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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Just watched Giant Bombs quick look
Fuck QTEs



Not to sound like a dick, but I don't know how RaD expected anything different in today's gaming climate.

Releasing a 6 hour game, half of which is cut-scenes, with no replayability?

Setting yourself up for failure, IMO.

I don't get this either... why not include some quality weapon upgrade / item crafting systems... and carry that into a good New Game + mode. Unlockable costumes, hell, customizable costumes! Would be cool if all cutscenes are real time and you see your custom costume in use..

There are so many fairly simple ways they could have guaranteed people would want to play through the game at least twice...
As a Ps4 owner without an XB1, how can you deny this at this point? I still have confidence Sony will get back on track but right now XB1 has stuff like Titanfall and SUnset Overdrive and Sony does not have games on that level.

Titanfall isn't an exclusive and sunset overdrive got the exact same scores as Infamous.


They took what, 5 years to do The Order? Another 2-5 years for another... I doubt it gets the funding personally after this.

I mean they will if The Order sells well. My fear for them is that these unreservedly mediocre scores really shout out loud that there is no rush to get this game; people can take their time. Maybe rent it or something. These are really catastrophic scores for a AAA game, and publishers seem convinced such things impact sales. I guess this is a test for that theory.
What did they show you? The box? ;-)
Something like that.

On a serious note, some tech demos, images, a lot of things described to me that sounded wonderful, and some trailers. For example this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=976472

Saw it a while back. Look at the responses in that thread. Exactly how I did. In any case, I already said a while back that I was certain the game would review less than positively. It didn't change how I felt :)
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap



Disappointing scores overall, but I'll pick it up sometime when it is cheaper; mainly to gawp at the graphics, but I am sure I'll enjoy it as well.
Never really been one to let the opinions of about 15-30 industry individuals dictate my purchases. I don't have to be critical of games like they do, just enjoy it for what it is. When I get this game I know it'll be a pretty looking generic TPS with an interesting story and that's all I need.


It doesn't change the fact that what Gestault wrote is simply not true.

The Order is better received critically than Ryse by 6 points right now.

Do You really think that this means that game is better, even slightly better? Because of 6 points on some pointless average scale?


Shu is not having a good run right now with the PS4 games he has greenlit. He needs a win with Bloodborne.

Knowing how good the God of War PSP games are I am disappointed. I know they can make a great game but it feels like they lost their way with The Order.

Big difference between building off of someone else's greatness and coming up with your own.


It is....

I disagree. The sheer disappointment I experienced when I had an Xbox One was the reason I sold it after less than a year, and since then it has provided nothing of interest to entice me back, with it's release schedule for this year looking truly dire imo.

XB1 exclusives selling so badly and the console lagging so far behind it's nearest direct competitor in sales isn't happening for nothing you know.

But I digress... Xbox isn't really the subject of the thread. For some of us at least.


It doesn't change the fact that what Gestault wrote is simply not true.

The Order is better received critically than Ryse by 6 points right now.

Man oh man, if there was ever a point to pull the ripcord and enjoy what you enjoy now is that time. You will never win, it will be a slow painful death, post, by post, by post.


And on top of that review after review goes on and on about how the story is a complete joke. How are you going to make a cinematic game in which the cinematic elements blow balls because the plot sucks and nobody wants to watch it 'cause of that?

What a beautiful game in which every other element is ugly it seems :/

It's because videogame writers and developers vastly overestimate their skill to tell a good story.


This thread is delivering in spades, please continue
You're saying The Order isn't a technical marvel? Have you ever worked on a game before ?

Yeah, I don't see this warranting a sequel. Since when do new IP's get a pass for laying the groundwork for a somehow miraculously better sequel that might come years down the line?

Remember when new IP's were not only much more commonplace but also good when they released? What a strange climate we're in where new IP's are so few and far between that we have to give mediocre/shitty games a pass simply for not being sequels.

Wishful after today's reviews. we'll see how it sells i guess.

Reviews don't dictate how well a game will sell. In this day and age they are only hate/fanboy fuel on message boards.
See destiny, watch dogs, ...


Unconfirmed Member
As a Ps4 owner without an XB1, how can you deny this at this point? I still have confidence Sony will get back on track but right now XB1 has stuff like Titanfall and SUnset Overdrive and Sony does not have games on that level.

I own both consoles and I'd say PS4 has had the better output so far, if only for the sheer breadth of games released. Sunset Overdrive is fantastic, and probably the standard for new-gen IPs so far, but I've also had loads of fun with Driveclub and inFamous. Honestly though, I prefer PS4 because I get to play things like Grim Fandango, Rogue Legacy and the dozens of other games that won't ever see light on Xbox. First-party and bigger releases are a more contentious subject, and largely come down to opinion, but no one can deny that the PS4 has the more varied and eclectic library.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Most unfortunate, seems they weren't showing much of the gameplay for so long for good reason. Expected more from RAD.
I've learned to grow weary for whenever demos, commentated or not focus more on visuals than actual gameplay.
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
Thread redeemed for this.
I'm scratching my head at the scores and how they don't seem to resemble the summaries most of the time. Just reading the snippets makes it sound right up my alley actually.

Can't wait to get my collectors edition Monday. (Amazon pushed back my delivery date)
Knew the game would be bad the moment they said they said the story was their main focus but I expected every review site to praise it as groundbreaking or some shit anyway lmao.

My problem isnt that story is the main focus, its the everything ive heard about the story paints it as terrible/cliche/dumb.

So idk what id be playing it for.


It was a cutscene/convo heavy, graphical showpiece with a focus on story with various "press y to view awesome event" moments. It was most certainly cinematic. I don't think it's healthy for people to automatically see the word "cinematic" and think bad gameplay.
It sounds form reviews like the game play is lacking. Not bad, necessarily. Hardly any enemy variety is a major ball dropped in a game like this when so much of your time is spent watching this thing. It should be doing its best to entertain you on both fronts. Sounds like that won't be the case for me when I get around to it.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

Wow, is this real life or fanta sea.gif?! At least this thread delivers!


I'm not really a sucker for serious third person shooters (more a RF Guerilla / Just Cause kind of guy) but I'm interested enough to pick up TO during a sale for a few hours of casual entertainment.
I'm also not a Souls fan so I'm banking a lot on The Witcher 3. :)


This is way worse than expected. I think even Ryse had better scores.

Ryse scored even lower, and I can't imagine this game being worse than Ryse. Combat mechanics look better from what I've seen, based on the amount of Ryse I've played. Ryse got kinda boring after 2 hours, but the visuals and plot (lol) are what's keeping me invested in the game. Metacritic average is definitely rough though for The Order, but I think I'll still enjoy the game, will find out tomorrow.


What I don´t get is why they didn´t take any of the criticism from the various hands on events into account while still in development.

The negatives in the reviews are exactly the same I´ve been hearing about for the past year or so.

It´s also the same experience I had over half a year ago.



Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

This has the capacity to be this generation's "Square just shot themselves in the foot..."


It's because videogame writers and developers vastly overestimate their skill to tell a good story.

I've been saying that forever! <3

That's where I really want to see a new dawn of innovation in... game writing. It's in an apocalyptic state right now sadly. If so many developers are going to focus on cinematic/narrative driven titles, then it's time to go through a writing boot camp.


Based on what? He plays on PS and XB, and posts threads about both platforms' exclusives and news

I guess towards the 'bland' AAA-side of the industry I guess, seems to be overenthusiastic about that kind of stuff. Never really see him in indie or PC threads, usually what he's playing up is the next big homogenous AAA extravaganza that we've seen again and again, so you can't really blame him if you follow his hype into yet another one of these things.


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
Do people actually believe this?
Read first 2 reviews.. was like .. holy shit.. kept scrolling down.. was like awww holy shit. :-(

Thats not good. I'm sure I'll still love it.


Man those reviews are harsh! The IGN one really caught me off guard. I think I'm gonna let me pre-order ride and try the game for myself at this point, with much lower expectations.

I feel the game has just been to polarizing for me to pass up.

Besides apparently it will only take me about 7-8 to beat it!


I don't get this either... why not include some quality weapon upgrade / item crafting systems... and carry that into a good New Game + mode. Unlockable costumes, hell, customizable costumes! Would be cool if all cutscenes are real time and you see your custom costume in use..

There are so many fairly simple ways they could have guaranteed people would want to play through the game at least twice...

Yep, as I've said in other threads- This is a game that will see aggressive price cuts and a flood of used copies on the market. I'll check back in two months and this game will be around 20 dollars. I'll pick it up then.
while I still think MS Xbox exclusives are destroying Sony so far, this was one of the few I was jealous of not getting Here's hoping Bloodborne lives to the hype. I may just watch a walkthrough of this game

In which reality does the Xbox exclusives are destroying Sony lol? They're about equally bad.


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

ayy lmao


Gold Member
Sony and Ps4 continue their quest looking for a truly great exclusive.

This one is specially dissapointing because at one point it looked like one of the most interesting new IP's for this new console gen, a game with so much potential it was even one of the titles that got my hyped about the Ps4.

Oh well, at least with such a low score, short lenght and little replay value I see this dropping in price fairly quickly. I'm still interested in trying it out, but at a far lower price


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

that's some serious reaching


This is my conclusion btw:

If you're not interested in a cinematic third-person shooter, then this game is probably not for you. With an average playing time of eight to ten hours, this is a game that only fans of the cinematic approach will appreciate. The story is a double edged sword. The way they tell it is impressive, but the story itself has a lot of inconsistencies and is only really good as a foundation for a potential sequel. The gameplay is standard third-person shooter stuff with a noticeable lack of challenge and a few minor faults like a disappointing melee system and a few animations (such as rolling) you can only use when the game wants you to. In terms of presentation, it is a clear winner. Far above all other games. It is an aspect that rightly deserves praise and hopefully it will encourage other developers to reach a similar level of detail. It makes the future of this generation look promising. As a whole, The Order 1886 is definitely worth playing and it turns out to be a nice introduction to a franchise we hope will have a bright future ahead of it. However, this game is not without its faults and we simple cannot deny the fact this game is a bit light on the content side. It is obvious this game has paid a heavy price to reach the immensely high production values. It is up to the player to decide whether it was worth it.



Those reviews are brutal. Pretty much what I expected though. The game has given me shady vibes, so this is not surprising.


Scored a bit lower than I expected but I'm still getting it tomorrow. I ended up liking Knack as well so I guess we'll see.
Gears was cinematic? I guess I never think of it that way. I enjoyed the shit out of the game play, though. The feedback from shooting enemies has yet to be out done to me in a TPS.

I think you have to look at as very cinematic for its time, I felt that Gears was certainly a step up in terms of its cinematic nature, presentation for a game that released in 2006. Im not saying its story was good or anything like that but its style and success has certainly had a lasting effect in subsequent games I think.
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