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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Would the reviews be 8/9/10 if the game was priced at $29?

From what I'm getting it looks like a Telltale game with actual gameplay a weaker story and not broken at all.


RYSE is bigger, longer, has less repetitive sections, better story, better story telling and not filled to the brim with cutscenes... Don't bring RYSE down to this games level.

Ryse is unbelievably repetitive, shit gets old REAL quick. I honestly think it will be hard for The Order to be more repetitive, just can't see it. Time to beat the game also appears to be on-par between the games.

Would the reviews be 8/9/10 if the game was priced at $29?

From what I'm getting it looks like a Telltale game with actual gameplay a weaker story and not broken at all.

I doubt it, seems reviewers have real gripes with it mechanically. Doubt a lower price would change anyone's opinion.


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Would you go as far as saying The Order is gaming's Citizen Kane for how it perfectly blends cinema and video games?
I've read the reviews and I'm now more determined than ever this game is for me. Bad reviews from self proclaimed "RPG enthusiasts" and people who hate games trying to "emulate the Silver Screen". Bah

I feel so sorry for RAD at this point, I feel we live in a world of twitch gaming, hyper connectivity, endless customization options and collect-a-thons. It seems a game with such a singular focus just can't survive the media these days.

I know this game will be right up my alley.... looking forward to the spectacle.

Go get 'em tiger!
Based on what?

I own a PS4, and I'd be lying if I said that XBone hasn't had the better exclusives- By a country mile.

Well i feel bad for you if you only own a PS4 because I don't. . Sunset Overdrive was cute and fun. But Forza, Halo are the same franchises that have existed for a while. Then you have Titanfall which was ok imo. Country mile is subjective. Off all the exclusives I like from XBL Sunset Overdrive is literally the only one.

Of all the Sony ones that have came out... I only have Infamous and haven't played it yet.

But The Order despite bad reviews stil looks good to me. Bloodborne is not my league but others are hype for it. Persona 5 is going to slay my life. Uncharted 4 I know will be good.

Same with Xbox exclusives like Quantum Break which I'm hoping is good. I don't like the Alan wake episode thing they are going for but it looks interesting and they have some indies that I'm into like below and stuff.

At this early stage, they are very equal. Nothing has jumped out to be 10/10's yet.


Sony's marketing tactic and the media leading up to this game's release were so remarkably fitting for a middling game, that it seemed too obvious. I totally expected to be eating crow after the reviews released.



You know, while Transistor is a marvellous game on any of it's platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4), if you took a step away from having to decided what is the "winner" and "loser" of your arbitrary consumer device match up, you may find that the developer and creators behind the game are the ones to be celebrated

You don't have to tell me. Supergiant Games are probably my favorite devs right now: I like both of their games a lot. Will give my full consideration to any project they create.


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.



I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Pure gold


I've been saying that forever! <3

That's where I really want to see a new dawn of innovation in... game writing. It's in an apocalyptic state right now sadly. If so many developers are going to focus on cinematic/narrative driven titles, then it's time to go through a writing boot camp.

This. I have no issue with games that focus more on story - I very much welcome them, in fact. But the story has to really be something special.

I really hope The Last of Us doesn't go untouched in this regard in the coming years. It seems to be the new gold standard nobody else can reach at the moment.


Gold Member
Is the story even good after all this?

The Jim Sterling reviews says there are interesting ideas here and there but that the biggest problem is that it feels like a prologue to a bigger story.

Apparently, right as the story starts to get truly interesting the game just ends
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Did you just say a game you dont have is the best game youve played this year?
And on top of that review after review goes on and on about how the story is a complete joke. How are you going to make a cinematic game in which the cinematic elements blow balls because the plot sucks and nobody wants to watch it 'cause of that?

This is the biggest knock against it for me personally. I was totally prepared to enjoy this game like a Heavy Rain experience and be taken on a cinematic ride. I was totally prepared for the combat to be nothing special though hopefully engaging. But that was all on the condition that the story be really good. Almost everything about the game, even by the RAD's own admission, seems in service of creating a rich cinematic experience to tell a compelling story, so that part more than anything needed to be nailed or else it's not justified. Not in this medium at least.


Hmm...I've got a $10 BB cert that I have to use by Saturday.

Should I go ahead and get the Order or Pre-Order Bloodborne? Decisions, decisions...

I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

I love GAF.


The PS4's Ryse. Oh well. If it were not for exclusivity a whole lot of people would not have wasted a ton of time defending/trashing this game over the past weeks.


I've been saying that forever! <3

That's where I really want to see a new dawn of innovation in... game writing. It's in an apocalyptic state right now sadly. If so many developers are going to focus on cinematic/narrative driven titles, then it's time to go through a writing boot camp.

It's pretty damn hard. Not the script, the execution of it in the context of a "video game". If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. The best? A MGS once in a blue moon. Naughty Dog games. Halo in its heyday. With a few other exceptions everything else falls into mediocrity and crap. It's not easy. It's easier to fall back into proven genre's of "gameplay first" that have been proven to death. Got Dragon Age Inquisition yesterday and I am trading it in 40 mins into the game. Tired of that and it's a damn GOTY for many. Actually easier to fall back on proven genres and reiterate on that than trying to take on the task of story-telling at a very grounded level. Look at studios like DICE how they have struggled....masters at gameplay, suck at story-telling after numerous iterations.

The script is not necessarily the issue.
Based off the hour and change I had with it yesterday, I can agree and disagree with some of these reviews.

The graphics are jaw dropping, the lighting in this game is sick, I feel like it isn't until it is in your hands your like holy crap I'm playing this. But there is a price to pay. Black Bars + the games HUD + camera being just a few inches to close make it feel like I have only so much space to work with, even when playing this on a 50in TV.

I'm actually digging the story so far, maybe because I'm into all that weird stuff, but if it gets dumb I won't be happy camper. I'll have to play more to get a better feel of it.


Now we are comparing the exclusives of PS4/X1... AGAIN? *Sigh*

What's so difficult at deciding if a game is for you?
Ignore the scores; read the reviews, moreso read user impressions; watch gameplay videos; consider potential technical problems

TBH I "trust" reviews way more than I trust user impressions. We already have GAFFERS declaring this game their GOTY while waiting for their copy to ship...

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Hmmm, damn: I was hoping it was a brilliant game hiding behind a stormy leadup...but it sounds like it could be a purchase once on sale one for me now.

Definitely keen to give it a burl though, I love me some historic fiction and don't mind QTEs/Long cutscenes if done right.


Another variation of the "Sony games get a -2" disadvantage. This thread continues to deliver.

Absolutely not. At least that's not what I am reading.

Critics don't like big AAA linear story-focused games (Ryse, The Order, ...), and they usually like multi-centric arena games (TitanFall, Evolve, ...) and love collect-a-thon open world fedex games (SoM,AC,DA,...).

This really is a trend that I have seen more and more clearly, in the press and among players alike. Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend. I fear this may actually sign the slow decay of those kind of games, especially if reviews end up reflecting on sales.

How The Order will chart will be quite interesting to see, and may have huge consequences on the kind of AAA games will get in the future.
I doubt it, seems reviewers have real gripes with it mechanically. Doubt a lower price would change anyone's opinion.

So it would have been better off to rip out all gameplay and just have QTE do you(or anyone) think and make it more of a Quantic Dream type experience?


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Is this real or are people just trying to out-do the "Sony games start at a -2 disadvantage" guy?


could never
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.


Amazing job if sarcasm.

nel e nel

Jimquisiton: 6.5/10

Open-world games aren't going anywhere, and I don't want them to, but The Order is proof that there's still a place for linear, cinematic gaming experiences. It may look like a modern game, but The Order is a throwback to some of the best releases from the PlayStation 2: games that didn&#8217;t need a massive world to tell a cool story. It turns out I really missed that.

This quote is actually from the Verge review, not Jimquisition.

I'm still interested in buying the game, but I don't see a need to buy it at full price from the things I'm hearing. I haven't rented a game in years, but maybe I will make an exception for this. Does Redbox stock current-gen games? edit: nm, yes they do


When has sony used an IP for a loss leader at release? Is this game not 60 dollars? What are you talking about?

If they gave away this game for free, at launch, on like ps+ or something...sure. But this is a fully priced product. And "tends to get -2" handicap? What?
Loss leader probably is not the correct term since they do need to make back their investment. Subsidize shrinking genres maybe?

More a observation in general of how Sony isn't doing those AAA, bombastic games that sell 10 million units (although I'm sure they like to). I mean, isn't TLOU/GOW more the exception and games like Twisted Metal, Socom, Resistance FOM, MAG more the norm?

I've always felt Sony tends to narrowly produce narrower genre games to certain segments that they appeal to, and if they're good enough they take off on their own legs and word of mouth. Anytime they activy try to fund and push "the next big thing", its been a flop (not inherent to them).

This has less to do with The Order per say, which does sound like a hot mess. But just an observation I've contemplated on Sonys choice in the breath of genres it pushes, even ones falling out of style.

I also agree with a previous posted that maybe just gamers have moved on and expect different things than older gamers.


It'll be interesting to see how this performs sales-wise.

RAD are going to have to make massive wholesale changes in the sequel. They can't just have it SP only. Maybe have Co-op throughout the campaign.

If there is ever a sequel.

how many not shovelware 5/6 games had a sequel?
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