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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |OT| Plough 'Em All

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What's the deal with the Troll Trouble DLC? I accepted the contract from the notice board some time ago, but I just noticed it's not listed as an active (or completed) quest.

Steam version of the game, by the way.

I gave up and continued forward to Chapter 2. I'm just about to bang Ves.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
"Hang on, Ves. I want to tell neogaf that we are about to screw"

Those were Geralt's exact words!
(Since the Steam overlay doesn't work with the game and hasn't for months, I have to alt-tab if I'm unsure of what to do or curious as to where the other branch of a conversation path would've taken me... and then I wind up on GAF for about 20 minutes.)


Those were Geralt's exact words!
(Since the Steam overlay doesn't work with the game and hasn't for months, I have to alt-tab if I'm unsure of what to do or curious as to where the other branch of a conversation path would've taken me... and then I wind up on GAF for about 20 minutes.)

Lol, same thing happens to me in any PC game I play. I alt tab with the intention of googling something real quick but my mind always drifts to "I wonder what gaf is up to..."


sparkle this bitch
So what is with the lack of actual ploughing in this game? Is Geralt celebrant?

More impressions, finished up Act 1 and hit Act 2. Gameplay is clicking a bit more. Basically comes down to Aard + 2-3 strong hits, Aard, etc. But I just don't think the system works all that well. There seems either latency issue between the actual hit(Like the swing will count before the animation is finished. Regardless if you moves out of the way or not), or in general the range for fubar.

Story-wise, still continues to impress. The atmosphere is second to none for this generation.

Another disappointment though. Its smaller than 1. Vastly smaller. Can't say I like it. And the way they hidden the load times gets annoying.


So what is with the lack of actual ploughing in this game? Is Geralt celebrant?

More impressions, finished up Act 1 and hit Act 2. Gameplay is clicking a bit more. Basically comes down to Aard + 2-3 strong hits, Aard, etc. But I just don't think the system works all that well. There seems either latency issue between the actual hit(Like the swing will count before the animation is finished. Regardless if you moves out of the way or not), or in general the range for fubar.

Story-wise, still continues to impress. The atmosphere is second to none for this generation.

Another disappointment though. Its smaller than 1. Vastly smaller. Can't say I like it. And the way they hidden the load times gets annoying.

You can go to the brothels anytime and get some or hit certain plot points or quests in the game that eventually lead to boning. The streets arent loaded with young and able women eager to give you their trading cards anymore.

The world size is a disappointment but I think theres a trade off somewhere when you look at both games. TW1 had larger areas but they were mostly caves/swamps/sewers and got repetitive and dull until you hit the fantastic Act 4. TW2s areas are smaller but they feel very fresh and dont really get old. TW2 also ships you off to a completely new zone with each Act and doesnt let you revisit older ones like the first game.


Anyone else having trouble launching W2 (Steam or) any version? I noticed that www.thewitcher.com is also down or I probably would not have mentioned the problem at all. I'm getting a C++ Runtime Error when attempting to launch before the wolf-head splash screen appears.



I read a few pages back in this thread to delete steam's "clientregistry.blob" file and that actually seems to have worked, just loaded up my game...but still, their website is down....


sparkle this bitch
Since I called in sick from work today(Not to play a game!), I played Witcher 2 all day and finished up. I feel physical ill due to it, but beat it.

Anyways, I prefer 1 to 2. By no means is it an insult. Witcher is definitely the del facto RPG series of the gen. I love both very much.

Narrative and choices. Big improvement over one in many ways. Smaller ones to big ones all worked out fairly well. Even with the ending sequences
I let Sile go boom. Does nothing to effect gameplay, but does slightly change
what Letho will say to you at the end. And honestly, I wanted to see the bitch burn. Same way with that bastard Hensalt. Only shame is Roche didn't club him to death with the mace he was walking around with. And it does effect the storyline since the North now is complete divided.
. There are a lot of little choices that make work. And it seems like Ivo's path has an entirely different set of quests for 2, with a completely different outcome. Once again changing the narrative up.

Brings down to characters and story. Fantastic. The world created is one with character. Compared to most RPGs that rely on some divine presences or some load of cliche shit. They really capture it at strife. The politic workings of it remind me a bit of SoFaI, which is a good thing. Thing I appreciate most are the characters
I didn't want to leave Zoltan over with Saskia's camp, but a dwarf has to do, what he has to do. And I don't blame him either. He was treated like shit.
Or with Dethmold, I didn't mind him at first. He actually got results and didn't seem to be bullshitting like Sile. Turns out he is an even bigger cunt than all the sorceresses and kings.
Or even with Geralt himself, he is actually human. Not the perfect, bland hero. He'll make an ass of himself, flirt and fail, your choices you make for him have repercussions. Sooo Good.

Gameplay is where I found it lacking at. I should have liked it more, but it just wasn't polished or balanced enough for me to really enjoy it. I'd rather of had Witcher no-challenge, than something as imbalanced as this.
Just to shout out some annoyances.
-Enemies already in attack mode after coming out of a conversation, where you still need to draw your sword before doing anything. Basically you get stuck taking damage you can't counter.
-Swing radius or timing was definitely off. Damage counter even if you avoid the visual cues of it.
-Mobs either seems to do no damage or far too much.

The other major complaint I have was this. It was too small. They definitely listened to the complaints about ridiculous amount of enemies spawned and random Territory, but it felt like they took out too much.

Also, 200% dodge is fast walk! I have a lot more comments, but I'm dead tried.


sparkle this bitch
How did you like Roche's scene with Dethmold, shin?

Didn't get it. I went a different route it seems.
They said he escape in my route since I choose to rescue Trish and last time seeing him was after I got the Medallion from him.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
You miss out on the badass scene between Roche and Dethmold but you get the amazing rescue sequence. I wouldn't call it a bad ending.


Didn't get it. I went a different route it seems.
They said he escape in my route since I choose to rescue Trish and last time seeing him was after I got the Medallion from him.

Damn shin, you missed the most badass scene from the biggest badass in recent gaming memory.



sparkle this bitch
Damn shin, you missed the most badass scene from the biggest badass in recent gaming memory.


Alright, I'm sure I have a scene around there. I'll replay that section just for it.

Then I'll probably start a new game for the Ivo path, which I'm not really looking forward too since I do like Roche. But that is just too much content. Though, Saskia seems to be a noble shit unlike Hesalt being a goddamn bastard.

Goddamn I love this game. How often do you get to say that a replay will be giving you so much new content? Hah


Saskia is the best part of Iorveths path.
Doing Iorveths path will only make you like Roche even more.

Goddamn I love this game. How often do you get to say that a replay will be giving you so much new content? Hah

Its a pretty nice change from what we usually get in other similar titles.



Don't join Iorveth? He becomes an even bigger douche than he already is.
Don't join Roche? He's still your bro.


So where is the post that has a beginner's faq? I'm in Chapter 1 and I find this game to have a lot of weird things going on and stuff that just isn't explained at all. It's ruining my enjoyment of the game when things happen or I'm supposed to do something I don't know how.

For example, why the fuck am I doing minimal damage to bandits with my long sword? I thought you used the normal sword on humans for actual damage and the silver sword on monsters.

The quest system is a little weird too.


What is weird about it? You get a quest, you do it or not.

I don't know, like sometimes the quest marks in the mini map aren't very specific or right. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. But I still don't get the combat thing I mentioned and the signs aren't explained and the one that supposedly makes someone fight for you never works.

Right now I'm looking for traces of the lake beast by the ship wreck and trying to fight that ambush of monsters is fucking stupid. I must be going at this the wrong way but the combat just feels clunky. I can't block fast enough, the damn lock on systems is shitty as hell, Geralt changes target randomly without me doing anything but attack. I dunno, am I missing something here?


Did you try the tutorial at all? It does a better job at explaining things. Its accessed from the main menu before you even start a new game.

The quest markers are a bit weird sometimes. There was a few times where I felt like there should be one and there wasnt or the ones that were there didnt exactly lead me where it should have.
I should also note that this game doesnt hold your hand either and there will be quests that have no markers because theyre not supposed to. For instance, any "destroy this monster nest" quest wont tell you where the nests are. You have to find them on your own.

Axii (the sign that makes enemies fight by your side) takes a few seconds to activate. You need to stand there and cast it...its not instant like the others. Its also harder to get working on tougher enemies until you level it up some, iirc.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I don't know, like sometimes the quest marks in the mini map aren't very specific or right. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. But I still don't get the combat thing I mentioned and the signs aren't explained and the one that supposedly makes someone fight for you never works.

that's because you have to hold button and wait. Read the manual, complete the tutorial and you're set.

also you can lock on an enemy by pressing alt (afaik it's default bind)


Didn't know there was a tutorial, I just went straight into a new game. I'll go try that now before I go mad.

Can anyone explain the minimal damage thing I mentioned?

Edit: where exactly is this tutorial option at? All I see is New Game, Load Game, Options, and Extras.


Didn't know there was a tutorial, I just went straight into a new game. I'll go try that now before I go mad.

Can anyone explain the minimal damage thing I mentioned?

Edit: where exactly is this tutorial option at? All I see is New Game, Load Game, Options, and Extras.

What version of the game did you get and, more importantly, is it all patched up? You should see New Game, Load Game, Tutorial, Arena, and Options on the main menu.

zazrx said:
I must be going at this the wrong way but the combat just feels clunky. I can't block fast enough, the damn lock on systems is shitty as hell...

Don't block, dodge. Don't lock-on, bounce between targets alternating light and heavy attacks.


Probably a dumb question but is your PC is connected to the internet? Steam isnt in offline mode? Did you turn off auto updates for The Witcher 2 a while ago and forget to change it back (right click > properties)?



Chapter 1 is by far the most elaborate, but I actually enjoyed chapter 2 even more (partnered with Roach), great setting and getting rid of the curse was a really "Witcher-like" quest.

Great game, will most likely find a place among my GOTY list. The first run through the battlefield in chapter 2 is probably the best looking sequence I've seen in any game from a graphical standpoint. A visual benchmark on which the next generation of games will be tested.


Probably a dumb question but is your PC is connected to the internet? Steam isnt in offline mode? Did you turn off auto updates for The Witcher 2 a while ago and forget to change it back (right click > properties)?

I'm not in offline mod, my PC is connected to the internet, and The Witcher 2 has "always keep this game up to date" option marked since always.
The Witcher 2 was one of the titles which prompted Valve to start using their new content delivery system for patching because it used to require a complete download to update the Steam version, sadly it sounds as though it's still have some problems.


You haven't experienced Steam untiul you've re-downloaded all 20GB of The Witcher 2 5 times in one month due to 10MB updates being released weekly back in May.


So it took me a while, but I've finally finished the game. I think that since I knew to expect a short chapter 3, I wasn't disappointed by it. I enjoyed the ending and the implication of the huge storm to come. The explanation for all that has happened ever since the start was unexpected makes me feel like the story to come very ominous and full of possibilities.

I really hope CD Projekt Red chooses the path of a full fledged sequel rather than an expansion. I'd love to see more of the witcher world.

Things I would love to see in the sequel:
More varied facial and body models, especially for the women. I swear all of them looked like Triss or the sorceresses.
More voice acting. Many of the lines spoken by the NPCs were too short and repetitive.
Better combat and skills that are balanced so that it allows more unique character builds (so we don't have to spam the QUEN, QUEN, QUEN sign all the time).
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