Based on what?
I own a PS4, and I'd be lying if I said that XBone hasn't had the better exclusives- By a country mile.
As a PS4 owner myself, I concur (though maybe ot "by a country mile"), neither outputs are stellar really.
This wasn't necessarily true before FH2 and Sunset Overdrive, but the XBO has those.
Good or better PS4 AAA exclusives: Infamous 2nd Son (+ First Light), Driveclub (now), TLOU (remaster), MLB 14 (with some online issues I read)
Average PS4 AAA exclusives: Killzone SF, Little Big Planet 3
Mediocre at best PS4 AAA exclusives: Knack, The Order 1886 (or so it seems, might be average when all is said and done)
Good or better XB1 AAA exclusives: Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall (also on PC)
Average XB1 AAA Exclusives: Halo MCC (remaster - should definitely be "good" once all fixed or so I read), Dead Rising 3 (also on PC), Fantasia Music Evovled
Mediocre at best XB1 AAA Exclusives: Ryse (also on PC), Kinect Sports Rivals
The saving grace of the PS4 imo (for now, the future looks quite a bit brighter) are the indies like Transistor, the F2Ps like War Thunder (and MMO with FF XIV), and ironically that its exclusives are not "also on PC" for many.
Now about The Order, it looks like fears are mostly confirmed and that it is the "Ryse of the PS4". I honestly don't care "when" it releases (whether it's 15 months late or whatever), I just think that both RAD and Sony should have had more ambition than that for the title.
Might buy later at a discounted price, as the audiovisual presentation and atmosphere look to be pretty amazing.