Yen can be annoying, but Triss' voice is so awful. Save me.
yen got that sass.
triss sounds so bland in comparison tbh. it's cool that she's been in the whole trilogy but i immediately found yennefer more interesting.
I just finished Keira Metz's quest line in Act 1. Did some googling to see what the other endings are.
Holy shit Radovid is a fucking sociopath. Impaled at the stake? Jesus flippin christ!
Like, what the fuck, man!
I just finished Keira Metz's quest line in Act 1. Did some googling to see what the other endings are.
Holy shit Radovid is a fucking sociopath. Impaled at the stake? Jesus flippin christ!
Like, what the fuck, man!
Like, what the fuck, man!
Hah, fiends can't really counter a basic fast attack -> dodge backwards -> wait -> fast attack loop done from the front. They're too slow and the attacks they like to use have too little reach
Or, you know, just burn them![]()
There is a Fiend you come across on Skellige during a contract that is a little bit more tricksy than the normal ones... be prepared to die. He's a tough one.
for those that finished the game, how much close to done am I?I thought I was at the end when I brought Ciri back to Kaer Morhen and I got everyone to help me defend her, but obviously it's not the end as what happens afterwards happens.....
It's kinda crazy cause I literally was sad and was like "Whelp, gonna just enjoy this end" and then, the game is like, "Nope, not over yet bro"
Doing horse racing in Novigrad. I was near the finish line and Roach literally just steered himself out of bounds.
Unfortunately I do, the quest is still in my active quest log even though there are no more objectives for it, so I'm guessing it's bugged. That's what I get for caring about things like this, same happened to me as well. luckliy, i didn't have many more problems with races after that incident.
Which is why I had no issues with him getting killed by Phillipa.
I was so confused until I realized that you're trying to craft griffin level 1. You don't need a master for that and you should really have already visited Crow's Perch, which has a journeyman armorer, at this point. You're doing a bit too much side questing if you haven't been there yet.Need some help. I'm in Velen and yet to get to Novigrad and have all the Griffin armor ready to be crafted but I can't find a master armor in Velen. Is there one is Velen or do I have to go to Novigrad to find one? If so, will that ruin any quest lines in Velen going to Novigrad early?
Need some help. I'm in Velen and yet to get to Novigrad and have all the Griffin armor ready to be crafted but I can't find a master armor in Velen. Is there one in Velen or do I have to go to Novigrad to find one? If so, will that ruin any quest lines in Velen going to Novigrad early?
I was so confused until I realized that you're trying to craft griffin level 1. You don't need a master for that and you should really have already visited Crow's Perch, which has a journeyman armorer, at this point. You're doing a bit too much side questing if you haven't been there yet.
Need some help. I'm in Velen and yet to get to Novigrad and have all the Griffin armor ready to be crafted but I can't find a master armor in Velen. Is there one in Velen or do I have to go to Novigrad to find one? If so, will that ruin any quest lines in Velen going to Novigrad early?
I'm at the island maiden now. Man am I the only one who thinks boss fights are really not fun? It's the same hit roll roll bullshit from the previous game and you chip away at their life bar at a glacial pace. Even on easy they go on forever without becoming interesting.
Man Triss really got the short end of the giving love stick. Doesn't make matters easier with Yen being so annoying.
Do it with single shot kill underwater enemies... that's how I did it.
Easy easy!
Errr, hehe, that's the exact one I used the strategy on. Finally got the Even Odds achievement thanks to itThere is a Fiend you come across on Skellige during a contract that is a little bit more tricksy than the normal ones... be prepared to die. He's a tough one.
Read your beastiary and to learn about what you're fighting, each monster is weak to specific oils, bombs and signs.I'm at the island maiden now. Man am I the only one who thinks boss fights are really not fun? It's the same hit roll roll bullshit from the previous game and you chip away at their life bar at a glacial pace. Even on easy they go on forever without becoming interesting.
Seriously just ruined that part for me. Kinda assholishReally? You're gonna respond with a late game spoiler?
Need some help. I'm in Velen and yet to get to Novigrad and have all the Griffin armor ready to be crafted but I can't find a master armor in Velen. Is there one in Velen or do I have to go to Novigrad to find one? If so, will that ruin any quest lines in Velen going to Novigrad early?
So has anyone else given up on calling Roach? Seems like his pathfinding AI rarely brings him to Geralt, and actually riding him is plagued by collision detection errors.
Upgrade crossbow slowdown skill, craft some sharpshooter bolts, put low level bandits on fire with igni or slow them down with yrden and headshot them.Ooh, gonna try that. Thx for the tip.
I just finished Keira Metz's quest line in Act 1. Did some googling to see what the other endings are.
Holy shit Radovid is a fucking sociopath. Impaled at the stake? Jesus flippin christ!
Like, what the fuck, man!
So stop using the auto feature and just ride him normally like you would any other horse in any other game. That feature sucks so there's no reason to rely on it.Keeps straying from a path when ever he decides to follow it.
Damn, that's horrible. I decided toand I regret it. I'm definitely gonna do a replay so please tell me there is a way tokill her outside the Fyke Island tower?keep her alive throughout the entire story
Talking Radovid.... Is there any waysomebody else than Philippa kills him? Wanna slaughter that pig myself.
sorry for doublepost.
edit: Maybe you should add end game spoiler there![]()
I just finished Keira Metz's quest line in Act 1. Did some googling to see what the other endings are.
Holy shit Radovid is a fucking sociopath. Impaled at the stake? Jesus flippin christ!
Like, what the fuck, man!
1.06 out on Steam but surprise, it doesn't fix the mutagens bug.
Really? So I guess someone is wrong on CDPR forum :S
A user opened a thread to say the problem is still here. Well, if it works, better![]()
Just got the achievement for doing all Witcher contracts.
This made me sad, I want to hunt more monsters!
Anyone who kills that monster is a bad person who should feel bad.Well, there's theDLC.missing miner