Ok, I'm slow and dont get why this is funny/pissing some people off. Can someone ELI5?
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....
Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
Oh come on, it's just fun jeez.
Ridiculous some of the gripes in these review...
Opinion? I saw no opinion being expressed in that post. Did you?See now that seems harsh to me. Everyone here is free to express their opinion whether serious or jovial, doesn't mean they lack any respect for anything
Jim Sterling's Review
"Fantastic teaser… can’t wait for the actual game to come out."
Outside of combat, things are little less enthralling. The game shamelessly opens with remedial quick-time-events through a network of restrictive corridors, all set at a plodding pace, and this framework comes to characterize much of the resulting campaign. Linearity is not a bad thing, but The Order has no interest whatsoever in exploration, curiosity, or player agency. You’re allowed to run only when the game tells you, your hand is held by immersion-breaking tutorial pop-ups that never stop and cannot be turned off, you’ll come to doors that you know you can open, but are barred from touching until the patronizing prompt appears.
Much of your progress is stuttered as you are forced to stop and start through a level constantly, with no real flow to the events that unfold – just as you begin to get into the action, another long cutscene will pull you out of it, or yet another door will bar your path and arbitrarily halt you until it’s ready for your prescribed interaction.
Meanwhile, it paints by numbers as it goes through the checklist of standardized videogame features. Simplistic stealth chapters occur now and then, forcing the player to awkwardly sneak about and one-hit-kill grizzly men from behind. Galahad picks locks and hacks electricity boxes via primitive minigames. Fighting lycans is promising and paranoia-inducing, but all too brief and astoundingly infrequent. Meanwhile, the two battles that could feasibly be deemed boss encounters are, themselves, little more than QTEs of another flavor. All this, spread fairly thinly across a campaign that will maybe take five or six hours to get through.
The Order‘s real problem, however, isn’t that it’s short – it’s that it does so very little with the time it has. Narratively, the game is a prologue as opposed to a full-fledged story, concerned only with building to a crescendo that never comes
Well I'm still excited to pick up my Premium Edition of The Order 1886 tomorrow. What, I'm suppose to change my mind based off some stranger's opinion? Nope. I'm way too much of an independent thinker to allow that madness to occur.
I was fairly close to getting fucking fired at work for laughing over this.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....
Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
Unfortunately, both DriveClub and The Order actually hearken back to older times. They feel like experiences one might have had on the PS2 with cutting edge visuals. I actually really like that about them and have enjoyed them quite a bit. They actually almost feel out of place in 2014/2015 in that sense.
I feel kind of sad knowing that these games will be viewed as failures and will likely put a dead stop to this type of design.
Interestingly, I also lump Alien Isolation and The Evil Within in with these games. These are types of experiences I want these days. The Evil Within was shredded as well and suffered from annoying technical faults while Alien has a pretty limited fan base as well. It has occurred to me that I'm not really in line with what's popular these days. :\
Are there really though? I really can't think of 5.
You're acting like Ryse never happened. Funny enough, both these games are likely going to share a similar metacritic score, and both are among the best looking, but also most linear games on their respective consoles lol.
I know I will get trolled for this , but it may be time for Sony to look at replacing Shu . Sony was always known to have great first party exclusives, but this gen we have had knack, killzone. Driveclub which is a great game but launched after multiple delays , and was broke as heck at launch which killed the buzz for the game . Infamous which was beautiful, but scored rather average, and now the order , which appears to be another ryse. If his job is to manage first party games. I would say he has done a poor job overall. In my opinion
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....
Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
Pretty undeserved in my opinion, but this is no a real issue for me (I really enjoyed this game!).
So, except some kids, fanboys (and fangirl) and nintendo, is there someone else who still care/trust in metacritic ?
Ps On N4G, right now it's 75, just to say.
This is terrible for AAA titles. At this rate even Uncharted 4 will not deliver. Very disappointed at Sony exclusives.
Feel sorry for RAD but it looks they had their heads up their buts during development ignoring all the criticism up until this day.
Hopefully it'll come out one day for PS plus. I'll ty it then for sure.
This is terrible for AAA titles. At this rate even Uncharted 4 will not deliver. Very disappointed at Sony exclusives.
Feel sorry for RAD but it looks they had their heads up their buts during development ignoring all the criticism up until this day.
Hopefully it'll come out one day for PS plus. I'll ty it then for sure.
Certainly screams biasThis is pretty fucking unprofessional.
If I were Sony I would be pissed.
TIL an 80 is average.I know I will get trolled for this , but it may be time for Sony to look at replacing Shu . Sony was always known to have great first party exclusives, but this gen we have had knack, killzone. Driveclub which is a great game but launched after multiple delays , and was broke as heck at launch which killed the buzz for the game . Infamous which was beautiful, but scored rather average, and now the order , which appears to be another ryse. If his job is to manage first party games. I would say he has done a poor job overall. In my opinion
We'll see how Sony feels if they stop the advertising blitz. Driveclub was never advertised from the getgo, but I've been seeing consistent commercials for this for awhile.
It's a QTE and cutscene heavy, I assume 7-10 hours long game for $60.
See now that seems harsh to me. Everyone here is free to express their opinion whether serious or jovial, doesn't mean they lack any respect for anything
Oh puh-leaze, if the game had received good scores the haters would've had to endure the same treatment from the other side.
This is terrible for AAA titles. At this rate even Uncharted 4 will not deliver. Very disappointed at Sony exclusives.
Feel sorry for RAD but it looks they had their heads up their buts during development ignoring all the criticism up until this day.
Hopefully it'll come out one day for PS plus. I'll ty it then for sure.
Seriously I love my PS4 but I'm dissapointed in Sony first party games released right now..
At this rate even Uncharted 4 will not deliver.
I'm going to be real honest, I don't know if I can justify a PS4 for one game right now.
It reviewes below Ryse so far. Unthinkable.
Damn dude. Just let it go. Have you played it even?Reading several of the worst reviews they reflect what I expected. Some reviewers still holding on to bad PR statements and using them to fuel their desire for something to be worse than it actually is. The game is far from revolutionary but it is also not a bad game this is pretty pathetic, journalism at its worst.
Looking at the scores of more recent games and then looking at the score the Order received just confirms these scores were set in stone quite a while ago.
It's a QTE and cutscene heavy, I assume 7-10 hours long game for $60.