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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Gears of War was a product of it's time - that kind of gameplay just won't cut it anymore.

Man wtf are you on? Gears of War was pretty much flawless, especially where its gameplay was concerned. I'd probably have more fun now with a few matches of GoW than most other multiplayer shooters out today. And that's apart from the expertly paced and varied single player campaign (that could also be played cooperatively, mind you).


Why do you think this happens particularly with Sony exclusives? I've seen this sentiment lobbied a few times, and it generally sounds like a persecution complex more than anything.

It's not that I think it happens, it happens, especially with AAA titles. Don't see this as "here we go, another fanboy" please, it's something that I'm actually noticing. There's a reason (2 actually) in my opinion but I prefer to keep it for myself because I don't want to feed flames.
Few examples from the review threads here on GAF: Driveclub 5 - 9.5 | Infamous 6 - 10 | Killzone 6 - 9.5. It doesn't happen with titles like Resogun or Guilty Gear Xrd or many PSVita titles, check for yourself.
At the same time on the other side, Halo MCC 8 - 10 | Forza Horizon 2 7 - 9.5 | Sunset Overdrive 7 - 9.
Not even particular titles like The Wonderful 101 has such a wide range, if we ignore a 3/10 from a site no one ever heard about (try to guess what they were trying to do), the range is 7 - 9.

Most of the times this is due to a lack of understanding and judgment, like Driveclub is old (?) or it's not open world (??) etc. Now, by my quick reading of the reviews, they're doing pretty much the same with TO: it's linear (so?), it's cinematic (so?) and this:

Some reviewers still holding on to bad PR statements and using them to fuel their desire for something to be worse than it actually is.

I can only suggest to give a shot to this game. Borrow it if necessary, play it and make your own idea free from preconceptions, possibly, but to rely on reviews is a bad move.

What's up?

Some are pissed at you because you hyped a bad game that they haven't played yet! :D


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I did read the reviews thanks. Many of which wanted more than what it is.

It sounds like the game I expected it to be. Expectations were set too high.

Pretty much.

Anyone who read through the Impressions Thread knew exactly what to expect.

No hyperbole. No exaggeration. No pink glasses.

This game is simply not a 4/10 or 5/10. Although critics will always have their say over regular joes. They get paid for their trusted opinions.


RYSE is bigger, longer, has less repetitive sections, better story, better story telling and not filled to the brim with cutscenes... Don't bring RYSE down to this games level.

You are nuts. Ryse can be boiled down to 3 button combo presses the entire time. And there is literally like 3 enemy types as well who do the same thing. I have not played the Order yet, but please Ryse is not a good game. Unless this is a joke post? :)


Was kind of expected imo. The game's not for everyone. I just hope it'll find its audience and that it won't flop.

My guess is that it'll end up as a cult game with lot's and lot's of fans.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

Did Shinobi have insider information on this game or are you just assuming this, because he is known to have a coupple insider of information?

I mean, if he was hyping up the game, it was because he was excited for the game for his own needs. At least, that's what I was getting from his tweets.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

Shots fired.
The Order isn't 1st party, but yeah, not a great start this gen.
I am sure they will get things rolling though once games like UC4, Tearaway, and GoW start to roll out....

1st Party
-Knack [54]
-Driveclub [71]
-Infamous SS [80]
-MLB [83]
-Killzone SF [73]

( 72 average metacritic score)

2nd Party
-LBP 3 [79]
-The Order 1886 [63]
-Bloodborne (coming soon)

(71 average metacritic score)
Resogun 84, it's only the highest rated game. Pretty terrible output so far from Sony's 1st party studios.


A game that at every single preview event had people saying it looked visually great, but seemed boring and was loaded with quick time events, comes out and reviews with scores and critiques of the same thing. Why are people surprised by this?


The mediocrity in this instance though, very similar to the things DriveClub was criticised for, focuses a lot on the lack of player control, linearity, lack of upgrades etc. In that sense, your opinion might differ greatly to some of these reviews, in the same way it did for DriveClub.

I mean I don't think the reason The Order is getting low scores is for the relative shortness of the campaign though. From reading the reviews I am, it seems heavy criticism of the mechanics themselves. RAD seemingly didn't bother focusing on the gameplay design very much, possibly because they had this mad dog obsession with this cinematic visual presentation. Which is to be fair out of this world, but not worth it if the story and gameplay itself is mediocre or poor.


I'd be in the dick
I'm definitely tempering my expectations, even though I usually tend to agree with GAF impressions more than reviewers. I'm still going to play this game for myself and write up my detailed impressions on it.

There's a reason Sony was OK burying this game under Bloodborne (until it got delayed). Glad I never gave in and pre-ordered this. I wasted too much money last year on games that turned out to be mediocre.

Sony's marketing this game hard. I don't think that shows a lack of confidence.


Reposting what I think of this whole debacle:

Me three days ago said:
The game has been a mess since the original reveal, which if you don't remember went like this:

"Wow look at that victorian setting, so cool!"
"Finally something different!"
"Thank you Sony!"

Then from the carriage came out people bearing guns:

"They fucked it up."
"More of the same."
"You're not impressing me Sony."

My point is that this has been a game destined to disappoint ever since the first moment it was shown (which btw was too early, because it passed many months before we saw it again). With the months passing many got more invested in the game, because there were some cool tech things shown and because the PS4 didn't exactly have a stellar and wide library of games, those having a PS4 only were naturally brought to look into it, since there wasn't much more to look after. Later though there was only more controversial and disappointing stuff: instant death QTEs, interviews about graphics being more important than gameplay, no gameplay shown for a long time, length of the game, etc.

I'm not saying the game's going to be bad (if anything, for many the length of the ride won't probably be worth the admission fee), we'll have reviews and impressions to judge that, however the fact it was going to be a disappointment was in the paper for the longest time: people wanted this game to be something it wasn't designed to be, developers didn't try to clarify and set the record straight about the scope of their game, instead they tried to ride the hype wave, which is now going to crash on the beach of broken dreams.

Guess I wasn't far from the truth.


I absolutely nailed that mid 60s metacritic post. I really do trust my intuition when it comes to games. I have been doing this for 25 years tho so props to me


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

Most impressions from GAFfers that I have read (including my own) who played it at various events were super bad.

I knew what was coming.
Not shocked about the reviews to be honest. Something just told me it was going to be mediocre. I'm glad I went with my gut and held off purchasing.

Bloodborne will save us. lol

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap
People don't really believe this...do they?


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap


That explains why TLoU only got 10/10 nearly across the board instead of 12/10 that it rightfully deserves.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

"i have nothing against shinobi, but *boy it sure sounds like i do!*"


The used market will be flooded very soon. It'll be cheap in due time. And you assholes out there can rent the game from Gamestop on a lonely Saturday.
This is great.


From Videogamer's review.


How profesional

My avatar seems somewhat prophetic now.

Still, that's unprofessional of them.

I understand that they hated it and all...... but this is not the way to go.

Very unprofessional but knowing their history, I am not surprised.

This is pretty fucking unprofessional.

If I were Sony I would be pissed.

Certainly screams bias

I'm not a conspiracy guy, fair review is a fair review.

But that is pretty unprofessional for a review site and does show some bias.

Like they had this hilarious idea and just couldn't wait to use it.

That being said, I found it funny. Just not from a publication.


Lighten up, some of you. These are videogame reviews. Not the UN trial committee for war genocides.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

whoa...that's kind of a surprising statement coming from a MGS fan. I'm a MGS fan as well, and I know you're well aware of what's said about the MGS series. Hint, some of the same complaints that are being leveled against The Order 1886. Just sayin.
I mean I don't think the reason The Order is getting low scores is for the relative shortness of the campaign though. From reading the reviews I am, it seems heavy criticism of the mechanics themselves. RAD seemingly didn't bother focusing on the gameplay design very much, possibly because they had this mad dog obsession with this cinematic visual presentation. Which is to be fair out of this world, but not worth it if the story and gameplay itself is mediocre or poor.
I wonder how much gameplay development was lost out on because of the copious amounts of time spent on the engine.


Combined with his post history on GAF, it's not surprising.

Just like seeing some other driveby's in here as well.

Indeed, it appears to me that the salivating anticipation of wallowing in the schadenfraude with regard to this game for some members of Neogaf seems to have been pretty powerful for over a year or so at this point. As evidenced by the seeming "Ryse revenge" posting (eg FordGTguy's posts for one).


I mean I don't think the reason The Order is getting low scores is for the relative shortness of the campaign though. From reading the reviews I am, it seems heavy criticism of the mechanics themselves. RAD seemingly didn't bother focusing on the gameplay design very much, possibly because they had this mad dog obsession with this cinematic visual presentation. Which is to be fair out of this world, but not worth it if the story and gameplay itself is mediocre or poor.
That's the problem I have with these types of games. Where's the game? How do mechanics not matter first and foremost?


The Order on PS4 is somehow like Ryse on Xbox One.

But anyway, how could developers do something new, if once they did something wrong and they receive a bad score.


In Ryse's defense, it was a launch game and went through what seems like development hell after being planned as a Kinect only release for X360. It was also a third party exclusive deal.

I hold Sony's first party to a higher standard, and The Order seems to fail to meet that standard in every regard except graphics.

Well if you're playing the mitigation game, RaD are a PSP developer and porting house who have only previously worked on other peoples' IPs. So tbh I'd have pretty low expectations of them vs other, more established teams within Sony.


Called it. The thing that surprised/disappointed me the most about the Order is how utterly unambitious the gameplay is when compared to the groundbreaking visuals. Still worse, It's even missing some of the most fundamental things like the shooting feeling impactful, reliable cover mechanics or enemies reacting in a somewhat believable manner to your actions. Gears nailed those things in 2006. After the initial wow-factor wore off, there was nothing that kept me going. Even the story is pretty "meh".

The game's been lying around since Saturday and I haven't touched it since. Sorry to be so harsh on the game, but I'm genuinely disappointed; this game could have been so much better.


So can we all agree to change
The name to:
Acording to reviews- the order 5/10
Acording to money worth- the order 18.86?


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

what are you even


Probably going to grab it with GCU, beat it, and trade it in Monday. Doesn't really make much sense for me to wait for a price drop if it has so little replay value.
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