so since im about halfway through, but in that "time to finish the game" mindset, some thoughts:
- what we all suspected, with the xp fixed (in my case with the mod, but hopefully with the patch for everyone), you get "too much" xp, especially if you do everything. You WILL outlevel content very fast
- in the same mindset, with the limited slots for your "spec", you will outgrow a use for skill points very fast (and by very fast I mean around lvl 22-ish if youve also been getting the power points from shrines
- I still want to get my masterwork gryphon set so im ok with it, and I do have a lot of level 26ish quests, but still, in general, Ive outlvled content by a great deal at lvl 24, so for those worried with challenge, that might be a problem
- speaking of the gryphon set, it looks MUCH better "in person" than in pictures. Immloving the superior set, with the shiny gold parts and chainmail and shit. Bear is probably still the best one but these sets look much better in game.
- I still want to do all the quests and contracts, because I love the voice acting and story / cutscenes around them, but Im deffinitely NOT getting all the PoIs in Skellige like I did in Velen. Not only is Skellige a pain to traverse, most of the PoIs seem to be underwater, and theres just no point really unless youre a real completionist (and im not THAT much of a completionist). Plus like I said at the start, im not bored of the game, but I am starting to get into that "ok time to hit the home stretch" mindset (steam says I have 60 hours) if you know what I mean. For example, im usually just choosing the "yellow" speech options now, instead of clicking every one before advancing.
anyway, to be continued