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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)


How does this connect to facebook? Can they see your facebook profile?

If I'm to use this app I need to create a facebook page. lol


How does this connect to facebook?

Can they see your facebook profile?

If I'm to use this app I need to create a facebook page. lol
- Used to sign in.

- No one can see your FB account. Tinder does not post to FB either.

- Yes.


is this a dating app or a hook up app?

I've never tried it but I would say it's a little bit of both with a slant towards the latter. Don't know anyone who got a girlfriend out of it. Olympic Athletes at Sochi used it to hook up with others during as condoms were dispersed left and right.

I tried downloading the app on Android several weeks ago, made an account, and found it incredibly frustrating when the app would spend an eternity scanning for potential matches near my location each time I booted it up. I ended up uninstalling it. It might be because my area doesn't have any Tinder users in the vicinity. Oh well.

Verano said:
a la prima se la esprima?
Lmao! Was gonna say that. Took the words right out of my mouth.


The art of Tinder is to "like" everyone. Don't waste your time reading profiles unless you get a match or message.


The art of Tinder is to "like" everyone. Don't waste your time reading profiles unless you get a match or message.

I kinda wish I was good looking for this. I've swiped what seems to be my entire city and gotten like five matches, two of which were friends I swiped right for laughs.


All of my potential hookups always end up living too far from me :-(

Like 50+ miles or so. Shame. I stopped using the app though, and just end up following them on Instagram or something. The last girl gave me her Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. I only use Twitter, but followed her on Instagram since she was on there. Really attractive blonde too.

Dammit. There's always OkCupid though.


( ≖‿≖)
Someone told me about this so I installed it being curious as to what kind if girl in Tokyo would be using it. Just sat here and swiped 'no' on like 300 people I think.

Got 16 'matches' but going to say nothing to any of them ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و


Someone told me about this so I installed it being curious as to what kind if girl in Tokyo would be using it. Just sat here and swiped 'no' on like 300 people I think.

Got 16 'matches' but going to say nothing to any of them ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

ponpon too strong.


Maturity, bitches.
I was told about this as well the other day and well I just feel bad about judging people by their looks even if it anonymously so I basically switched to a joke picture and quit the app.

I wonder how many people have been annoyed by my stupid picture.

Maybe I should give it a proper go, but that requires finding a recent decent picture of myself since my current FB photo is me grinning evilly with a shovel.

EDIT: Though I suppose it would be smart to delete the account and then make a new one.
Do tell. I have bounced from date to date 5 minutes from each other.
One was pretty hilarious ( this involves my illustrious work friend). A girl used camera angles and colour tones to great effect in her pictures and he agreed to met up with her for a movie night or whatever ("movie night")
Upon her coming to the house he thought she was a neighbour or something and he kind of said what do you want. Turns out it was the chick and she was well... Let's just say at least 6 notches down from her pictures (he was more descriptive but I won't go into that). He then moved "movie night" from the bedroom to the lounge room and spent the better half of 2 hours trying to skirt around conversation and suggesting he had a early start the next day . This however was not working. He ended up texting a fellow work friend and pleaded him to call him and act as if there was a serious incident happening that needed his immediate attention (it ended up been something along the lines of his little brother had broken his leg). He pretty much told the girl he had to leave now and sorry for ruining the night. I do believe they haven't spoken since. It made for a good work story on a Monday morning.


One was pretty hilarious ( this involves my illustrious work friend). A girl used camera angles and colour tones to great effect in her pictures and he agreed to met up with her for a movie night or whatever ("movie night")
Upon her coming to the house he thought she was a neighbour or something and he kind of said what do you want. Turns out it was the chick and she was well... Let's just say at least 6 notches down from her pictures (he was more descriptive but I won't go into that). He then moved "movie night" from the bedroom to the lounge room and spent the better half of 2 hours trying to skirt around conversation and suggesting he had a early start the next day . This however was not working. He ended up texting a fellow work friend and pleaded him to call him and act as if there was a serious incident happening that needed his immediate attention (it ended up been something along the lines of his little brother had broken his leg). He pretty much told the girl he had to leave now and sorry for ruining the night. I do believe they haven't spoken since. It made for a good work story on a Monday morning.
Thought this kind of stuff only happened on tv. Lol
One was pretty hilarious ( this involves my illustrious work friend). A girl used camera angles and colour tones to great effect in her pictures and he agreed to met up with her for a movie night or whatever ("movie night")
Upon her coming to the house he thought she was a neighbour or something and he kind of said what do you want. Turns out it was the chick and she was well... Let's just say at least 6 notches down from her pictures (he was more descriptive but I won't go into that). He then moved "movie night" from the bedroom to the lounge room and spent the better half of 2 hours trying to skirt around conversation and suggesting he had a early start the next day . This however was not working. He ended up texting a fellow work friend and pleaded him to call him and act as if there was a serious incident happening that needed his immediate attention (it ended up been something along the lines of his little brother had broken his leg). He pretty much told the girl he had to leave now and sorry for ruining the night. I do believe they haven't spoken since. It made for a good work story on a Monday morning.

Just started using Tinder again, this is why I really only try to get with chicks that give you their instagram or something like that. Makes me think I should get an instagram account now that I think about it...


I burned through everyone in a 40km radius and -/+ 7 years from me.

I think I saw ~200 cards, liked ~20/30%, won't bother checking again probably.


I burned through everyone in a 40km radius and -/+ 7 years from me.

I think I saw ~200 cards, liked ~20/30%, won't bother checking again probably.

There's new people on it everyday if that's your concern, in my area there's usually about 10-20 new people daily.


Apparently only beautiful women use this app in my area. I don't think I'm ugly or anything, I'm just use to the B-list type girls, still pretty but not typical skinny blonde type. I'm sure I'll end up with a few hits, but I doubt I'm going to pursue too hard. Also just realized how lame/outdated my pictures are. I take pictures, but usually of interesting/pretty things that I see. I never think to put myself in the picture. None of my friends are big with social media and stuff so I'm not being tagged in pictures nor do we stop to take pictures of ourselves to post on Facebook. Guess I'll have to take some selfies... feels weird to make a point of doing that.
Started using this app about 4 months ago, more out of curiosity than a desire to get anything out of it.

Ended up matching with a girl and bonding over our shared "likes" of Studio Ghibli. We agreed to meet up after a week or so of chatting, and saw "Her" together.

4 months later and she's the best girlfriend I've ever had!

I realize I got miraculously lucky, I don't know anyone who got a relationship out of Tinder, let alone their first Tinder date. However, I'm really happy I downloaded the app. :)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Is anybody else having trouble figureing out what girl your susposed to be looking at? I swear it's like 9 out 10 profiles is just large groups of girls for every picture.

This is the worst shit ever. I just go with the assumption that if it's a group she's the ugliest one in it and tend to pass.


I do well enough, but I need to take more current, serious, "attractive" pictures for Facebook. Think this app reminds me of that. Lol.
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