The small amount of NPC models becomes painfully apparent during certain points in the game, particularly in Novigrad.
Enchanced edition, should help fix this, they had a similar problem with Witcher 1 I read.
The small amount of NPC models becomes painfully apparent during certain points in the game, particularly in Novigrad.
I'd say you done goofed, but that's what a second playthrough is for ^_^ mind says Triss but my heart says Yenn, and I've chosen Triss. I 'm start regretting the choice = ~ 34h right now and I don't want to reload an old save game. What a pain!!!!
That would be an interesting interaction between the two quests. I'd love to know if that's the case.
I'd say you done goofed, but that's what a second playthrough is for ^_^
hahahahaha is that Tyrion?
Yep. I distinctly remember the moment I had to start forcing myself to keep playing Fallout 3 because I reached the level cap and the ka-ching XP gained sound went away.It's amazing that I'm at the point where I'm massively overleveled for some stuff which means I can't get XP for some quests...but I'm doing them anyways. Because the quests themselves are such rewarding adventures so who needs XP?
The number of models seems to be at the very least comparable to other RPGs. I think it's the amount of detail and their unique features (those awesome noses!) that make it harder to see them as generic people.The small amount of NPC models becomes painfully apparent during certain points in the game, particularly in Novigrad.
Working on R2+face button for fast casting. It woks almost flawlessly.
Igni, yrden and aard work perfectly. But quen and axii cast the sign i had previously selected before switching to the right one.
DS4Windows by the way. mind says Triss but my heart says Yenn, and I've chosen Triss. I 'm start regretting the choice = ~ 34h right now and I don't want to reload an old save game. What a pain!!!! I should have done it 10 hours ago.
The weight limit is really beginning toannoy me! Where can I find larger saddle bags damn it?! mind says Triss but my heart says Yenn, and I've chosen Triss. I 'm start regretting the choice = ~ 34h right now and I don't want to reload an old save game. What a pain!!!! I should have done it 10 hours ago.
Felt pretty stupid when I realized this, but if anyone else didn't notice you can double-tap x in a boat to go faster just like on the horse.
Yen's storyline is really sweet too. Really missing out on a nice one there.Yeah, but but know..I, I...
Triss is a really popular choice. The only downside to choosing her is that. Besides that though she's amazing. Take it from somebody who finished the game with Triss.she has a smaller role in the game than Yen
Well for veterans of the series she's the obvious choice. Across the 3 games she and I have gone through some serious shit together.
So been using signs lately. I think I'm going to take off Yrden alternative trap, I don't really enjoy it as much. Might replace it with Aard AoE move. Any thoughts on these attacks?
Is there way to create hotkey to toggle HUD on and off? Going through menu each time I want no HUD shots is little meh so I took this with HUD;
Yrden is a god send against bosses and mobs though. You place it down and once in a while it makes them stagger with that shockity shock
Yrden is a god send against bosses and mobs though. You place it down and once in a while it makes them stagger with that shockity shock
Use the command console.
"dlgshow" to make the HUD go away. This disables character movement though.
"dlghide" to make the HUD come back.
Yrden's alt is actually my favorite sign so far. Keeps archers off me, and pretty much makes wraith battles a joke.
Well for veterans of the series she's the obvious choice. Across the 3 games she and I have gone through some serious shit together.
Doesn't seem all that useful to me? I feel like its range is not great, and the time to cast means I'm pretty much a sitting duck. I dropped that upgrade because I felt like I was getting hit everytime I use it. The default cast is great though. Nice crowd control and very useful vs humans.
Never used Igni until I upgraded. The fire stream is a beautiful thing.
My favorite is still the alternate version of Igni. Simply because I use it against EVERYTHING that isn't too fast. Especially those FUCKERS. WITH. THE. GOD. DAMN. SHIELDS. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. WE'LL SEE HOW USEFUL YOUR SHIELD US WHEN YOU'RE A GOD GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH.
Yrden's second is my second fav though. I thought I would love fully upgraded Quen's alternate form, but I never used it. Always opted for Igni/Yrden's instead.
Yrden is a god send against bosses and mobs though. You place it down and once in a while it makes them stagger with that shockity shock
Doesn't seem all that useful to me? I feel like its range is not great, and the time to cast means I'm pretty much a sitting duck. I dropped that upgrade because I felt like I was getting hit everytime I use it. The default cast is great though. Nice crowd control and very useful vs humans.
This game is making me want to upgrade my rig. I have an i7-4790s and a GTX 970. Brand new 27" monitor. Seriously considering buying a GTX 980. And I don't typically chase graphics. I am happy with mid-tier builds really, had a GTX 660 and i7-2600 for several years prior to this build. I am even considering a 1440p monitor. Do I really want to spend around a thousand dollars? I am thinking yes. I could sell this GTX 970 for profit - only cost me around $150 after my Capital One 1.5% cash back credits. could sell it for $200 easy, or maybe gift it to a friend. Hmm..
What's the consensus on signs for min maxing skill points? I just got max t1 delusion for silly dialogs, but I really don't find any of the alt signs that appealing, but worth at least looking over them for suggestions + dem stamina regens.
True that.
Ugh, I still feel bummed about the relationship aspect.
I don't really get why some people want to argue why Yen is the better choice because books, canon etc...
It really doesn't matter to me, a fan of the games where you get the luxury to make a choice. Past is past, now you get to decide Geralt's future.
Whatever the choice was, I think both paths should get as much attention from the writing as the other one, but sadly the execution feels rushed now.
What's the consensus on signs for min maxing skill points? I just got max t1 delusion for silly dialogs, but I really don't find any of the alt signs that appealing, but worth at least looking over them for suggestions + dem stamina regens.
Aw shit, are you serious?
I've been slowly sailing around Skellige this whole time like a dumbass.
stupid game time counter was adding my suspend time to my total play time... -_-
how far along in this game (main story wise) am i if i just met up with triss?
Like 20%ish