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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Never really been one to let the opinions of about 15-30 industry individuals dictate my purchases. I don't have to be critical of games like they do, just enjoy it for what it is. When I get this game I know it'll be a pretty looking generic TPS with an interesting story and that's all I need.

Same here. I remember when Heavenly Sword was first released, reviewers complained about the same things, too short, QTEs etc. but in my personal opinion it was actually pretty good game and I actually enjoyed playing it.

Im definitely going to buy The Order tomorrow and if worst comes to worst, Im sure its not going to be as bad as my last purchase ( Unity )


I know this may sound strange but works of art which are universally praised kinda rubs me up the wrong way I mean pleasing everyone is a bit weird right!I Know I'm grasping at straws here but respect to RAS for creating a piece of ar. That's so polarizing and maybe that's how it should be done
I can't even...


Disappointed really but still have it pre-ordered and installing now, should have never taken the risk with it really. I imagine I'll still enjoy it regardless of most of the reviews but it is pretty damning to see everyone comment on the length and comments on it being repetitive, and not fighting enough werewolves for a game based around werewolves. It's the whole thing I was sold on from the reveal at E3 and they're hardly in the game?! Lame as fuck.


Absolutely not. At least that's not what I am reading.

Critics don't like big AAA linear story-focused games (Ryse, The Order, ...), and they usually like multi-centric arena games (TitanFall, Evolve, ...) and love collect-a-thon open world fedex games (SoM,AC,DA,...).

This really is a trend that I have seen more and more clearly, in the press and among players alike. Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend. I fear this may actually sign the slow decay of those kind of games, especially if reviews end up reflecting on sales.

How The Order will chart will be quite interesting to see, and may have huge consequences on the kind of AAA games will get in the future.
Can we stop with this? Critics loved TLOU.
Shu is not having a good run right now with the PS4 games he has greenlit. He needs a win with Bloodborne.

Knowing how good the God of War PSP games are I am disappointed. I know they can make a great game but it feels like they lost their way with The Order.

Shu made some wrong bets early this generation. Like releasing PS3 only games during the PS4 launch, which hampered their sales (GT6 did 5x lower than GT5 in the UK) and of course PS4 ended up with exclusive droughts. The amount of exclusives so far has been historically low, even the "no game" PS3 had more by February 2008. On top of that, the greenlit games have been getting mediocre scores.

Not happy with Sony's output this gen at all, it's been awful.
I got no idea, I haven't played it yet myself. I heard the gunplay had some meat to it, so the Telltale/Quantic Dream comparisons never really made since to me. It sounds like gameplay is in there. Till I see for myself I can't really judge whether it would have been better served to remove the gameplay, my initial assumption however would be no. I like Telltale/Quantic Dream's games as well, but I don't think that would have improved people's opinion on this game. Hell might have made the reception even worse.
Was not really aimed at you just in general trying to start a conversation. Seems clear that RAD was trying hard TT/QD game but got what on for having gameplay and price.

I think it's good people are experimenting with video games and am just curious to see what sticks. Personally, the game went from off my radar to on it when really cheap because it is what it is.


Add Uncharted to that list as well

Exactly. They are SP games first and foremost, advertised as such and they have score pretty damn well, why is that ? Maybe, just maybe it could related to actual quality.

Ready at Dawn made a gamble that did not really pay off, that is to put the emphasis on style rather than substance.


Calling Ryse "story driven" to fit this "they hate story driven AAA games" agenda doesn't seem correct. It's going for a cinematic look, sure but for the most part it's like a lot of games, levels book ended with a few minutes of cinematics.
It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.


both equally meh.
Sounds about right, this gen is just meh.

Agreed. Reviewers are being a lot harsher on exclusives these days. There are some I don't agree with, but it's probably a better trend than some of the merciless shilling that went on during the previous gen.
Both consoles only have 7 games? What a shit gen.

Wasn't there a recent Bombcast when an emailer counted FIVE PS4 exclusives in 2014, 2 of which were Infamous and First Light?

I had a friend over to check out the PS4. Told him it'll probably he a couple of years before there are enough exclusive games to be worth it for him (a former core gamer now too busy with real life responsibilities).


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Now I can't really wait to play it.


Not really surprised here unfortunately. Not sure what they were thinking with this one. I saw they were making a shooter and got excited because of their combat experience. I thought we'd get a unique title that blends great shooting and hack n slash. Then they showed footage. Cover shooter mechanics with chest high walls. qte Combat everywhere. I'm like well at least it could be gears like. It's multiple characters and there are supernatural elements that'd make for a great co op or competitive experience. Oh it's only sp? Well then maybe it delivers on an awesome sp campaign like uncharted 2 or even the latest wolfenstein. And uh no. Wasted opportunity. Don't know who the demo for this game is. It's not cinematic in the sense of quantic dreams games. It lacks the quality and overall package of an uncharted
which is fine cause Sony already has that locked up
.Im just confused by this title in so many ways. I hope it doesn't spell doom for ready at dawn.


RAD did all the development on this game. It has been stated multiple times that Santa Monica didn't do anything related to the development of the game.

The freedom Sony gives to studios in development is arguably a *very* good thing. You often get very creative and original titles out of such freedom. However, you also have to accept that not everything will work or turn out to be a critical success.

I think Knack wins.

why the Santa Monica logo at the start of the game? just related to publishing stuff?


I think the problem is amplified in AAA games, in which writing takes a backseat and cheesy amateurish scripts prevail. This game is a prime example of lazy writing. When I first heard about the whole "filmic" focus of this game, I thought perhaps the game will tell an exceptional story because the developers are crafting a cinematic experience.

Little did I know that by "filmic" they meant your average summer blockbuster movie experience, an experience that is only memorable if you were fingering you SO during loud action scenes.

That's why it's weird. I mean, if they were going to take themselves so seriously I would hope they were at least as competent at it as, say, Penny Dreadful was on Showtime. But it doesn't seem to be the case. Everyone is saying it's exceptionally mediocre at best, but really bad and messy at worst. And most people seem to be leaning toward worst.

They seemed to have really outsized confidence in their narrative talents and that just doesn't seem to be borne out in the work. It seems to be like Hugh Jackman Van Helsing level quality, which is not really where you want to be if you're trying to stand a standard.

Those graphics sure are sick though, right? :p

This. I have no issue with games that focus more on story - I very much welcome them, in fact. But the story has to really be something special.

I really hope The Last of Us doesn't go untouched in this regard in the coming years. It seems to be the new gold standard nobody else can reach at the moment.

Yup. Developers have to prioritize toward their talents. So far, narrative does not seem to be one of Ready at Dawn's talents. Clearly it's one of their aspirations, but it doesn't look like any of them are particularly good at it. So maybe they need to do some soul searching and determine if that's the path they want to continue to walk.

Because I've played their past games, they are clearly talented at making visual engines for the hardware they're on and obviously can competently handle gameplay as their handheld games all played impressively well and had compelling unique elements as well. But the stories were always pretty forgettable. I always thought that was because of the restrictions of having to work within the framework of a franchise already established for them, but now I see it's a broader issue. They're just seemingly not that good at it.

This is the biggest knock against it for me personally. I was totally prepared to enjoy this game like a Heavy Rain experience and be taken on a cinematic ride. I was totally prepared for the combat to be nothing special though hopefully engaging. But that was all on the condition that the story be really good. Almost everything about the game, even by the RAD's own admission, seems in service of creating a rich cinematic experience to tell a compelling story, so that part more than anything needed to be nailed or else it's not justified. Not in this medium at least.

My hope again is that Ready at Dawn does some internal navel gazing and honestly goes forward understanding the mistakes made, so that if the game does sell well enough to allow Sony to overlook the disastrous [for a AAA game] review scores, then they can really ensure their next game plays as well as it looks.

It's pretty damn hard. Not the script, the execution of it in the context of a "video game". If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. The best? A MGS once in a blue moon. Naughty Dog games. Halo in its heyday. With a few other exceptions everything else falls into mediocrity and crap. It's not easy. It's easier to fall back into proven genre's of "gameplay first" that have been proven to death. Got Dragon Age Inquisition yesterday and I am trading it in 40 mins into the game. Tired of that and it's a damn GOTY for many. Actually easier to fall back on proven genre and reiterate on that than trying to take on the task of story-telling at a very grounded level. Look at studios like DICE how they have struggled....masters at gameplay, suck at story-telling after numerous iterations.

I mean it's difficult because everyone has a different standard. Like, i think the Metal Gear Solid games are pretty much terribly written, certain elements of MGS3 aside. But you list it here as a standard. To me they're a hodgepodge of independent influences from Hollywood, not at all competently slapped together to form an incohesive whole. The upside is I always thought Metal Gear Solid games had good gameplay and was so over the top and bizarre it had attractive B movie allure.
I was expecting better now I think I'll return my AMAZON order and wait a few weeks before this inevitably is 50% off. I think The entire experience will go much better if Im in at half the price. Feel bad for the devs at RAD right now, each review must feel like one punch after the other right in the gut.


Major new game, retail release console exclusive Metacritic scores since launch scoring at least 80/100

MS = 86, 86, 81

S= 83, 80

Not a lot to choose from...but if one wants to argue tiny details, he's right.

Now with personal preferences we all may agree or disagree. That's not an argument based on #s though.

I guess TLOU, Resogun, and indies in general don't count. A game is a game, no matter what form it comes in.

Both consoles only have 7 games? What a shit gen.

Yes, if you don't consider indie titles as games.


Major new game, retail release console exclusive Metacritic scores since launch scoring at least 80/100

MS = 86, 86, 81

S= 83, 80

Not a lot to choose from...but if one wants to argue tiny details, he's right.

Now with personal preferences we all may agree or disagree. That's not an argument based on #s though.

You're comparing Playstation to Xbox.

Do we need a PC list too..lol

Heck, forget the lists. This is an Order thread.

Carry on with your list war.

Nice self-own.

both equally meh.
Sounds about right, this gen is just meh.

Pretty much, but the investment some people seem to have in this "XB1 has better games" narrative is in there good and deep, as evidenced by this thread alone.


I will agree with some who say reviewer's opinions aren't what i primarily pay attention to. Destiny was my GOTY. But Destiny is a case where the good stuff is after the story is over and takes a lot of time to get to. I 100% agree with their complaints.

This is a simple linear story game...they have played the whole thing. It isn't the same thing.
both equally meh.
Sounds about right, this gen is just meh.

yeah at least for exclusives.. what the hell happened? why do these exclusives keep missing the mark one after the other?

oh well, at least i have GTAV and Alien: Isolation on my PS4. without those this gen would have been horrendous so far..
I remember when people said months and months ago that this was going to be Sony's RYSE and I laughed and drank and was merry.

Who's laughing now I say.


This thread is so entertaining. Probably more interactive than The Order as well ;)

Game sounds like a shiny turd.

Will wait til it hits PS+.
I'm with you there. I've never understood the argument of "screw professional reviewers, I trust the opinions of amateur anonymous people on the internet way more."

Professional is not something i would say about a good amount of game reviews sites or people .
I trust reviews just not for things that as subjective as game , movies etc etc
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