Phew. Thanks for that. Yeah I don't mind knuckling up against shitheads at all. Makes me better in combat.
Also, I haven't posted my thoughts about the game so far. I'm taking it slow and easy. Suffice to say that I love it. Just a few quick thoughts on swordplay. It's poetry in motion. Parry, riposte, counter attack, sidestep, heavy blow, cast sign, flurry of quick strikes, roll away, heavy blow fatality. It's all so fluid. It's the first time I feel like an actual sword battle taking place in a game without immersion breaking. When I started out, I was just mashing square and triangle hoping to cut down foes (playing on Broken Bones difficulty). I actually got killed by a drunkard in a fistfight inside his bedroom. You NEED to parry and riposte to get an upper hand, and more importantly, enjoy the combat.
With that being said, I'm terribly upset that CDP chose the casual route by offering everyone very easy and easy difficulty settings. You can zip through any encounter in these settings without ever worrying about your health, casting signs, using bombs or using crossbow. Forget about collecting eatable items when you can meditate to renew your health. Come on CDP. Bloodborne showed you that people like a good challenge, so don't constrain your vision. Alas...