The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

He had sex with Shani in the books, no? And she was 17 in there

True, I should not have been so vague and made it solely about age in my post though. So let me clarify.

Age is not the only factor which makes it weird, the fact that Geralt is a friend of Crach and Cerys is basically Ciri's childhood friend is what makes it weird. Imagine after finding Ciri, Geralt went on to tell her "You remember the girl you grew up with? Yeah I banged her." or Geralt telling Crach "Yo, I banged your daughter man, I know she grew up with Ciri but I promise it won't be weird".

Shani, on the other hand, is completely unrelated to Geralt.

In a game where choices are everything, the biggest event which should have had the biggest consequences, and still nothing happens...
A really, really disappointing quest in a otherwise great written game.. again, what the hell happened?

Agreed, I was taken aback by how they handled
in that quest. Feels so out of character and makes no goddamn sense.


I was talking in Geralt's perspective, mate :p

I know, haha. Just teasing.

That's basically why I
ended up with Yennifer at the end. Personally I couldn't bloody stand the woman...way too overbearing and agressive for my tastes (especially when she threw a bloody strop when I turned her down for sex in Kaer Morhen) but I could see she was the right woman for Geralt. Far more than an emotionally immature redhaired woman with an incredibly distracting Californian accent.

But for me, personally? Cerys all the way, brother. I'd throw my baby in her oven any time.


True, I should not have been so vague and made it solely about age in my post though. So let me clarify.

Age is not the only factor which makes it weird, the fact that Geralt is a friend of Crach and Cerys is basically Ciri's childhood friend is what makes it weird. Imagine after finding Ciri, Geralt went on to tell her "You remember the girl you grew up with? Yeah I banged her." or Geralt telling Crach "Yo, I banged your daughter man, I know she grew up with Ciri but I promise it won't be weird".

Shani, on the other hand, is completely unrelated to Geralt.

Agreed, I was taken aback by how they handled
in that quest. Feels so out of character and makes no goddamn sense.

I think the reason many want Geral and Cerys together is because of how similar they are in personality. And generally how likable she is and how strong a character she is.
I simply think she is the one who fits the best with Geralt based on personality.


I think the reason many want Geral and Cerys together is because of how similar they are in personality. And generally how likable she is and how strong a character she is.
I simply think she is the one who fits the best with Geralt based on personality.

For me it was....

-Strong, independent character who strikes a good balance between being forward-thinking and pro-active whilst also someone who listens to the people around her and who respects Geralt's contributions.
-Has a great rapport with Geralt.
-Doesn't ressurect screaming corpses in sacred religious spots.
-Personally, I have a thing for reheads.
-Personally, I have a thing for Irish accents.


I feel exactly the same way about the

It came down to a hand to hand fight them. lol?

Yeah. I was so looking forward to that fight but eh... It probably is the worst. The one after it makes up a bit for it. That was great.

And I agree with all the
Reason of State
comments. Ending felt rushed and I am sure that will be changed/fixed for the enhanced edition. I hope it will be free this time as well. Can't imagine them not making that version for the ending trilogy game.

Please do.

Ok. Will take half a day or so. I got this amazing 75 KB/s upload :(

Will be one extra quest you normally don't get to see and changed dialogue. If it's interrsting enough I'll record the other things. Plus the lightning was amazing in that cutscene! (You'll see!)

Edit - First part should be up in 2 hours, the other in 6 or so. Preview images -



Got lucky with the sun directly behind Geralt in that scene. It looks a bit silly in the shots but in motion it looks stunning. I adore the lightning in this game. Hairworks as well on everything but Geralts hair but I am glad you can mod that part away.
I think the reason many want Geral and Cerys together is because of how similar they are in personality. And generally how likable she is and how strong a character she is.
I simply think she is the one who fits the best with Geralt based on personality.

For me it was....

-Strong, independent character who strikes a good balance between being forward-thinking and pro-active whilst also someone who listens to the people around her and who respects Geralt's contributions.
-Has a great rapport with Geralt.
-Doesn't ressurect screaming corpses in sacred religious spots.
-Personally, I have a thing for reheads.
-Personally, I have a thing for Irish accents.

I never said she is not those things you said. It's just in my Geralt's eyes, the girl is still basically a child of his friend and a friend of his daughter to him.

SpaceWolf, the thing in your spoiler is what simply must happen,
Ciri is in danger and they have no other ways, at least with so short a time they have. That is why I love Yen, she will do everything for her daughter, no matter how despicable it can be.


Is there a mod for keeping hairworks on everything but beards? I really didn't like the way the beards look and had to turn it off.

There is. It's called Hairworks on everything but Geralt. It's not updated to 1.10 but some guy on Witcher nexus made it work. You can choose to disable it completely on Geralt, still let his hair or beard be HW'ed. It's a great mod and takes away the huge fps drain while everything else remains HW'ed. It's great.

I also use a mod to lock his beard growth. The hairworked beard is a thing of beauty IMO! That mod is called Beardlock (I think) and is updated for 1.10.

Yup. That's the one.


I'm almost done with the main game and up to now I would call the writting in this game brilliant.. but then I played the missions Reason of State and I don't understand what the hell happened..
the start of that mission and the reason why they wanted to kill Radovid is understandable, but the end to that quest doesn't make any sense.. Dijkstra is acting totally out of character and his plan is really stupid and the choice he offers to Geralt isn't even really a choice - you're not choosing between a smaller and bigger evil, like most choices in Witcher games are.. and why does Dikstra fight even though he knows he isn't a good fighter and he is against Geralt, Roche, Ves - all of which are really good at fighting.. why didn't he poisoned the wine instead? Or used his archers? Why the world is the same after this, maybe the biggest thing (event) for Northern countries in the game ?- yeah, I know it changes the ending, but other than that the world is the same nonetheless.. No one mentions that the biggest foe of Emhyr has died.. like what the hell?

In a game where choices are everything, the biggest event which should have had the biggest consequences, and still nothing happens...
A really, really disappointing quest in a otherwise great written game.. again, what the hell happened?

Yes, this and the lack of Saskia are only two criticisms I have of the game's writing.
I would love it if they made third expansion that would focus on bolstering main quest and restoring cut content, and changed this quest to actually reflect who Dijkstra is.


Yes, the ending of Reason of State makes no sense, it's one of my bigger issues with the game.

Skellige Succession quest is also another kind of a "no duh choice" quest, but I still liked how that played out.


I recently picked up this game, and I just can't get into it due to the clunky combat. Half the time enemies hit me out of a dodge animation despite the fact that I'm already almost behind them, and they always seem to break my block whenever i try blocking/parrying, staggering me and doing the damage anyways. Any tips?
I recently picked up this game, and I just can't get into it due to the clunky combat. Half the time enemies hit me out of a dodge animation despite the fact that I'm already almost behind them, and they always seem to break my block whenever i try blocking/parrying, staggering me and doing the damage anyways. Any tips?

You can block to infinity and beyond against enemies you can block against. If your guard is getting broken, or you're getting staggered, it means you're facing an enemy that can't be blocked, and needs to be avoided. If something is lunging at you, dodge to the side and strike. If it's a large, sweeping attack, you'll probably have to roll out of the way. Yrden has been nerfed, but it is still useful to slow enemies enough to help with dodge timing. Putting points in it works well in any build.

Hit boxes can be hit and miss, but it works OK overall. There is an ability in the combat tree that reduces damage when dodging to zero with 5/5 points in it. Fleet footed I believe.
Just had to pop in and say the game performs really nicely now on PS4. Playing it for the second time (first since several patches) and with the alternative movement option and the ability to switch off some post processing effects it ran really smooth.

I was never bothered by the performance before but it feels great now in my opinion.


Has CDPR ever said anything about plans to expand the Church of the Eternal Fire? Like, make an interior for it so you can explore, and maybe some quests there?

Excited for Blood and Wine but I'd love to see that area expanded on too.

Karl Hawk

Has CDPR ever said anything about plans to expand the Church of the Eternal Fire? Like, make an interior for it so you can explore, and maybe some quests there?

Excited for Blood and Wine but I'd love to see that area expanded on too.

Don't think they said anything in regards to Church of Eternal Fire.

Though I wouldn't mind a questline where we dismantle the fanatical Witch Hunters.


Don't think they said anything in regards to Church of Eternal Fire.

Though I wouldn't mind a questline where we dismantle the fanatical Witch Hunters.

Yeah I mean that HUGE ass tower in Novigrad is just begging for some kind of questline and a reason to go inside. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of other things to do but it would be really cool to head inside and do some church conspiracy investigation.

Karl Hawk

Yeah I mean that HUGE ass tower in Novigrad is just begging for some kind of questline and a reason to go inside. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of other things to do but it would be really cool to head inside and do some church conspiracy investigation.

Aye, I agree with ya.

I would like to see some quests involved in the Church's Temple area on Novigrad. The area feels empty at the moment.


Here is the second video about my (now completed) run of doing Skellige first before the others. Once again the warning that you should not watch before you actually completed In Ciri's Footsteps.

This is the followup to my previous video which is the quest A Mysterious Passenger you wouldn't get to see/play if you did a 'normal' playthrough as far as I know -

This is the Baron scene changed where you
collect Uma from him instead of the Sergeant
. Tiny difference but I like it.

I don't intend to upload the other changes since my upload speed is so damn bad. I'm sure there are videos about someone crazy enough to do it as well on YT but someone over here wanted to see those two things so there they are :p

Sorry for the compression/brightness. I recorded it with Shadowplay but Youtube really makes them look bad :-(


Heh, typical.

Booted up the game to do some more "Master Marksman" grinding today. I decide to follow endlessflood's suggestion from earlier, and the first enemy I kill that way nets me the trophy.

At least I never have to see the fucking Devil's Pit again, wooo!


Heh, typical.

Booted up the game to do some more "Master Marksman" grinding today. I decide to follow endlessflood's suggestion from earlier, and the first enemy I kill that way nets me the trophy.

At least I never have to see the fucking Devil's Pit again, wooo!

Ah yes. I still have to start that one but but but.... it looks horrible :/


I finished the game today (the main story that is), and I have to say that it was a pretty disappointing ending, at least for me

It took me 95 hours to do my first play through, and hours 0 - 85 where amazing, but hours 86 - 95 felt so gamey.

From the fight against
the Crones as Ciri till you defeat the King of the Wild Hunt, it all felt so shoehorned in. All that amazing writing talent was ignored for CoD style corridors and arena fights.

The rest of the game was 11/10, and its still my GOTY, but that last bit was such a let down.


Patch 1.11 completely broke Gwent for me. I can't play any games or even check my deck. I'm stuck on a black screen of the Yennefer card. If anyone else can confirm this issue effects them that would be great; if so I recommend not updating to 1.11.

EDIT: Loaded old files, even changed drivers and it's still broken. No idea what to do.
Patch 1.11 completely broke Gwent for me. I can't play any games or even check my deck. I'm stuck on a black screen of the Yennefer card. If anyone else can confirm this issue effects them that would be great; if so I recommend not updating to 1.11.

I was playing some gwent on the GOG version just now and it worked fine. Haven't noticed any issues...other than my quality of life mods needing another update.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
I just bought this game on ps4 and I find the controls are absolute shit. Terrible dead zone, actions happen like a second or more after you press the button. Any fix for this?


I just bought this game on ps4 and I find the controls are absolute shit. Terrible dead zone, actions happen like a second or more after you press the button. Any fix for this?

Did you try the alternate control method? They patched it in after launch.


Update: Did a complete uninstall and reinstalled and now it works. I'm not sure if something corrupted somewhere along the line, but this method works if the issue happens.


I finished the game today (the main story that is), and I have to say that it was a pretty disappointing ending, at least for me

It took me 95 hours to do my first play through, and hours 0 - 85 where amazing, but hours 86 - 95 felt so gamey.

From the fight against
the Crones as Ciri till you defeat the King of the Wild Hunt, it all felt so shoehorned in. All that amazing writing talent was ignored for CoD style corridors and arena fights.

The rest of the game was 11/10, and its still my GOTY, but that last bit was such a let down.
You're not alone in that opinion. I am still playing on doing some Witcher missions and stuff though and it's still fun


So after 243 hours I finally finished the game (started on 28th May and ended 23th October and didn't played basically no other game - I was working from morning till evening, so that's one of the reasons why it took me so long)
I did get the bittersweet ending and I liked it, even though the last hours were really frantic in speed of the main story compared to the first two acts..

But I have questions about some characters after the story:
but what about Triss (I picked Yennefer) ? Or for that matter what did happen to all the sorceress - did Emhyr kept his word ? And what about Avallac'h, Weavess, Francis Bedlam, Cleaver and most importantly what did happen to Nibbles ? :D


I'm looking to finish this game this weekend. I'm not on a completionist run or anything.

I've finished the
battle of Kaer Morhen and killed the dude on the mountain
so that's where I am in the story, also have the full DLC to complete.

Is it conceivable to finish the game over the weekend or have I too much left to go?


So, I have all trophies now except for the difficulty-specific ones (and some of the missable ones from the DLC). I was thinking of restarting the game in NG+, Death March-style.

How difficult will the NG+ game be if I've buffed up my Geralt by quite a bit? He's a level 40 character with the best equipment possible. Anything specific to think of if I wanna breeze through the game?


As someone with platinum in DeS,DaS,BB i still sometimes struggle with the fighting (Blood an Broken Bones, lvl 7) although it's partly because of the nice evasive maneuvers the enemies do (really like that).
I often use the roll although i start to think that O (normal dodge) is really enough for most attacks and better to follow up an attack after dodging. X is just easier to press.

Why is the Werewolf missing in my Beastiary? Was always applying Beast Oil (because duh, it's good against Wolfs) on my Blade and struggled against them. Then i read that i need the Cursed Oil instead of Beast -_-. Thanks to the extra dmg, i finally beat that bastard.

Gwent is nice. I constantly use my last coins to buy some cards instead of bread and water :p.


I'm looking to finish this game this weekend. I'm not on a completionist run or anything.

I've finished the
battle of Kaer Morhen and killed the dude on the mountain
so that's where I am in the story, also have the full DLC to complete.

Is it conceivable to finish the game over the weekend or have I too much left to go?

Yeah it is. Not that much left. 3/4 main quests with a few sidequests. Still quite a few hours but doable.

The game + DLC in the weekend probably would be impossible unless you play 7/8 hours a day :p

So, I have all trophies now except for the difficulty-specific ones (and some of the missable ones from the DLC). I was thinking of restarting the game in NG+, Death March-style.

How difficult will the NG+ game be if I've buffed up my Geralt by quite a bit? He's a level 40 character with the best equipment possible. Anything specific to think of if I wanna breeze through the game?

Should be fine. Don't think there is all that much difference difficulty wise between NG and NG+ but i'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. I believe they patched it a bit to make it harder since I tried. You obviously get the benefit of having money, potions and stuff like that.

I myself just went with normal DM though after trying the NG+ for a few hours. Actually disliked having 'everything' at the start.

Citizen K

What is up with the quest levels? I did the following main quests on skellige: 'echoes of the past' L17 'missing persons' L15 then 'nameless' L14. These quests followed each other and the levels are going down? Wtf?

It's bad enough that I'm over levelled anyway (L23) and now quests are going backwards ?


Finally finished up all the Witcher contracts (nice of them to make an achievement pop up to confirm that) and most of the side quests minus collecting all the Gwent cards. I'm guessing I probably missed a few side quests over the course of the game, but I'd like to think I've done the overwhelming majority of them at this point.

Last thing left is to actually finish the main story. I'm guessing I'm fairly close as my current mission is titled
Final Preparations
. Gonna feel strange to finally be finished with the game after nearly 5 months of playing fairly regularly. I got the Expansion pass but I think I'm going to take a break from Witcher stuff at least for a few months as I've put in ~150 hours into Witcher 2 and 3 over the past 6 months or so. But it's certainly been one hell of a ride and I have a tough time seeing any other game topping it for my GOTY.


What is up with the quest levels? I did the following main quests on skellige: 'echoes of the past' L17 'missing persons' L15 then 'nameless' L14. These quests followed each other and the levels are going down? Wtf?

It's bad enough that I'm over levelled anyway (L23) and now quests are going backwards ?

They'll go up again :) It's weird though, I'll give you that


115 hours in and finally finished up the main story and all the side quests I ran into. I already had a strong suspicion that this would be my favorite game this year (and one of my favorite RPG's overall) fairly early in, and now that it's over, I can say it with some more confidence. With most good RPG's (at least of recent memory), I feel it's always been picking one or the other: a good main quest line or consistently interesting side quests. With the Witcher 3, I feel they did both incredibly well, and that's what the game truly special for me.

I'll probably take a bit of a break from the game before diving into the Expansions, but I am happy that there's still some more Witcher to be had when I come back to it. Have to say I'm also very excited to see what they do with Cyberpunk after all they were able to accomplish with The Witcher 3.


Just started a new game plus and i'm really enjoying the challenge. But man, i totally forgot about the side-quest Devil by the well in White Orchard. Such a sad story told in such a superb way.

But i can't decide what playstyle i'm going with in the new game plus. The first time i did the light armor/fast attack/alchemy build. Thinking of going with heavy armor/strong attack/alchemy or medium armor/strong attack/signs.
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