Ray Wonder
Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
GOG down? Doesn't load at all on my side.
Also, what is max level? 40? 50? Because I saw a piece of armour that is level 37.
Think it's 70? IIRC
GOG down? Doesn't load at all on my side.
Also, what is max level? 40? 50? Because I saw a piece of armour that is level 37.
Random encounters. Whether enemies or NPC's. Everything in TW3 seems placed very specifically. Enemies stick to assigned little zones and there aren't any dynamic events ever.
As already mentioned, dungeons. Bethesda's games are full of them, while TW3 has very few of them from what I've seen.
Personal living quarters. I really enjoy having a place that is *mine*, where I can come to, take a breather, store and/or display items and equipment, etc. That sense of home that many games have, TW3 doesn't.
Stealth system and a risk/reward factor for being a thief.
Ranged combat. Yea, there's a crossbow in this game, but it's, well, limited in usefulness and that's all there really is. Bethesda games typically have either spells, bows/crossbows, or in the case of Fallout - guns.
Which brings me to the next point - just a range of playstyles. TW3 - there is some variety, but it doesn't differ that much. You are still basically just using swords and the 5 spells you've got as you play a predefined role of a witcher.
First person view. A big one for me, as I think it gives it a very different feel and sense of immersion.
Random encounters. Whether enemies or NPC's. Everything in TW3 seems placed very specifically. Enemies stick to assigned little zones and there aren't any dynamic events ever.
These aren't criticisms of TW3 as much as they are just noting that Bethesda RPG's definitely have plenty of things they do differently that means there is room for both types of games.
I mean if you're a dirt poor peasant with little to look forward to, would you try to stop a mutant Witcher with 2 swords on his back from taking what meager belongings you have in your house? Now if guards didn't react to my looting I would be a little annoyed.
If anything Skyrim was similar since you could just put buckets on NPCs heads and literally rob them blind. That or just grab the item by holding E and taking it to where the NPC can't see and then looting it. Then sometimes you would steal something and since a chicken or dog saw you now the entire town wants you dead.
Jesus that's horrible. On PC?
Yeah, some of these are good points, but I think most of these absences boil down to CDPR intelligently clipping things which wouldn't fit Geralt's character and how they would represent his story and world.
Me too, I am working off those question marks, witcher hunts and side quests in Velen...
Gonna take a loooong, looong time..
GOG down? Doesn't load at all on my side.
Also, what is max level? 40? 50? Because I saw a piece of armour that is level 37.
Think it's 70? IIRC
Gamersyde seems to be getting into the performance comparison business. Perhaps they are going to give DF a run for its money:
As already mentioned, dungeons. Bethesda's games are full of them, while TW3 has very few of them from what I've seen.
Stealth system and a risk/reward factor for being a thief.
Ranged combat. Yea, there's a crossbow in this game, but it's, well, limited in usefulness and that's all there really is. Bethesda games typically have either spells, bows/crossbows, or in the case of Fallout - guns.
Which brings me to the next point - just a range of playstyles. TW3 - there is some variety, but it doesn't differ that much. You are still basically just using swords and the 5 spells you've got as you play a predefined role of a witcher.
Random encounters. Whether enemies or NPC's. Everything in TW3 seems placed very specifically. Enemies stick to assigned little zones and there aren't any dynamic events ever.
Personal living quarters. I really enjoy having a place that is *mine*, where I can come to, take a breather, store and/or display items and equipment, etc. That sense of home that many games have, TW3 doesn't.
I have to strongly disagree with this. Creating a character and deciding its beard length is not "roleplaying" and Skyrim doesn't offer you any substantial choices to actually roleplay. You can opt not to join the thieves guild, opt to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and opt not to bow to the Daedra, but choosing to avoid any of those are exclusively detrimental. There is no reward for avoiding these evils, nor is there an alternative "good/neutral" path to choose, but there are tons of rewards and content to see for joining them.Yes, they are similar games. But they still are pretty different and have different goals too. Skyrim seems a lot more roleplay oriented (and it does have flaws there which imho are where it could be improved). Witcher seems more game/playing a story oriented. They do aim towards different markets within the RPG market.
Yes, those two recipes seem to be bugged. Afaik, the solution is to first destroy/drop the base version of the bomb, then craft the base bomb and the enhanced bomb in one go without leaving the alchemy screenI need help :/ I've bought the following manuscript pages:
Problem is: Dwarven spirit is showing up under alchemy, but the enhanced bomb pages aren't there under bombs in the alchemy tab. Am I fu**ed? As far as I know manuscript pages can't be bought again after they've been purchased...
Aside from obviously different style/setting of RPG, TW3 has amazing world building, amazing main + side quests + amazing exploration/adventure. Also well designed characters.
If you love RPGs you'll love TW3. It has set a new benchmark for fantasy RPGs and RPG side quest design in general + exploration/adventure.
I can trade all this for the strong witcher background that explain most of it . It's also this that make witcher a lot better when it comes to the story/npc relations in the game making the two shine like i never seen in the elder scroll.
See it like an imposed base character sheet:
Doing my second playthrough on Death March, and fuck me the Alchemy tree is useless compared to Signs.
So much stuff is just far too situational...and item heavy, requiring you fiddle around. More importantly...it's just takes forever to become useful, whereas signs are broken at Tier 2 Igni / Quen. Axii for conversations is ridiculous too, as you get 2-3x more XP from those dialogue options. Even for non-sign specs, Sign's are a crutch. Couple this with the fact that they become powerful both offensively and defensively.
The Oil tier 2 skill just needs to be a flat 25% damage reduction for the enemy types you've crated oil for. To prevent people dipping into Alchemy solely for it, put it in T3.
I'll be playing this and nothing else until Batman comes out, I have no doubt about it. Thankfully not much coming out in between them.
I am addicted to this game.
Ouch, I don't envy you right now.
Wow, that's fucking rough.
No idea why that guy didn't flag it NSFW when he posted. That was a junior move right there.
I came right from Bloodborne so it was a bit of an adjustment for me but now I'm really liking combat. The one problem I have is that I've gone with light gear and fast attack abilities and now I almost never use heavy attack. Maybe when I get a few more points I'll put some into one of the heavy attack abilities and see if that gives me more incentive to diversify.
I have to strongly disagree with this. Creating a character and deciding its beard length is not "roleplaying" and Skyrim doesn't offer you any substantial choices to actually roleplay. You can opt not to join the thieves guild, opt to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and opt not to bow to the Daedra, but choosing to avoid any of those are exclusively detrimental. There is no reward for avoiding these evils, nor is there an alternative "good/neutral" path to choose, but there are tons of rewards and content to see for joining them.
I believe CDPR have said there is no limit.
Alternate signs make the game (even on death march) so easy. You can just Axii an outlier from a group and have his mates kill him and repeat until only 1 is left. It's hilarious. Then the healing from alternate Quen just adds icing to the cake, combine with the decoction that heals you for attacking and you're almost unkillable.
Damn the side quests in this game are amazing. I was just walking around the map when I foundthe ghost hidden in a cave, protected by a werewolf. Did the ritual and let him live. Does it make a difference whether you let him possess the horse or kill him?
When I played the quest the other day I found a bracelet in one of the houses but obviously it wasn't the correct one. Is this where you found the bracelet because if so it's not the right one.
Oooh that's cool. I bet by the time it becomes relevant again I'll already have forgotten about it lolWouldn't want to spoil it but it a pretty huge difference. It ties into the main questline.
It has better side quests than New Vegas? Really?
You can't complete it before doing the other main quest in Velen. The solution will turn upSeem to be stuck on the Family Matters quest:i got the lubberkin baby which led me to that family. They told me about the daughter and wife. I talked to the baron, he wanted me to check on his daughter so I did. Now all it says is to look around Velen for the mothers whereabouts with no marker telling me where to go. Did I do something wrong?
And also NSFW for anybody at work right now.
Seem to be stuck on the Family Matters quest:i got the lubberkin baby which led me to that family. They told me about the daughter and wife. I talked to the baron, he wanted me to check on his daughter so I did. Now all it says is to look around Velen for the mothers whereabouts with no marker telling me where to go. Did I do something wrong?
Seem to be stuck on the Family Matters quest:i got the lubberkin baby which led me to that family. They told me about the daughter and wife. I talked to the baron, he wanted me to check on his daughter so I did. Now all it says is to look around Velen for the mothers whereabouts with no marker telling me where to go. Did I do something wrong?
Seem to be stuck on the Family Matters quest:i got the lubberkin baby which led me to that family. They told me about the daughter and wife. I talked to the baron, he wanted me to check on his daughter so I did. Now all it says is to look around Velen for the mothers whereabouts with no marker telling me where to go. Did I do something wrong?
Oooh that's cool. I bet by the time it becomes relevant again I'll already have forgotten about it lol
Dumb question but im still in white orchards. The "black ones" are niilfgardians right? The guys you do thefor?griffen contract
I believe CDPR have said there is no limit.
Before setting out on your adventure and collecting as many XPs as possible, know that the current Level Cap is at Level 70. However, the Level 70 Level Cap is expected to increase to Level 100 in future. For the time being though, here are a few tips to reach that Level Cap 70 as soon as possible.