I actually had the second alternate Igni ability unlocked as well. It's really a great tool against slow enemies, but it suffers heavily against faster creatures, especially fast mobs. I actually respeced to put the points elsewhere. So the way my build works right now is to focus on the generation of critical hits (so much extra damage!) as often as possible.
I actually probably have far more points than you in the Red section.
I have Muscle Memory, Precise Blows, Strength Training and Crushing Blows all maxed out (5/5). I also have one point each in Whirl and Rend. Those abilities (Whirl and Rend) are somewhat akin to the alternate mode of Signs. So with either, you just hold down the attack button, and it has a new attack motion. Whirl is particularly cool looking and useful. You can see it here (it's a video of a bug, but it's actually handy for showing you what the animation looks like):
Rend isn't nearly as exciting, but when fully leveled, it'll give me a nutty 50% additional critical hit chance. At this point, while combat isn't all that exciting, I can cut through a mob pretty quickly because of the crits I'm generating.
For Signs, all I have unlocked right now is Melt Armor (maxed) and Exploding Shield (maxed). If I could unlock anything else, I might do Yrden because slowing enemies down would probably help my playstyle.
Because I use Cat Armor, Cat School Techniques from the White/Neutral columns was an obvious addition. More critical buffs.
For Alchemy, I'm working on adding Heightened Tolerance and Poisoned Blades. I think this is the true I most underutilized.
Also, good on you for joining #TeamYen
I have found some excellent ideas for my play style in here and will definitely look into some of those more upgraded red options... I think that's going to suit my fighting style at the moment because I feel pretty decent at fighting and timing ripostes / counter attack and if it actually unlocks a new move... definitely wanting that. It just sucks putting points in a section on things that you're never going to use just so you can unlock the stuff higher in the tree. Heh.
50% crit hit chance and crit damage is definitely something worth chasing... I've kept a sword that is lower damage over a newer sword because it has 50% critical hit damage.