Exact same thing happened to me.
Doesn't he say "No magic rubbish" right before as well?
i don't remember. was busy laughing.
Exact same thing happened to me.
Doesn't he say "No magic rubbish" right before as well?
DLC armor with variable levels?
Does that mean that I could go back to WO and buy the Temerian armor again, and the level would be different?
Can someone please explain the relationship debacle between Triss and Yennefer? I am close to decide if I want a relationship with Triss and I am unsure, what negative effect it has to start something with both sorceresses.
I got all information from the official prima guide.I mean, as far as I understand it, it is possible, to have at least sex with both of them. First with Triss after "Now or Never". Then later the first time with Yen shortly after you arrive at Skellige. Later in Act 2, you are able to have a cozy time with Yen a second time, I guess in Kaer Morhen. But the scene in which both sorceresses "punish" you comes rather at the end of the game.
So, what disadvantage do I have, when starting a relationship with both of them?
Alright I have a question about two quests that seem to intertwine, in Novigrad. One is a main quest, the other a lower level secondary quest. Without hopefully spoiling to much, the secondary is called Gangs of Novigrad.
So, the question is, is there suppose to be a fail state on one of the quests if you do the other? It seems you can't do both, and doing Gangs seems to mean you might lose access to a Cat school diagram later, unless the post I read is wrong.
Going by the Termerian Armour being light, and the Nilfgaardian Armour being medium, and both sharing similar resistance type distribution, logic would imply we'll get Redanian Armour that is heavy, similar stats.
That would leave remaining known DLC.
- Ciri alternate outfit
- Triss alternate outfit
- Fool's Gold (mission most likely)
- Ballad Heroes neautral gwent card set
- Redanian heavy armour (assumed)
Any help?
Any help?
The gear scaling is really starting to get on my nerves. I'm currently lvl 15 and have been running around Velen checking out all the POIs. During this time I must have found at least ten different relic swords with cool sounding names, but they're all lvl 9 or 11 or whatever and rubbish compared to my feline and enhanced griffin swords. All the armours I've come across in the last four hours or so have also been useless. I ended up just selling everything and now I've got over 10k crowns and nothing to spend them on.
The end result is that I end up feeling like I'm playing the game incorrectly and wasting my time since, I'm assuming, all this gear I've found might have actually been useful if I had found it earlier or later when my lvl was closer to whatever thresholds the scaling is based on.
Alright I have a question about two quests that seem to intertwine, in Novigrad. One is a main quest, the other a lower level secondary quest. Without hopefully spoiling to much, the secondary is called Gangs of Novigrad.
So, the question is, is there suppose to be a fail state on one of the quests if you do the other? It seems you can't do both, and doing Gangs seems to mean you might lose access to a Cat school diagram later, unless the post I read is wrong.
Okay opened up the crash report:
Any idea what to do from here?
I'm pretty sure there isn't but just to make sure, there's no item storage box or something like that in this game is there? I'm getting annoyed at having to sell cool looking armour and stuff I might want later to get my weight down
Sell them all to one vendor, buy them back later.
But lets be honest, 90% of the armor in this game are garbage looking.
All of them make Geralt into a fat pot-belly character.
Sell them all to one vendor, buy them back later.
But lets be honest, 90% of the armor in this game are garbage looking.
All of them make Geralt into a fat pot-belly character.
About what level should I be after White Orchard? I'm level 4 just beginning the real meat of the game but loads of enemies around here seem to be significantly higher level than me.
That sounds right.
Just watch for red skulls on enemies and run away from them
About what level should I be after White Orchard? I'm level 4 just beginning the real meat of the game but loads of enemies around here seem to be significantly higher level than me.
Was playing today and all blacksmiths in Velen have gone. Glitch? PS4 fucking version.
What am I looking at?
Yeah they are just not there. Tried Oxenfurt and other towns and nothing. Hope this don't fuck with my playthrough.They seem to disappear from my map at times, are they just not there or not showing up on the map? The one in Novigrad isn't there all the time, so I will meditate a few hours and he shows up.
Well debug console commands also reveal hair 2 and hair 3 dlc, as well as something called wolf dlc, which is assumed by many to be Wolf School witcher gear, since wolf witcher items can be added via memory editing. They're currently blank items but the fact they exist along with that command is good enough reason to believe.
That whole story arc bored me to tears and ended anticlimatically. It literally ends with the one character laying down sayingand the quest ends after a 2-4 hour endeavor. I thought it was a low point especially coming after the Baron thing. I think it doesn't help that those characters just annoy me."sorry, geralt, my later"
The entire Novigrad stuff just bored me.
Yeah they are just not there. Tried Oxenfurt and other towns and nothing. Hope this don't fuck with my playthrough.
Game just crapped out on me on xbox one. I uninstalled it and it wont install right now. Ill try later ... i just got called into work anyway. Sigh.
Shit you scaried me. Anyone else having trouble?Yeah that would definitely fuck things up, not being able to craft better gear. I'm keeping multiple save files because of these random bugs I keep hearing about, like this and not being able to craft bombs you bought recipes for.
Completed all contracts. Finished almost all quests. All that remains are some treasure hunts, racing, and Gwent. And obviously any ! I've missed and will need a guide to find.
Looking forward to getting stuck into Gwent, but a part of me is depressed the journey is more or less over.
I hate Lambert.
Hope I get to kill him.
How many hours did it take you?
How many hours did it take you?
Also, I'm still waiting for the patch
Can't handle the sarcasm?I hate Lambert.
Hope I get to kill him.
Is there any quest arc that takes you to the guarded temple thing area near the Nilfgaardian camp in the south east of Velen? I never went there, and can't get in.