutes ago. I disagree with the reviewers. I'll be writing my impressions layer today after I've slept on it, but needless to say I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see a sequel from Until Dawn. Hopefully the reviews haven't made this game DOA.

you mean Ready at Dawn? lol


Junior Member
Whelp. I just finished it about 30 minutes ago. I disagree with the reviewers. I'll be writing my impressions layer today after I've slept on it, but needless to say I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see a sequel from Until Dawn. Hopefully the reviews haven't made this game DOA.

Ready at Dawn :). Until dawn is another sony exclusive game. The dev for the order is ready at dawn :)

EDIT: beaten
I'm really enjoying the Order so far, but it does seem a missed opportunity.

Nice graphics
Good story (I am enjoying it so far, not sure why some people said it sucked)
Solid gunplay
Nice weapons
Interesting world

The first area that you start in
Prison escape
to seemed like a missed opportunity. This should have been
less non interactive parts and more discovery
. Really like the cinematic's but there are a lot of them quickly one after another which is breaking the gameplay up too much.

Not a big fan of the FOV and the camera placement so close to the player character, it seems too close, bringing that with the black bars means that I cannot at times get a really good view on an area, they've made this lovely victorian styled game, and it's difficult to see at times, especially when in battles.

The picking up of objects was very strange like a mix of LA Noire object viewing, it was like only partly thought out. You pick up an item and it didn't really give any good feedback to why you were rotating it etc. Some cases you needed to and others you didn't. Would have preferred little more visual/audio element to that especially as there are trophies to it.

I've probably played about 4 hours so far, and at the moment it seems it could have focussed on larger areas, with more NPC character interaction/story depth. I would have liked (and remember I haven't completed the game yet) to see more of Victorian London with a bit more dressing, you see the Classic Michael Caine Jack the Ripper TV series and you get a really good sense of the world, but this feels a little empty at times.

Anyway I think if they can try and solve the design issues they have the potential to make a really good franchise out of this. Don't regret buying the game at all, and once I've played some Dying Light, done some work, I will be wanting to get back onto the Order :)
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