Don't spout shit that the PS4's output is bad and then pretend the XB1 is in a much better position.
It is....
Don't spout shit that the PS4's output is bad and then pretend the XB1 is in a much better position.
Please don't do that. Dont give credence to this silliness that is metacritic.![]()
Ratchet and Clank is a heavy hitter now?
I mean on the upside we know RAD is capable of games with good gameplay, they have in the past. And we know that having the engine in place means the next game if they are smart and want to can really focus on expanding the foundation they have in place for the gameplay and making into something compelling to play too.
Let's just hope Sony's anger at the low scores The Order is getting and consumers reaction to seeing these scores (pre-orders cancelled) won't mean Ready at Dawn is doomed to be unable to ever get a second shot at it.
On top of that, all the production value is wasted on a mediocre story with bland characters. Many reviews are calling the game boring in all phases.
Have you just come into this thread to shit things up even more?Is that really a proper excuse when your competitor isn't having the same problem?
Its "cool" to hate Sony exclusives. Oh well... getting it anyway. They are all wrong about Driveclub anyway.
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.
EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
It is....
I hope you all realise what happened here. All the good Sony exclusives this gen were put on Vita. Then when you all didn't buy them Sony just decided "Fuck you guys. You want some exclusives on PS4 instead? Here you go. Take these, FUCKERS. Those of you that bought our great Vita games, thanks. Sorry we cant make more good exclusives for you. But don't feel bad. We've given you more quality than we'll ever give our other platform. Thank you Vita fans. Fuck all you non Vita fans."
Personally I cant blame Sony one bit. You did this to yourselves.
Its "cool" to hate Sony exclusives. Oh well... getting it anyway. They are all wrong about Driveclub anyway.
RYSE is bigger, longer, has less repetitive sections, better story, better story telling and not filled to the brim with cutscenes... Don't bring RYSE down to this games level.
Oh it also had Multiplayer and was a launch title.
How many of those million still own the game?
I hope you all realise what happened here. All the good Sony exclusives this gen were put on Vita. Then when you all didn't buy them Sony just decided "Fuck you guys. You want some exclusives on PS4 instead? Here you go. Take these, FUCKERS. Those of you that bought our great Vita games, thanks. Sorry we cant make more good exclusives for you. But don't feel bad. We've given you more quality than we'll ever give our other platform. Thank you Vita fans. Fuck all you non Vita fans."
Personally I cant blame Sony one bit. You did this to yourselves.
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.
EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
Kirby is indie? Wat.
Its "cool" to hate Sony exclusives. Oh well... getting it anyway. They are all wrong about Driveclub anyway.
It is....
Thanks for the smart reply. Too bad I'm not talking about -2 but wider ranges.
Oh well next time I'll remember not to waste my time in these threads
Yep, I agree.
It doesn't change the fact that what Gestault wrote is simply not true.
The Order is better received critically than Ryse by 6 points right now.
What a sad fucking thread full of people who haven't got the slightest interest in playing the game.
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.
EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
Have you just come into this thread to shit things up even more?
It is....
Its "cool" to hate Sony exclusives.
Oh man, such a disappointment. Could have been a super cool premise but just completely ruined by creator hubris. I guess some people still need to learn that you still need interesting gameplay and can't sell a game on graphics and cinematics alone. Oh wait, people still pre-ordered this game. Ah well. Maybe next year...
This was their chance to prove themselves. Sony obviously had faith in them for undertaking a AAA new IP of their own. It seems to me that they blew it. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last we see of The Order.Well if you're playing the mitigation game, RaD are a PSP developer and porting house who have only previously worked on other peoples' IPs. So tbh I'd have pretty low expectations of them vs other, more established teams within Sony.
Don't spout shit that the PS4's output is bad and then pretend the XB1 is in a much better position.
High effort Ratchet games always do well. Series is amazing.Ratchet and Clank is a heavy hitter now?
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.
EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
I think it would have probably been worse if this game reviewed well. People seemed to get that this game isn't for every one.
But it isn't. Try again. They are equal so far this gen
I hold Sony's first party to a higher standard, and The Order seems to fail to meet that standard in every regard except graphics.
Don't spout shit that the PS4's output is bad and then pretend the XB1 is in a much better position.
It is....
Comparing this game to Gears is just laughable. Gears is likely the tightest TPS I've ever played, and many would agree there. The campaigns always had a focus on good gameplay situations as opposed to cinematic exposition. This is a big part of why conversation in Gears is almost always happening in the background as the player explores or is in combat. The game never forcefully shoves you out of the situation to do a small thing to advance the plot.It was a cutscene/convo heavy, graphical showpiece with a focus on story with various "press y to view awesome event" moments. It was most certainly cinematic. I don't think it's healthy for people to automatically see the word "cinematic" and think bad gameplay.
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.
EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
I picked it up for $20, it takes a bit to get going but it's fun. I'm surprised by the scores for this game though, but the impressions from users here prove that people can have fun with the Order.Remember that time everyone loved Ryse?
while I still think MS Xbox exclusives are destroying Sony so far, this was one of the few I was jealous of not getting Here's hoping Bloodborne lives to the hype. I may just watch a walkthrough of this game