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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |OT| Plough 'Em All

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The game's graphics look different after 1.3 patch. Did they remove that dithering/noise effect? Or am I just seeing things?
Hadoken said:
The game's graphics look different after 1.3 patch. Did they remove that dithering/noise effect? Or am I just seeing things?

I still see some noise and dithering, but it is harder to spot. Although I do agree that the game looks... different. It doesn't look worse by any means, just different. Not really sure the reason though.

Although I have seen some people mention a performance improvement for SLI, which can attest too! I have two GTX 260's in SLI and it is running much smoother than version 1.2 was... same overclock and settings. Version 1.2 would net me about 25-30 and the occasional jump to 40 in town. However, I hit 35 - 40 in most areas and steady around 50 in town now.

Every setting at max (uber off) at a resolution of 1920 x 1200. It definitely runs better, that is for sure.

RedSwirl said:
Never thought a WRPG would have one of my favorite battle themes in an RPG ever:


Agreed! That piece of music is so powerful and it is absolutely perfect for any fight. I tend to time my attack with the heightened tempo change, located at the song at 0:24. It is so perfect!
RPS Spoilerific Discussion of Witcher 2- With Spoilers

Largely agree with everything they said especially the part about how the game feels kinda like a Zelda game set in a smaller area. I will disagree with the thought that one of the branches of Act 2 could've been sacrificed for a meatier Act III/Epilogue as I think it's very smart the way the game gives background to certain characters with this branch. It also goes against the whole choice/consequences theme.

I also think that upon retrospect, the first witcher was definitely a bit more memorable only because the game ended on such a high note whereas the sequel is setting up for something else. Hopefully an expansion pack addresses that.


I pretty much agree on everything they said, i love RPS.

Hopefully TW3 will end the trilogy in a high note. And then CDPR can come up with a new IP.
Although i won't mind more Witcher games after TW3.
Coldsnap said:
Hmm I put my last tallent point into the magic field and I got no achievement for unlocking the ability, anyone else?
I think you get the achievement for putting points in up to the special tree ability, Heliotrope.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Alextended said:
Got the patch, started a new game, playing with controller, went to play dice with that soldier at the very beginning, and there's no button assigned to the re-roll dice function so after the first roll I can't do anything, not even quit the game as menus don't function during those instances. Edit: I forgot I had the light crafting items mod, deleting the file fixed it. Everything else, performance and what not, seems the same but it's good to know they fixed some things like the created items not appearing in the inventory.

It's not exactly a good idea to add quests to random points of the game like that either. It just makes it slightly better for first timers. Their DLC should have been separate stories like The Witcher 1 adventure they did. It could use the same environments just be stand alone in how it's played so you can take your end game character to any new quest instead of restart the game or load a save for one measly quest or item every so often... I guess if they had a post-story mode that allowed you to revisit any area and finish off any available quests that didn't involve the main plot it could have worked, alas with such a cliffhanger ending and how the story worked they couldn't do that either...
What I bolded isn't fixed. Fucking hell. My Samum bombs aren't showing in my inventory. I noticed the issue past the prologue (they were showing before) but I was hoping it just didn't give me those I had. Fact is, it probably did, because I tried to create some now and they never showed up in my inventory. So I guess I need to do what I did last time before the patch where I did a quest that stripped me of my inventory then gave it back to me, it made all such items return. Fuck. I'm giving up on this shit.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Any pre 1.3 mod could cause issues like that, yes. Delete it and see if it's fixed. Back the file up first if you really don't wanna lose it if it's not the issue.


Just finished the game. I didnt have my old save file, so I downloaded someone elses save file that matched up with my own choices. However, this dude had 200.000+ orens and that money carried over into the new game.

Anyways, this game is stunningly beautiful. The atmosphere in Flotsam is just amazing, and even though I feel that this game was much shorter than the first Witcher (especially with the very few noteboard quests), the quality of the entire experience makes up for it.
I too hope that we may get an expansion soo that can bridge Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 a bit, or perhaps even just some major sidequest that you can undertake right after the end.

My final build was a mix between swordsmanship and Quen magic, so I never actually got to try out the adrenaline mechanic... AT ALL!

Only thing I think they could improve is the inventory system. I didnt even mind the max load limit, but I was often annoyed when I wanted to search the inventory, even if the catagory buttons did help.

All in all a great game, and I hope that since they have their RED engine fully developed, the next game will not take as long to develop!
Well I just finished my first play through, so fucking good. I was a little worried about the complaints of it being too short and a short Chapter 3, but personally I thought it was just as meaty as TW1 minus all the annoying filler fetch and gather quests. I actually really liked the length and pacing and all that, yeah I'm dying for more but that isn't exactly a bad thing. It's no Halo 2. I thought it was great
how they revealed some information on the wild hunt and Geralt's past while tying up the kingslayer's story and opening it up for a 3rd game or expansion with the upcoming invasion, Yennifer and probably an inevitable encounter with the wild hunt.
An expansion would be really nice but it damn well be a solid product and not some cheap knock off like so many xpacs are, this engine is certainly too good to be used for just one game. So many important choices to make, I'll definitely be giving this some more time.


I received my replacement sculpture in the mail today along with an amazing suprise, a witcher medallion. CDProject did not disappoint!
(This was the best image I was able to find of it online. I have no idea of where you can get the hip flask.)


1138 said:
I received my replacement sculpture in the mail today along with an amazing suprise, a witcher medallion. CDProject did not disappoint![IMG.]http://i55.tinypic.com/vq5fn5.jpg[/IMG](This was the best image I was able to find of it online. I have no idea of where you can get the hip flask.)


Omg, i can't wait for my replacement *.* .


...UGH. My statue was slightly damaged, but I didn't think it was completely worth getting a replacement for. If only I knew a medallion came with it... ):


leng jai said:
People got replacements? How?

CDProjectet provided everyone with a free replacement as long as you sent them an email with a proof of purchase along with photographic evidence of your damaged sculpture. The offer expired at the end of June, so it is too late to ask for a replacement now.

leng jai

1138 said:
CDProjectet provided everyone with a free replacement as long as you sent them an email with a proof of purchase along with photographic evidence of your damaged sculpture. The offer expired at the end of June, so it is too late to ask for a replacement now.

Well that sucks. How can the offer expire? lol


Stitch said:
1.3 broke the dice game. can't play it with my wired 360 pad.

I dont have any mods and the same thing happened to me. What you have to do is quit the game by using the control-alt-delete, end the witcher 2 task. Reload the game and it will be good.

You will also notice that in the prologue where you have to aim the balista, you cannot aim it. It is not that big of a deal, but for some reason 1.3 broke that little part. Outside of these 2 issues (1 is fixable as noted above) I have not encountered any other issues with the 1.3 patch.


I guess I should have gotten the CE and hoped it was damaged or something, I want the medallion and flask more than the bust itself.

Oh and the dice/cards I want too...


I finished up the game last night. It's the best RPG I have played in a while. The Witcher 2 might also be the best 3rd person sword combat system I have ever played. It was simple enough to mash buttons at first, but the mixture of abilities, timing, upgrades and strategy put it on another level for the more difficult boss fights. I took the
Roche path, but I think I'll restart to see the Iorveth path (doubt this is even a spoiler).

Quick question, no matter which story path you take do you always come to the same boss battles?


Horns said:
I finished up the game last night. It's the best RPG I have played in a while. The Witcher 2 might also be the best 3rd person sword combat system I have ever played. It was simple enough to mash buttons at first, but the mixture of abilities, timing, upgrades and strategy put it on another level for the more difficult boss fights. I took the
Roche path, but I think I'll restart to see the Iorveth path (doubt this is even a spoiler).

Quick question, no matter which story path you take do you always come to the same boss battles?

Regarding your question,
Yes, same boss battles. Youll enjoy a second play through on a different path. It almost felt like a different game to me the second time around


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Damn that the offer expired... ahh well. Still playing this, doing Roche's path now, I like it a bit better than Iorveth's... I like
, and his badass belt.


started the game a couple days ago, really quite stellar.

combat's a little clunky, but not terrible, and it is just visually the most complete game i've ever played.
I have been trying to convince me otherwise, but after the first major battle in chapter 2 I have to admit to myself that I´m not really enjoying this game.

*Performance issues - I am gaming on a laptop, so to a certain extent I have to blame myself, but on my configuration the game is strugglig more in 1280x720 then games like Mass Effect 2, the most recent Total War games and Dawn of War 2 Retribution does in 1980x1080. I haven´t spent this much time in INI files since Elder Scrolls IV.

*But even if all the blame on the performance falls on me for choosing that computer, the battle system is still major culprit. Not that the one in Witcher 1 was perfect, but it hade some strategig parts to it and was quite unique and fun with the stances. This is just feels like a button masher where the character jumps and volts everywhere as soon as you relax one bit, and it certainly doesn´t help that the block button is so unresponsive on a joypad. The only battle that has been fun to play so far is the Kayran battle.

*And while this isn´t a deal breaker, the game has the most idiotic save game system in any game, that certainly adds to the frustration.

The story seems great, the cutscenes are great, the characters likewise and the art style is stunning. I like the choices you get to make and it feels like the perfect linear game in that aspect. But the issues mentioned before makes it a chore to get anywhere in it. I want to like it, and I really do like everything related to the story and the characters. But so far it just isn´t fun to play.


I've been waiting for SLI to be fixed in this and since 1.3 has apparently done that I started playing this today.

I'm about ready to quit already, and I'm not done with the Prologue, and I loved the first game.

First thing, 360 controller support in this game is sketchy at best, which is really stupid considering the UI is obviously built for a controller and there's a 360 port planned. I can't aim the ballista (or whatever it's called) with the controller. I've read this was just broken in this patch, but it's one of a number of horrible "first impression" bugs that are appearing in the first ten minutes of playing this game.

Even before the non-functioning aiming with the controller though, I tried to play a game of dice and the menu failed to display the input buttons when I got the "Opponen Has Raised" message, and it makes me stuck there, forcing a Task Manager kill of the game (which doesn't even work for some reason because the game pops back up over the task manager, I had to force an account log out to actually quit). This seems to be random and again, possibly introduced in this patch.

How stuff like this makes it past testing when it's in the VERY BEGINNING OF THE GAME, NOT EVEN FIVE MINUTES INTO IT is beyond me. CDProjekt is obviously not getting any day-one money on any other game ever again.

There's also apparently no way to draw the Silver Sword other than using the quick menu, which is somewhat annoying, but not a deal breaker (though it's very unpolished for them to throw up the tutorial panel for how to draw each sword with some random text where the buttons that don't do anything should be).

The text in tutorial panels is also far too small at 1080p.

I'm finally to the part with the dragon in the prologue and I cannot get past it to save my life. I die within 30 seconds because I burn to death - what the hell am I supposed to be doing here? There's seemingly no way to avoid the fire since the dragon seems to follow me completely. Ugh, I just want to quit now and replay the first game to get some of my good memories back.
- When the 360 controller support got messed up last time (1.1) the Dpad still worked in places where the left stick is meant to but didn't. Try it.
- You draw your swords by pressing left/right on the Dpad
- You can review the tutorials at any time
- Mash the Y button when the prompt appears on screen and you will avoid the dragon fire


jim-jam bongs said:
- When the 360 controller support got messed up last time (1.1) the Dpad still worked in places where the left stick is meant to but didn't. Try it.

Doesn't work.

jim-jam bongs said:
- You draw your swords by pressing left/right on the Dpad

This doesn't work either.

jim-jam bongs said:
- You can review the tutorials at any time

Obviously, that's besides the point though. I was making a presentation-based observation in that throwing them up there in real-time is worthless since I can't read them.

jim-jam bongs said:
-Mash the Y button when the prompt appears on screen and you will avoid the dragon fire

I don't remember any prompt, but I'll try it again and see. If it's not there, then what? Another damn bug introduced in this patch?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
CecilRousso said:
*And while this isn´t a deal breaker, the game has the most idiotic save game system in any game, that certainly adds to the frustration.

what? it's pretty standart. quicksave, manual save, load save, delete save


I reinstalled my PC the other day and decided to also reinstall TW2, seeing as the 1.3 patch was released. But now I noticed that there are two TW2-related folders in My Documents, one called "Witcher 2" and one called "The Witcher 2". Both folders seem to share the "Config" and "Downloads" folder, but the "The Witcher 2" folder contains my "savegames" folder too. Anyone experiencing the same oddity?


subversus said:
what? it's pretty standart. quicksave, manual save, load save, delete save
Except for how the autosaves never overwrite themselves. I don't even think you can do a full runthrough without the game performance dropping due to a massive save folder unless you manually clean it out.

I can't believe they kept this idiotic save behavior from the last game.
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