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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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so I guess we get that Golden Coral-tier steak but can't eat all we want...

the $100 steak they were talking about must have been Uncharted 4 ;p medium rare please Naughty Dog
No, it´s no where near done. And it does not matter if you care about the franchise or not. Millions do. You are in a thread about new IP, enjoy it. As if new IP = good games.

It's done imo and it is what it is. Yes, no one cares what I think neither do I care what others think.

It's a new gen, we want "new experiences" as shown in the review thread with tons of terrible reviews for this game, and yet so far, the only games to give us that are mostly the same franchises we all love and know that we hate at the same time when another sequel comes out. And then we hate that there are no new ip's.
I trust GAF consensus, a large amount of GAFers sharing a common line of thought. I don't trust a handful of GAF impressions, which are basically shorter versions of reviews and have zero accountability for the anonymous poster.

Sure, and I would do the same. In fact, I would go and say I trust the impressions of certain, specific GAFfers above others, as their opinions line up with mine. Which is even more to say, I don't care for reviewers.

It's not confirmation bias. It's not blind hype. I just don't care for reviewers (for a variety of reasons, nothing to do with this game).
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

I was fairly close to getting fucking fired at work for laughing over this.

edit: On a serious note though, it seems like reviewers are continually punishing mechanically trivial games unlike last generation when most AAA games were bland gameplay-wise as well. I like where this is headed.
At the $60 price tag? Hell yeah.

Lower it to $20 and put it on PSN and watch the money/reviews flow.

Until Dawn will probably get better scores than this game. First of all there are plenty of meaningful choices which equals replay value. Interactive games like that seem to be held to a lower standard by critics.


ok wow. I am genuinely surprised. I expected it to be pretty bland in the gameplay department, with amazing graphics, and a by-the-numbers story. I guess it's just barely hitting that :(

damn. I did want to try this too. There's no reason at all to want a game to be bad or fail, because a good game is good for EVERYONE involved. what a shame :(


Pretty undeserved in my opinion, but this is no a real issue for me (I really enjoyed this game!).

So, except some kids, fanboys (and fangirl) and nintendo, is there someone else who still care/trust in metacritic ?

Ps On N4G, right now it's 75, just to say.


Same here. Sony is really dropping the ball when it comes to exclusives so far this gen. What happened since the later years of the ps3? My guess is arrogance. Just for the record I have a ps4.

All of their great studios focused on PS3 swan songs instead of PS4 system sellers and now this is what we get for it. That's why their current tentpoles are games from studios like Supermassive, From, and Ready At Dawn: sure, there are collaborations with their first party studios, but they're not first party games in the truest sense of the word. I really think that SSM Sci-Fi project that got canned too much for looking like Destiny was the huge hole in their lineup. I hope Horizon can fill that hole. Can you imagine if PS4 launched with Puppeteer, The Last of Us, Beyond, and GT6 instead of Knack? I think we would be having an entirely different conversation, and I think there would be no competition with the Xbox One at all.


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

Poor show. Pull yourself together, man.


It´s true.


Just as I expected. This gen's Haze and Lair. Pretty visuals, and nothing else of note.

You're acting like Ryse never happened. Funny enough, both these games are likely going to share a similar metacritic score, and both are among the best looking, but also most linear games on their respective consoles lol.


Yep, not suspired. Shame to see a cool premise and such high production values go to waste because of uninspired, outdated game design.
Bollocks they all were. This is like those posts claiming they were all lying about or wrong about their play times. Maybe the truth is many of us just have different tastes?

I'd love to believe that but I'm sorry, I just don't. You haven't even played it yet, but you've been defending it like it was your child for the past few weeks.


Anyone who watched any amount of time from that 5 hour run of The Order that was posted days ago could see this coming. There were stealth segments where you had to press triangle in a QTE to incapacitate the guy. If you didn't hit it right, you are INSTAKILLED via cutscene. Then you restart five feet from where you died. I mean, that's not exactly a good gameplay mechanic.

Not to mention, where are the werewolves? I saw maybe one when I watched the gameplay footage. The rest of the time is just fighting random goobers with shotguns. I thought this game would be some crazy monster mash shooter where I destroyed werewolves and vampires with electricity rifles.

I don't know, maybe I just didn't see the appeal. I mean the graphics are certainly incredible, but from the videos it seemed like it did nothing interesting.


Ryse got shat on by reviewers and I loved it. I'm sure many people will enjoy this game regardless of what some sites decide to score it. Probably best to wait for some impressions from gaffers if people are very cautious.


Well I'm still excited to pick up my Premium Edition of The Order 1886 tomorrow. What, I'm suppose to change my mind based off some stranger's opinion? Nope. I'm way too much of an independent thinker to allow that madness to occur.


I don't know if independent thinking and spending 160 dollars to preorder a game go hand in hand.


They must not have nailed the story. If the story is mediocre than people won't ignore how simple the game is. So from the reviews I read its a really pretty game, tons of atmosphere but with an average story and a super simple and linear tps design. Which sucks. Personally I expect more out of these types of games now than pick up gun and shoot and now and walk down the next hallway. Exploration, collectibles, rpg elements, new game +, player choices and shit like that.


I know I will get trolled for this , but it may be time for Sony to look at replacing Shu . Sony was always known to have great first party exclusives, but this gen we have had knack, killzone. Driveclub which is a great game but launched after multiple delays , and was broke as heck at launch which killed the buzz for the game . Infamous which was beautiful, but scored rather average, and now the order , which appears to be another ryse. If his job is to manage first party games. I would say he has done a poor job overall. In my opinion


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
So let ma analyze your post:
Titanfall -> Xbox console exclusive
Evolve -> MS co-marketing
Sunset Overdrive -> Xbox One exclusive

The Order: 1886

Final Verdict:
"LOL..... NO RIGHT.... LOL"
Got it!


Completely broken and borderline unplayable games like Halo TMCC (85 metascore) and AC:Unity (70 metascore) have rather high scores, so this getting 5-6s must mean that it sets your PS4 on fire and kills your dog!

That being said, it's disappointing to hear that the story isn't fully realized, but it's just confusing to me that a fully functional, complete and "alright" game gets significantly lower scores than games that flat out do not work.


Guess nobody likes linear story-driven games anymore. Fine by me.

Don't pull a hamstring jumping to those conclusions!

Because that's not what any of this indicates. At all. They under delivered on content and some gameplay freedom.

Not every game should be non-story driven open world.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Why do you think this happens particularly with Sony exclusives? I've seen this sentiment lobbied a few times, and it generally sounds like a persecution complex more than anything.
Unfortunately, both DriveClub and The Order actually hearken back to older times. They feel like experiences one might have had on the PS2 with cutting edge visuals. I actually really like that about them and have enjoyed them quite a bit. They actually almost feel out of place in 2014/2015 in that sense.

I feel kind of sad knowing that these games will be viewed as failures and will likely put a dead stop to this type of design.

Interestingly, I also lump Alien Isolation and The Evil Within in with these games. These are types of experiences I want these days. The Evil Within was shredded as well and suffered from annoying technical faults while Alien has a pretty limited fan base as well. It has occurred to me that I'm not really in line with what's popular these days. :\


So, around 6-7. I expected considering Ryse's reception. Anyway, I like this kind of games, I'm buying it when I get a PS4.

Same, enjoyed Ryse for the experience, although the gameplay was shallow and repetitive.

Going to hold out a bit, I'd like to grab it when the bottom falls out on the Collector's Edition on Amazon, still want that Galahad statue.
From the Metro review

Your opponents have almost no artificial intelligence and spend most of their time just popping in and out of cover. In your first encounter the game talks about ‘incapacitating’ the rebels, which we thought meant shooting them in the legs or otherwise disarming them. But it doesn’t. Shooting them in the leg causes them to hop about a bit, acknowledging where you’ve hit them, but two shots in any limb – or even just the hand – and they’ll just drop dead. You know, exactly the way it doesn’t work in real life.

I guess that is what reviewers mean when they are talking about outdated gameplay.


This is pretty much everything I expected. Middling scores with claims that there's potential to be capitalised on should a sequel be made.


Now it's bloodborne's turn next to get eviscerated. Even though that i think will be a great game, it will be destroyed just for the sake of being too similar to the other souls games i think
nah, i doubt that, 8-9s mostly for bloodborne imho

and not this is not a fanboy opinion, don't have a ps4 and never played a souls game, just feels like a game reviewers will like
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