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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Wow. Didnt expect these scores. Was not expecting GOTY scores. But damn.
Hopefully Bloodborne does good. Because the PS exclusives score wise are abit of a let down since the release.


I wonder if people even realise their gigantic confirmation bias when it comes to this. I've already seen a few posters in the impressions thread who were getting hyped from GAF impressions come in here and basically say "reviews don't matter", heh.

You have to separate true hype from those just trying to justify their purchase in their own mind. Sometimes it can be tough.

Especially since the PS4 still has a soft exclusive library. That should be alleviated soon with Bloodborne, but that is just one game.
Saw this coming from a mile away. This game has always looked like everything that's wrong with video game trends. It's basically a bad movie. Unfortunate for those that have poured their lives into this, but perhaps a good lesson for Sony.






was that necessary?


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

wow.... awesome post.
Knack, driveclub, Killzone. I did the same for all three and got a more honest score.

For Driveclub you should add 2 points to get even close to how awesome it is IMHO ;)

Well I guess I'll be able to buy 1886 for a cheap price earlier than I thought, with how short it is, no multiplayer and the bad reviews it got, the used market will be flooded with these games.


What about all those people on GAF taking over 12 hours to finish the game.

Some people here need to do some serious self examination with that shit. People were jumping down people's throats for saying it was under 6 hours long, even though we had a fucking video playthrough on Youtube of someone completing it in under 6 hours. And while that player may not have taken their time ot see every last detail, they also clearly were not rushing through the game either.

But somehow claiming it was under 6 hours long was "incorrect". It seems it's lack of length is a mercy given these reviews.
Seems like both Sony and MS cannot find their ground properly with their 1st party studios this Generation so far (1.3 years). I still feel like this generation will be long, and these studios will learn a lot from their first go arounds with these new platforms. For the most part games got way better with their sequels last generation, and I see this happening this gen as well. Im going to support RAD and play through the game this weekend, in hopes that they really step it up for the sequel If they get green lighted for it..


DerZuhälter;152734586 said:
Haven't played it, nor do I really care about The Order.

Although I really like that more and more review sites tend to use the entire scale of their rating system I don't really understand how this apparently "functioning" game can still get lower scores than broken ones.

Is it that bad that a broken game is still more fun than this?

Well it certainly demonstrates that reviewers will always go where the wind is blowing.

Assassins Creed is an established, popular franchise. The Order is brand new with no fanbase to speak of.
Seems another case of developers pursuing their vision regardless of what the players want or suggest and their vision plain sucks. I know RAD is not a first party studio but the game was made in conjunction with Santa Monica and Sony have been turning out almost nothing but stinkers and half baked games this generation. There is a lack of guidance and good decision making at the top.
These are mostly bad reviews considering the 8-10 = Good scale that videogames operate on.

I'm not a strict adherent to "below 8 sucks", but if it comes to a genre I'm not a huge fan of (cinematic TPS) or a new ip, then I'm reluctant to dive in unless it gets rave reviews.


IGN said:
But when I was behind cover, I was much more interested in being able to see what was happening in my limited vertical screen space than having a wider aspect ratio. That frustration led me to avoid crouching behind cover as much as possible, which in turn led to the majority of my deaths occurring when I left cover looking for insta-kill, quick-time melee takedowns.

So just like when in real life, you can't see people moving into position through a damn boulder

vgBR.com: 7.5

The Order: 1886 is the first title that shows the potential of the new generation in the graphical department exceeding all that has been released so far. The main campaign lasts about 6 hours and as little as it may seem, the experience is worthy, with solid gameplay, interesting plot, and a great launch timing (taking advantage of the fact that we still do not have any "next gen" TPS)


Because there's room in video games for all sorts of stuff.

It just sounds like they whiffed hard.

Yeah of course there is, but I am wondering why SO MANY developers seem to want to be a game movie director. Why the proliferation around that idea as opposed to so many other more appealing ideas that actually use and adore the interactivity of the medium?

There are fine movies-as-games with the Telltale games, if you're lucky enough not to be hit by a bug, are competent 'press A to win' games. Nothing you do in them really matters, but if you're hooked by the story you sort of can dutifully press onward and see the ending.

The Order never seemed to be making a story worthy of little more than the SyFy movie's Sharknado, but they were focusing on how cinematic and moving the story was going to be. So that sort of had to deliver to make the diversion worth it. 'Cause if you got mediocre mechanics during gameplay as this one seems to have, then it's a one-two punch when the story sucks too.


I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.

RAD became enamored with emulating Uncharted 2, took the cinematic aspect of it to an extreme, and never came out of that bubble for 5 years.


Honestly after reading these reviews the game is just too short and doesn't do enough to legitimize a $60 retail release.

Had it been longer or had it had better gameplay mechanics and/or online (ie something to extend the shelf life of the game) we'd probably get scores in the 8+ range.

Cinematic experiences are great. However they have to be executed to near perfection to make it in today's gaming climate.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Lol. It's getting battered. Not quite what I would have expected based on the 30+ GAFer impressions, but it could just be DriveClub all over again. Sales of this game should be interesting.
It will still probably sell 8 times as much as Bayonetta 2, scores don't mean much.


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

oh my... I feel a gif is the answer here...



bish gets all the credit :)
We'll see how Sony feels if they stop the advertising blitz. Driveclub was never advertised from the getgo, but I've been seeing consistent commercials for this for awhile.

That's a really tough question.

I still buy and play a LOT of retro games and many of those games are quite short yet I'm stilling paying pretty good money for them. I also have very fond memories of various single player PS2 games that were equally short. I mean, stuff like Mark of Kri, The Bouncer, Silent Hill 3, Onimusha, etc are all of similar length but I really enjoyed them and, outside of Kri, they really don't PLAY that well. The Order feels like one of those games.

I appreciate those types of experiences before leveling up, multiplayer, and other modern features were forced into the game. It feels simple and pure in a way.

I also realize that it's kind of just me and most people DO like those modern flourishes and features that I feel just pad out games and keep me from finishing them. It's a weird situation indeed.

Same. All the upgrades and XP bars are a negative for me, which is sad because 99% of games use them nowadays. Looking forward to giving this a go in a few months.
I wonder if people even realise their gigantic confirmation bias when it comes to this. I've already seen a few posters in the impressions thread who were getting hyped from GAF impressions come in here and basically say "reviews don't matter", heh.

I don't see the problem with that. Reviews don't matter to some people. It's not some "confirmation bias" thing.

I trust GAF impressions more then any review site.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

Lmao, console wars is serious business


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

stop being such an entitled baby, it's their job to advertise the game you dingus
Yeah of course there is, but I am wondering why SO MANY developers seem to want to be a game movie director. Why the proliferation around that idea as opposed to so many other more appealing ideas that actually use and adore the interactivity of the medium?

There are fine movies-as-games with the Telltale games, if you're lucky enough not to be hit by a bug, are competent 'press A to win' games. Nothing you do in them really matters, but if you're hooked by the story you sort of can dutifully press onward and see the ending.

The Order never seemed to be making a story worthy of little more than the SyFy movie's Sharknado, but they were focusing on how cinematic and moving the story was going to be. So that sort of had to deliver to make the diversion worth it. 'Cause if you got mediocre mechanics during gameplay as this one seems to have, then it's a one-two punch when the story sucks too.

Are there really though? I really can't think of 5.


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

This, this is what I came here to read! Fight the good fight junior! lol


I feel bad for the debeloper team, i have no doubt i'll enjoy the game, i don't mind qte, or tons of cutscenes, the game looks right up mu alley.

I'll judge for myself tomorrow morning.
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