Lol Tetsuo got another group of people.
Those reviews are much lower than what I was expecting :/
Those reviews are much lower than what I was expecting :/
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I don't care about this game at all to be honest, does it even have cute girls?
Hmm...I've got a $10 BB cert that I have to use by Saturday.
Should I go ahead and get the Order or Pre-Order Bloodborne? Decisions, decisions...
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I'm crying lmao.I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Wait a minute, you have a solid opinion on a game you haven't even played?I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Would the reviews be 8/9/10 if the game was priced at $29?
From what I'm getting it looks like a Telltale game with actual gameplay a weaker story and not broken at all.
but those 10$ go poof.
This is sad to see. I cancelled my preorder as well but I still going to buy it. Just going to wait for the $30 price point before I do.
Still looks amazing though.
How do you explain Dragon Age: Inquisition scoring higher (89) than the PC and Xbox One versions (86)?Another variation of the "Sony games get a -2" disadvantage. This thread continues to deliver.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
It is....
Holy shit please be real. Thread delivered in spades.I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I think it was Blood, I always like his opinions.
I think he approached it with as much of an open mind as possible
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
I'm feeling a 9.
Ign 9/10
I expect good scores
You can't preorder with gift certificates. has already been made of The Order's running time - I clocked it in around 7 hours - though, regardless of the length, corners have clearly been cut and there's heavy padding. The locations, while dazzling, feel stunted: you bounce between Whitechapel and Mayfair, with backdrops often repeating and a lack of authentic landmarks that would help sell this vision of London (Hawksmoor fans will walk away empty-handed and disappointed). More damningly, entire set-pieces are echoed verbatim. An encounter against a small mob of lycans loops three times throughout the course of the campaign, while one QTE-fuelled fight midway through the game returns again at the end to make a limp climax.
Absolutely not. At least that's not what I am reading.
Critics don't like big AAA linear story-focused games (Ryse, The Order, ...), and they usually like multi-centric arena games (TitanFall, Evolve, ...) and love collect-a-thon open world fedex games (SoM,AC,DA,...).
This really is a trend that I have seen more and more clearly, in the press and among players alike. Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend. I fear this may actually sign the slow decay of those kind of games, especially if reviews end up reflecting on sales.
How The Order will chart will be quite interesting to see, and may have huge consequences on the kind of AAA games will get in the future.
I don't even know who that is
MLB 14 83
Infamous SS 80
LBP 3 79
Killzone Shadowfall 73
Driveclub 71
The Order 66
Knack 54
Average 72
Forza Horizon 2 86
Sunset Overdrive 81
Forza Motorsport 5 79
Dead Rising 3 78
Zoo Tycoon 68
Ryse: Son of Rome 61
Kinect Sports Rivals 60
Average 73
Kotaku: "The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one.
whoo boy.
Hmm...I've got a $10 BB cert that I have to use by Saturday.
Should I go ahead and get the Order or Pre-Order Bloodborne? Decisions, decisions...
How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.
I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.
How do you explain Dragon Age: Inquisition scoring higher (89) than the PC and Xbox One versions (86)?
The Order is at least 18% better than Knack based off of Metacritic scores (I suck at math)
You can't possibly be expecting to be taken seriously when :
1) You haven't played the game yet;2) The year has just begun and the heavy-hitters are yet to be released.
I can understand opinions and that some might like this game to death (or hate it to death also) but come on some of you, show some sort of common sense when posting.
Your goty but you have not played it yet? You are a marketeers dream.
Hook line and sinker.GOTY for a game you haven't played yet, haha.
This thread just keeps getting better.
TBH I "trust" reviews way more than I trust user impressions. We already have GAFFERS declaring this game their GOTY while waiting for their copy to ship...
No it isn't, they are both in the same situation.
But it isn't. Try again. They are equal so far this gen
Holy shit please be real. Thread delivered in spades.
Based on what?
I own a PS4, and I'd be lying if I said that XBone hasn't had the better exclusives- By a country mile.
I mean they will if The Order sells well. My fear for them is that these unreservedly mediocre scores really shout out loud that there is no rush to get this game; people can take their time. Maybe rent it or something. These are really catastrophic scores for a AAA game, and publishers seem convinced such things impact sales. I guess this is a test for that theory.
To be fair, what was driveclub and what is now is like sun and moon. The game really needs to be reviewed, because its a solid 8.5/9 now.
It's a really surprise that RaD screwed so hard with this game. They even had help from Santa Monica Studios, so literally 2 devs worked in this game, what the hell happened?
And yeah, Sony needs to stop being so soft with their 1st party and funded thirds.
No one wins when Knack is used as some sort of measuring stick.