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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)






Pics i'm using so far, not sure which should be my profile pic? I'm in Seoul if that makes any difference.


Neo Member
On first install it showed me 0 results in a 50 mile range. After changing to a 75 mile range it shows me people in my hometown. Seems logical.


So not worth it
Why would you pick the first one?

Agreed, don't post solo pics with a girl (unless you're into guys, in that case go right ahead). Pics with girls in a group is fine, but people will definitely tune out after seeing that you already have a girl (even if it's just a friend, people will see that pic and assume it's your gf).


Why would you pick the first one?

Agreed, don't post solo pics with a girl (unless you're into guys, in that case go right ahead). Pics with girls in a group is fine, but people will definitely tune out after seeing that you already have a girl (even if it's just a friend, people will see that pic and assume it's your gf).

Yeah, I probably wasn't gonna pick that one. Thought it was obvious it was in a business setting though.

Which then? :S


Eh. I tested this out with a fake FB account (i.e. zero friends) and it worked fine for me.
But I'm in London so finding people around me isn't really hard.

weird I've tried it with both my real and a fake account and neither show any results.

I think OKcupid owns tinder, in fact okc has a tinder like feature built into the site now and that pulls up results but this app is useless. set it to 100miles for both sexes and nothing even though theres 1million plus people in the area. no matter what distance the radar circle only shows maybe a mile around me, I don't know if that's normal or if the app is fucked.


Maturity, bitches.
weird I've tried it with both my real and a fake account and neither show any results.

I think OKcupid owns tinder, in fact okc has a tinder like feature built into the site now and that pulls up results but this app is useless. set it to 100miles for both sexes and nothing even though theres 1million plus people in the area. no matter what distance the radar circle only shows maybe a mile around me, I don't know if that's normal or if the app is fucked.

Maybe the app felt sorry for me since I used a pic of a cartoon character (it was my fake FB account after all) as my profile pic while setting up. It thought, well no one is going to swipe yes to this so might as well show them everyone.


Wow, there is Tinder thread.

Like using it, it's a fun way to pass the time, even if it's thoroughly superficial.

The biggest problem I have ATM is that I probably used it too much. Belgium is a small country in itself, and adjusting the radius to the biggest possible helped a bit... But right now, it takes ages for the App to find new people. Let alone people that pique my interest.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tell him flakers are a very common and natural part of the process. :p Shouldn't take it personally or all on the app. There will be matches that aren't attention/time-wasters amongst the fold.

Oh, believe me, I (and a couple of others) did explain the... well... "iffy" nature of internet-based dating services. He was quite heavily involved -- emotionally speaking -- with his prior relationships and so I think it's just a matter of adjusting expectations due to the impersonal nature of digital communication.


The thing that bothers me about Tinder is that there is some questionable/sketchy shit on there. Like, you see Jennifer, 20. Then her status line says "not actually 20". Like okay, are you even legal? And then there's ones that say 25 and the pics look like a 16 year old.


The thing that bothers me about Tinder is that there is some questionable/sketchy shit on there. Like, you see Jennifer, 20. Then her status line says "not actually 20". Like okay, are you even legal? And then there's ones that say 25 and the pics look like a 16 year old.
"Actually 17"
*Immediately go back and swipe left*


I liked it but it didnt produce results for me. There was only one guy I was really interested in but he told me he was still into his ex so I was not interested in pushing it.

I find most of the guys just want hookups so I deleted it.

Also its kind of cruel to be commenting on that girls image the way some of you are doing.

Really? I was debating on whether to post that on reddit. Just thought it was a funny image.



This girl I was talking to about Seinfeld messaged me at 2am asking for a threesome. Definitely a bot, but regardless I haven't even kissed a girl since middle school so that's a bit much for me. hahah


I've only been using the app for about 10 days, but I'm meeting up with my first girl later this week.

I'm both excited and scared haha. Excited because she's a looker, we've been talking a ton (extracted her phone # ASAP), and really get on well. Scared though because this is the first time I've EVER gotten together with someone online. All of my girlfriends/fuck buddies/one nighters have all been gotten the old fashion way, by meeting people through friends or work or various social circles or at bars. I've never met someone that I found online. So that bit scares me a bit haha.


I've only been using the app for about 10 days, but I'm meeting up with my first girl later this week.

I'm both excited and scared haha. Excited because she's a looker, we've been talking a ton (extracted her phone # ASAP), and really get on well. Scared though because this is the first time I've EVER gotten together with someone online. All of my girlfriends/fuck buddies/one nighters have all been gotten the old fashion way, by meeting people through friends or work or various social circles or at bars. I've never met someone that I found online. So that bit scares me a bit haha.

Pretend it's a fake date. I've been doing this recently and it works every time. This is bordering on bad advice because what does fake date even mean but just interpret it as you will.


Wanna expand on that a bit? Do you mean just play it cool like it doesn't matter?

Pretty much. Not "flippant" to the point where she thinks you don't give a shit. For me, it's about lowering the pressure of it all since a lot of baggage can come with internet dates. The awkward tends to be built in because it's still seen as taboo for some reason. But if you treat it as just another thing it becomes a little less tense. For me anyway.

The fact that she's foine may nullify all of this though.


Pretty much. Not "flippant" to the point where she thinks you don't give a shit. For me, it's about lowering the pressure of it all since a lot of baggage can come with internet dates. The awkward tends to be built in because it's still seen as taboo for some reason. But if you treat it as just another thing it becomes a little less tense. For me anyway.

The fact that she's foine may nullify all of this though.

True true! Well we're getting together Thursday so I'll report in on Friday. Why the hell not?


I also recommend making your age range the full 18-50+ spectrum. Ive come across 2-4 really cute girls already who obviously fucked with their FB accounts to make their ages like 84.
I also recommend making your age range the full 18-50+ spectrum. Ive come across 2-4 really cute girls already who obviously fucked with their FB accounts to make their ages like 84.

Only do this if you live in a low population area. This sounds insane to me to do in LA. It will take you forever to get through everyone, and youll have to swipe through so many damn people.

More than enough women in my age range 23-27 here. No reason to go overboard.


I've had Tinder for a week or so. I haven't gotten any "matches" yet despite there being a decent amount of people on it. I am not an unattractive man so I'm not sure if it's full of inactive people or what the deal is.

I get a bit of attention on pof and okcupid. I don't live in a major city. I'm 32 though so I think i might be out of the age range for most of the women who know what tinder is.


Well, are you right swiping a lot? If you're not then you won't get too many matches. I tend to right swipe almost everyone unless I 100% know straight away they aren't what I'm looking for.

Cast a wide net!


Well, are you right swiping a lot? If you're not then you won't get too many matches. I tend to right swipe almost everyone unless I 100% know straight away they aren't what I'm looking for.

Cast a wide net!

I probably don't do it enough as I'm not desperate enough to start banging middle aged women with terrible haircuts, but I'll give it a go just to see if I at least start getting matches.


Well, are you right swiping a lot? If you're not then you won't get too many matches. I tend to right swipe almost everyone unless I 100% know straight away they aren't what I'm looking for.

Cast a wide net!

I just started this nonsense maybe a few weeks ago to check it out. I think I spent an entire evening swiping left.

Ruining my demographic!

Pete Rock

Yeah at first I was disgusted with the idea of swiping right on everyone, but it's honestly the only way to make the app worth a damn as a male. If you can't strike a conversation up with them, there is no point in spending literally any amount of time looking through their pics and reading their text. So you swipe right on everything and when a straight dog has the nerve to "match" you simply block them. Then when you do get a decent bite on the line you can pursue that as you see fit.
Yeah at first I was disgusted with the idea of swiping right on everyone, but it's honestly the only way to make the app worth a damn as a male. If you can't strike a conversation up with them, there is no point in spending literally any amount of time looking through their pics and reading their text. So you swipe right on everything and when a straight dog has the nerve to "match" you simply block them. Then when you do get a decent bite on the line you can pursue that as you see fit.

Again, for anyone new to this, only good advice in a not high population area or high demographic age. Any city or age range 21-29 I wouldn't recommend this for. You'll spend way too much time blocking people and trying to keep your matches down. Its easy for them to stack up fast, and then its a pain to go through them so I simply won't even text a bunch because if the hassle. If you are in a city and are in a young demo be picky as fuck, you can afford too. I deleted my profile once to start over because i had to many match ups to sift through from not swiping left enough.


Man, I wish I were good looking. Alas, I'm only getting very few matches..I went on a Tinder coffee date with a girl and there was literally zero chemistry between us...kind of sucks but I made the tactical error of setting up a date too early (probably) but I felt like chemistry could only really be confirmed face to face....I was wrong.


Man, I wish I were good looking. Alas, I'm only getting very few matches..I went on a Tinder coffee date with a girl and there was literally zero chemistry between us...kind of sucks but I made the tactical error of setting up a date too early (probably) but I felt like chemistry could only really be confirmed face to face....I was wrong.

I don't think there's every too early to set something up (unless you're asking on the first
message). I usually ask by around the 5th message I send. I've been on three dates from Tinder and I dated one of the girls for 3 months.

I've been having shitty luck with matches recently, might be getting too selective.


I probably don't do it enough as I'm not desperate enough to start banging middle aged women with terrible haircuts, but I'll give it a go just to see if I at least start getting matches.

Well my method is:

- right swipe like 90% of women (10% reserved for instant no no no noooooos)
- maybe you'll match with 25% of them
- block the 15% you don't have any interest in
- leaves you with 10% with potential
- probably 5% end up being girls you end up meeting

Women do this too, by the way. Ever get a match, strike up convo and get no response? You're in HER 15% that she liked then blocked because she never really was interested.
I don't think there's every too early to set something up (unless you're asking on the first
message). I usually ask by around the 5th message I send. I've been on three dates from Tinder and I dated one of the girls for 3 months.

I've been having shitty luck with matches recently, might be getting too selective.

Nah, I agree with asking out right away. Women don't want to sit around and chat forever. If you talked to someone you met IRL you wouldn't wait forever to ask them out. I usually ask them after about 10-15 mins of chatting. Assuming at the time they can respond, otherwise after a half dozen or more messages I can usually tell if I want to.

I avoid coffee, or movie/dinner dates. I find something to go do with them instead.

Well my method is:

- right swipe like 90% of women (10% reserved for instant no no no noooooos)
- maybe you'll match with 25% of them
- block the 15% you don't have any interest in
- leaves you with 10% with potential
- probably 5% end up beimg girls you end up meeting

Not a bad system, especially for where you're using it. My numbers are way different. I thinkI've only met about 5% of my matchups not overall swipes. Only bothered to start conversations with maybe 10% of my matchups.

Best opening lines when talking with someone?

I try to pick something out of their profile if they have one, if not ask about something in particular about a photo. There's usually something interesting you can ask them about themselves without saying something lame like they're attractive or beautiful or cool lol.


I try to pick something out of their profile if they have one, if not ask about something in particular about a photo. There's usually something interesting you can ask them about themselves without saying something lame like they're attractive or beautiful or cool lol.

Yep, this works great. One girl had a pic of her at the Grand Canyon, where I've been twice.

"I see you've been to the Grand Canyon too - beautiful spot! Hi I'm Solo, blah blah blah"

Finding something in her pics to relate to and break the ice with is easy and saves using lame pickup lines or creepy compliments.


As it should be. 99% of the time nothing besides your pictures are really important.

True, although sometimes a girl will have something out of left field (a quote from Big Trouble In Little China!) or funny (one girl's was "I promise not to tell people where we met if you don't") which sets her apart.
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