Level 20 a few hours into Skellige and I haven't encountered any dialogue requiring Delusion higher than 2.
LVL 2 Delusion is sufficient, you do not need to get any higher, I noticed myself.
Level 20 a few hours into Skellige and I haven't encountered any dialogue requiring Delusion higher than 2.
LVL 2 Delusion is sufficient, you do not need to get any higher, I noticed myself.
Thanks, I might just go there so I have more people to play at Gwent. Until the xp bug is patched.
Depends on how OCD you are.
You can easily spend 60 hours in Velen, clearing all the sidequests and contracts.
Level 8 is a bit weak for Skellige.
You do realise you're just fuelling that fire, right?
Come on; the XP bug should've been fixed like last friday ! With a hotfix !
Keira doesn't give two shits about boats. She teleports everywhere. I am pretty sure he is talking aboutHe's talking about fyke isle w keira no?
Keira doesn't give two shits about boats. She teleports everywhere. I am pretty sure he is talking aboutand Skellige.Yen
You think they wouldn't have done that if they could?
Quick question; the friendly witch asked me to sail out with her boat to other place then Velen. Im now lvl 8. Should I do her quest now or just goof around in Velen?
Depends on how OCD you are.
You can easily spend 60 hours in Velen, clearing all the sidequests and contracts.
Level 8 is a bit weak for Skellige.
We shouldn't have to do this ... they should've released a hotfix FFS !
And you guys are forgiving them because it's CDPR !
If it had been Ubisoft you would be tearing them a new one ...
They just want to bundle it with the next patch. They could've definitely released a hotfix ...
And they should've delayed the game by a month if they had such a gamebreaking bug.
I presume you are talking about the "Find a boat..." quest?But when I look at the quest they say lvl 6 is needed
I know XP bug is really infuriating, but it's better wait for a good patch than to a rushed one that can bring only more problems. I mean, we saw what happened with Mortal Kombat X, just imagine if all savegames would be erased by a patch.
I presume you are talking about the "Find a boat..." quest?
I cannot remember its level requirement, it seems so long ago. Even if you feel like you could head out to Skellige, I strongly recommend getting a few more levels in Velen. Some better gear wouldn't go amiss either.
We shouldn't have to do this ... they should've released a hotfix FFS !
And you guys are forgiving them because it's CDPR !
If it had been Ubisoft you would be tearing them a new one ...
He's talking about going to Fyke Isle with Keira. Learning to ride a boat is part of her quest line.I presume you are talking about the "Find a boat..." quest?
I cannot remember its level requirement, it seems so long ago. Even if you feel like you could head out to Skellige, I strongly recommend getting a few more levels in Velen. Some better gear wouldn't go amiss either.
We shouldn't have to do this ... they should've released a hotfix FFS !
And you guys are forgiving them because it's CDPR !
If it had been Ubisoft you would be tearing them a new one ...
Well, they did try to pass it off as a non-issue in the past by stating the XP glitch would still leave you in-line with the challenge they originally planned for the campaign. I don't think they quite expected the uproar this glitch has provided.
Whether or not that means they knew about the glitch beforehand, we don't know. What I do know is a lot of folks didn't start catching on until 1.4 even though the issue was present since launch.
As for the deadline, I'm not that upset since it was obvious a delay would occur, however, I'm baffled why they even bothered to mention today (Tuesday) if it was definitely not in the cards in the first place. The tweet came off very certain and it sounds like tomorrow might be in question as well.
Considering their sole reason for holding off on the XP hotfix was because the patch was "around the corner," it's very dismissive of the community and its concerns when the said patch is being pushed back. It would be a very different story if they had just released the hotfix as planned as most people are troubled by the XP glitch alone and can handle waiting for the other fixes.
Uhm I mean where you get thefrom her, she ask you to travel with her boat.lamp
Uhm I mean where you get thefrom her, she ask you to travel with her boat.lamp
Velen and Novigrad will be the two reasons why I'll never replay this game again. Skellig feels like I'm playing an entirely different game. There is nothing interesting about the former two.
Tbh, I'd be tempted not to reply just because TW3 is like several games in one. It's almost too much. Too much content, too much depth.
I just travelled to Skellige for the first time last night, and my excitement about the game actually deflated a bit. Like, wtf. It's going to take me forever to explore a whole 'nother giant world, and it's actually a little demoralising to see just how much there is still to go and see.
I'm sure I'll get over it. And I've been wanting something this big for decades.
This... doesn't.... make .... sense ....
Nah, it definitely does. Some of us don't have infinite amount of time to play games and the Witcher has become quite the big beast to tackle when there are so many other life commitments.
The XP bug is not gamebreaking. Sidequests and contracts give XP, you can do those, outlevel main quest and then not have to worry.
But ... you don't HAVE to do everything then ... just play the main quests ...
Like I said, I still love CDPR and their policy, doesn't mean they shouldn't get some slack for the downgrade and this ...
Also what this guy says :
There aren't many people around who don't want to see everything a game has to offer.
Then I fail to see what the problem is ?
What if it takes you two months to reach the end of the game ? That's great, isn't it ?
Not always, no. It's alright man, you don't need to try to change my thinking to line up with yours. Go back to shouting at the clouds with the xp bug.
There aren't many people around who don't want to see everything a game has to offer.
Uhm I mean where you get thefrom her, she ask you to travel with her boat.lamp
Oh, I messed up. We were talking about two different boats and quests. And women.He's talking about going to Fyke Isle with Keira. Learning to ride a boat is part of her quest line.
And, yes, Cyborg, you should just be going there right now. Fyke Isle isn't as far away as you seem to think.
The XP bug is not gamebreaking. Sidequests and contracts give XP, you can do those, outlevel main quest and then not have to worry.
What level are you supposed to be at when you first get to Velen?
What level are you supposed to be at when you first get to Velen?
There aren't many people around who don't want to see everything a game has to offer.
What level are you supposed to be at when you first get to Velen? .
The monstrosities of monstrosities!!
2-4 as most have already replied.What level are you supposed to be at when you first get to Velen?