Can you change the difficulty early in the game and still get the trophy at the end for playing at a higher difficulty? Some games have like a cutoff point where you need to have the difficulty changed. I started on the default, thought it was too easy and wanted the trophy for next one up. Played some but now want to change it to Death March. I've played about 4 hours, haven't killed griffin.
I gotta say, the underwater controls are some of the worst I've ever encountered in a game.
Also what does difficulty level Death March change?
Also what does difficulty level Death March change?
I gotta say, the underwater controls are some of the worst I've ever encountered in a game.
You don't enjoy the beautiful backflip water repeated sequence in trying to reach something 1'' from you while a death counter is slowing ticking away?
*trying to descend 1 foot to loot a chest*
You don't enjoy the beautiful backflip water repeated sequence in trying to reach something 1'' from you while a death counter is slowing ticking away?
Yeah, these controls are terrible but at least the Killer Whale potion makes them less infuriating as you have more leeway.
Tips for making swimming underwater much easier;
Ignore all the buttons, just push forward on the left stick to move and aim Geralt where you want to go with the right stick. On m/kb I'm guessing this would just be holding W and aiming Geralt with the mouse.
I read that here a few days ago, it blew my mind and made everything 100 times easier lol.imagine how infuriating it was doing all of Velen (including any and all sunken treasures and smugglers' caches) without even knowing you could shoot underwater monsters with your crossbow...
That's not the issue everyone has with the swimming controls. It's trying to loot something while swimming underwater that is causing all the complaints.
I suspect you have to play the whole game at whatever difficulty you want the trophy for.
What's the greatest saddlebag I can find? I have a +30 (90 total) and I want to know how high I can go.
I'm finally understanding alchemy. And I'm starting to track down the certain ingredients rather than blindly gather.
That's +100, sold in Novigrad by a merchant available once you move the story forward a bit.What's the greatest saddlebag I can find? I have a +30 (90 total) and I want to know how high I can go.
I'm finally understanding alchemy. And I'm starting to track down the certain ingredients rather than blindly gather.
Also what does difficulty level Death March change?
That's +100, sold in Novigrad by a merchant available once you move the story forward a bit.
What's the greatest saddlebag I can find? I have a +30 (90 total) and I want to know how high I can go.
I'm finally understanding alchemy. And I'm starting to track down the certain ingredients rather than blindly gather.
I bought a +70 saddlebag from the female armourer in Crows Perch.What's the greatest saddlebag I can find? I have a +30 (90 total) and I want to know how high I can go.
I'm finally understanding alchemy. And I'm starting to track down the certain ingredients rather than blindly gather.
Console patch up yet? I don't wanna play until the xp bug is fixed. =\
Don't use the lockon button during mob fights, you'll do poorly. It's to be used on 1v1 encounters esp. with flying enemies.
Whistling for Roach in the mountains has an echo.
This fucking game.
Also, Quen is your friend when you're outnumbered. A pack of Wolves 3 levels lower than you cant take you out if you aren't prepared early on in the game
Yea, this advice helped me a lot.Don't use the lockon button during mob fights, you'll do poorly. It's to be used on 1v1 encounters esp. with flying enemies.
I really love the game and the story but my god how fucking shit is the combat in this! For me personally it just doesn't work. I wasn't expecting an utter "whack-a-mole" but the fighting in this game feels so terrible that I actually dread getting into a fight with anything. The targeting is the main culprit here imo. In most fights you're fighting multiple mobs and you lock on to one while the others cheap shot you from behind and geralt is so sluggish while trying to parry ( which btw seems to do fuck all unless I'm doing it wrong which is entirely possible ). Dodging helps a bit but rolling seems to be the key except it drains your stamina which is needed for the all important signs.
Stuck on a boss fight atm. with nothing but some 3 swallows which seem to do jack shit so its a question of using some serious cheese tactics for 10+ minutes provided the moronic targeting system doesn't fuck you over.
Ah fuck it! Gonna try again tomorrow with a clear head and more patience.
By the way, is it me or do the side quests reward woefully low experience ? I've been doing mostly them since the beginning and all I seem to get is 10-50xp per side quest which feels like a complete waste of time. Didnt think I outlevelled them that fast.
I have an older PC with a GTX 460/non-overclocked 2500k on a 23" monitor and a PS4 on a 42" TV. I haven't kept up with this game so is there any reason to go PC over PS4? I'm normally not into modding and just play through and never touch games again.
Even if you were into modding, the 460 isn't a card I'd play this with. I'd get it on PS4 if I had to choose between the two. Or upgrade your PC. I'd upgrade the PC.
So I bought a GTX 980 over the weekend. The performance I was getting with my 780 was pissing me off. It felt like no matter what settings I'd put it on, it'd always stay at less than 50fps. The GTX 980 runs this game literally maxed out(minus hairworks) at 60+fps. I love it.
I also decided to step-up the 980 to the 980ti. Hopefully, I can get 60fps with Hairworks with it. Or at least very close. Now to just wait on the step-up program.
980ti will be here tomorrow. Will it run the game, all sliders cranked to the right, at 60fps? Tune in tomorrow kids and find out.
havent been able to play for a couple days and just now gettin back. is the xp bug patch out?
not yet. But should be at some point this week
hmm my plan to only do ?s today while I wait for the xp fix (hopefully) tomorow backfired since the Hidden Treasure variety of ? count as quests, and im not getting xp from any of them
oh well >_>
When is the patch coming out for PC?
It's going to be a long time since they won't have a framework of materials from the book to work with anymore. This is Gerelt last game and adventure.
Ciri will have to be the new MC, and roaming into a new land/space with her power.
The end of Geralts Story, not the world of the Witcher. I wouldn't expect a new witcher game before Cyberpunk 2077 is out, even then it would be too soon. After three Witcher games, I think anyone would like to do something else for a change.
well that's a bummer. wasnt it monday?
what does the bug entail exactly anyway? been a busy end of the week
Crones question
what happened to the one that got away?