Unlimited Capacity
Spoilers:It will.
Why did I highlight that
Spoilers:It will.
in the bad ending she is hunted down by geralt, in the good endings she's not addressed at all.
Don't use the lockon button during mob fights, you'll do poorly. It's to be used on 1v1 encounters esp. with flying enemies.
Stop locking on. It doesn't really make sense to focus on one enemy when you're surrounded by 10. The soft lock is extremely generous and lets you switch between targets rapidly so you don't get cheapshotted from behind.
Even if you were into modding, the 460 isn't a card I'd play this with. I'd get it on PS4 if I had to choose between the two. Or upgrade your PC. I'd upgrade the PC.
So I bought a GTX 980 over the weekend. The performance I was getting with my 780 was pissing me off. It felt like no matter what settings I'd put it on, it'd always stay at less than 50fps. The GTX 980 runs this game literally maxed out(minus hairworks) at 60+fps. I love it.
I also decided to step-up the 980 to the 980ti. Hopefully, I can get 60fps with Hairworks with it. Or at least very close. Now to just wait on the step-up program.
how do you get the bad ending?
thanks admiral sr
not sure if i'll play then.. maybe should take the opportunity to finish Axiom Verge
just wanna be sure to be done with tha witcha before batman
Thanks. While I have the money I can't really justify upgrading my desktop at the moment. The only reason I'm looking at Witcher 3 is because I have a gift card at Best Buy to use and there is nothing interesting to me coming out this summer. I was not a big fan of the first games combat so I'm hoping this might be a little better. It does seem the world and side quest are better then DA:I.
nah im at like 14. 50 hours into the game but I restarted once
basically just met up with Triss
Oh jesus man. You have a long time before you beat the game lol
I forgot to ask about this but in act 2 inthere's a weird reference whenthe Isle of MistsCiri reunites with Geralt and tells him her story. She stayed for a time with Avallac'h in a futuristic world. Is it my wishful thinking or was this a reference to Cyberpunk? I'm half expecting to run into Ciri, Avallac'h and the Wild Hunt in Cyberpunk 2077 now.
Can you change the difficulty early in the game and still get the trophy at the end for playing at a higher difficulty? Some games have like a cutoff point where you need to have the difficulty changed. I started on the default, thought it was too easy and wanted the trophy for next one up. Played some but now want to change it to Death March. I've played about 4 hours, haven't killed griffin.
23 days till batman
got this
oh yeah you'll be fine. But obsessing as much as I did I was able to beat it in a week.
How many hours? I'll never tell.
I basically had all the free time in the world during those first 3-4 days where I put the 50 hours
now i've been hella busy, finally can play, and xp bug
Get on my level bro
There isn't.I forgot if I am missing a quest with (Witcher 2 character)Vernon Roche, I done an eye for an eye but is there a quest after that one? I can't what it's called and I can't remember if there is ome
23 days till batman
got this
There isn't.
That is exactly how I feel.
Well technically, you can go back there later (light spoilers for act 2)Thanks, I remember him saying "come and see me" but I must have got the order wrong.
I'd feel similarly if it wasn't for Batman trying to rob my money away. I'll wait for the GOTY edition so I can play the full game without paying as much.
Batman you're not the hero I deserve. Nor the one I need.
hmm my plan to only do ?s today while I wait for the xp fix (hopefully) tomorow backfired since the Hidden Treasure variety of ? count as quests, and im not getting xp from any of them
oh well >_>
Damn, hidden treasures give XP? I lost some then..
I'd feel similarly if it wasn't for Batman trying to rob my money away. I'll wait for the GOTY edition so I can play the full game without paying as much.
Batman you're not the hero I deserve. Nor the one I need.
fuck the season pass noise
got the game on nuuvem for like $25+
Whistling for Roach in the mountains has an echo.
This fucking game.
lol...I was killing a couple ghouls in Velen and once I was done I turned around and here comes a bear charging for me...I decided the forest was his and got the hell out of there
What do you guys think of the loot in this game? I feel like every 20-30 minutes I find loot a weapon or armor piece that is better than the one I currently have. I don't really think this is a great thing since it feels like a big waste to invest runes into equipment that will also be obsolete in a few minutes. Same thing with crafted items. It seems a little bit of a waste to spend time crafting a weapon that you'll only use for a few minutes.
Also, why do some of the serious dialogues have "whaddya"? Just a funny mis-translation or something? It's pretty funny having the choice be like "whaddya mean we gotta kill him?" or "whaddya mean a monster ate your brother?".
Man, just when i thought the game can't go any darker, I do the quest a tower full of mice andThis game isn't afraid to be very extreme with the stories it wants to tell, and I really like that.the way that women died, eaten alive from the inside out by rats while she is paralyzed but still conscious, is just horrific.
Act 3 spoiler:
I just playedThe Battle of Kaer Morhen
Holy fuck.
I don't even have words.
That's the end of Act 2 BTW. But yeah it's a crazy moment.
Sunken treasure is so frustrating to get to.
Yeah, I did that today too. Now I'm afraid to do more story stuff because I don't want it to end.Act 2 spoiler:
I just playedThe Battle of Kaer Morhen
Holy fuck.
I don't even have words.