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The PS2 RPG season is about to start



Umm no.


Suikoden IV is all I need. Well, that and Paper Mario 2.

Can someone please give me the lowdown on SMT:Nocturne and DDS? Are they related? What does it play like? Just a very brief overview, please.


djtiesto said:
With the exception of DQ2 (game was annoying as hell

Funny you should mention that....

Well, I finally beat DQ I and II Remix for the SFC just minutes ago. That makes I, II, V and VI conquered with III, IV and VII. But I'm burnt out on this sries for now so those will likely not get payed....EVER! Fuck that I'm moving onto VIII.

I was a nice charming little game. But II, man, talk about an excercise in tedium!

I got to the last little shrine in Rhone, then talked to the priest, healed and saved my game. Then talked to the lady, who told me I can enter the portal to return to Beran. So I did. The problem? You need the jailor's key to get back into Beran, and like a crack angel I fucked around deposited it into the fucking VAULT!!!!

This meant that I could not get back into Beran and thus could not travel back to any towns NO MATTER WHAT, because I did not possess the damn key and there was NO way around it! You're probably wondering, why do I need to go back to Beran why not just continue on to Hargon's castle? Well, I would have, only problem is I also deposited the fucking Eye of Malroth and could not continue onto the second floor of the castle without it!

So... I looked at my save state inventory and realized that I used ALL my save slots while in the Rhone cave and still could not get back into Beran! I tried casting return but the problem is I fucked that up by saving the normal way at the shrine in Rhone, thus warping me back there.

I had to start the fucking game ALL OVER FROM SCRATCH and begin a new quest just because of one fucking Key!!
I was going to say screw it, but I figured I MUST complete DQII for completeness!!! So I did. Another 30hrs wasted, and I'm finally done. Yippee! Playing 6 RPGs in a row will surely burn you out. I don't wanna see another overworld or map for months! Back to THUG :D


Well, I own and have completed both Dark Cloud 1 & 2, in fact, I was one of the biggest hypers for DC2 along with a few other folks here on GA.

That's right, I love both Dark Cloud and Dragon Quarter, you can continue aimlessly screaming at the wall now.

As much as I smack it around, I do love quite a few entries in Final Fantasy, and one of the titles is my favorite game. That said, the series is simply inconsistant as hell, and the last few main entries have been pretty embarrasing, IMO.

It's just bizzare how much flash and production went into the upfronts of FFX-2, but everything behind the scenes is just shit. A purely broken, ungodly exploitable game, with the worst style of exploration and goodie finding that comes to mind.

I loved Dragon Warrior VII though, ugly and repetitive as hell, but there's still so much good to be found, almost too much basing on game length. But I played the hell out of DWVII, and could write a boat load about it's merits.

PS: Yes, as posted, 7th Saga did come out here. And it rox. I think? I haven't played it in forever, back in the SNES days, and all I remember is it pissing the royal hell out of me, and kicking my ass at every other turn, but I couldn't stop playing :(


Dragon Warrior VII may actually be the best RPG I've ever played. I even liked the graphics and the story. That's right, bitches. :p


I played 7th Saga - still have the cartridge as a matter of fact - and the game sucked. I couldn't stand it. The tedium, awful "beepy" music, and high rate of encounters leeched any fun out of it and made the difficulty of the game much harder to bear. I'm glad I pulled it out of the SNES and never put it back.
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