So as a relatively unattractive dude I shouldn't use this right?
So as a relatively unattractive dude I shouldn't use this right?
So as a relatively unattractive dude I shouldn't use this right?
I don't know how you guys do it (all righties). In the last 3 days I think I've hit a bad patch, maybe 90-95% left swipes.
But it's always darkest before the dawn, right?
Gotta let your soul glow nigga.
I don't know how you guys do it (all righties). In the last 3 days I think I've hit a bad patch, maybe 90-95% left swipes.
But it's always darkest before the dawn, right?
I don't know how you guys do it (all righties). In the last 3 days I think I've hit a bad patch, maybe 90-95% left swipes.
But it's always darkest before the dawn, right?
I'm pretty average. 6-7 and I got over 200 matches after swiping yes on every single girl in Atlanta while using autohotkey and bluestacks to run tinder.
Out of those, probably 50 are dateable looks wise.
6-7 on a 10 scale is above average.[url...l] [/QUOTE] holy shit you are good looking
I h8 u
Lol slayer I like how your pic is from a freaking hotel room.
I like the scary crazy face in the main pic lol you're good looking so it works, but its amazing haha
Edit: didn't see your edit haha. Thanksyou can say I do alright on tinder haha
Just a suggestion, some people do use it to date not just hookup. Posting photos and conversations like that is a little bit in bad taste, it's also the kind of thing that will probably turn people away from the app. Maybe try just posting as links?
I don't want to sound like a dick. I just wouldn't like it if some girl posted my shit like that you know?
What % of people uses it to date?
Yeah the girls definitely don't respond to me the same way as BabySlayer. Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
My conversations tend to look like this if I do what Slayer does.
Yeah the girls definitely don't respond to me the same way as BabySlayer. Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
Mine tend to look like this if I do what Slayer does.
Yeah the girls definitely don't respond to me the same way as BabySlayer. Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
My conversations tend to look like this if I do what Slayer does.
Hope I don't sound braggy/douchey but whatever... I slept with around 11 or 12 girls since I got this app 3 months ago. It's so mindblowingly easy it's not even funny, I mean these girls are fucking thirsty!
convo ex
Yeah the girls definitely don't respond to me the same way as BabySlayer. Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
My conversations tend to look like this if I do what Slayer does.
What's the most (miles) you guys would travel for sex?
Considering starting over, idk. I had a day where I got like eight matches, and since the girl who messaged me first on Tuesday I've gotten like 3. This is my setup right now:
I h8 u
Lol slayer I like how your pic is from a freaking hotel room.
Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
What's the acceptable time to wait between the desperation of "Oh my god I got a match I must talk to you right now!!!" and a more collected "I'll leave this for a bit and see what happens" before they lose interest.
Too many group photos and not enough photos of you doing things/being the center of attention.
I really like the golf swing one though, you should put that as your second or third photo.
First one should be a nice selfie. Show off the smile.
Thnx, but is my face that scary? Ur the 2nd person to mention that, I didn't realize it was. Maybe I should use a less-scary face like this?
pls respond
Yeah does this look creepy? I'm actually in a hotel over 70% of the time because I travel for work and happened to take that pic recently. I didn't think it would be noticeable but seems like you guys can tell and now this pic is kinda creepy to me.
Hope I don't sound braggy/douchey but whatever... I slept with around 11 or 12 girls since I got this app 3 months ago. It's so mindblowingly easy it's not even funny, I mean these girls are fucking thirsty!
main pic
convo ex
girls im seeing this wknd
Ya i finally caved and activated my facebook (just signed in, much deactivation) and finally downloaded the app. Talked to one girl tonight and we had some things in common, told some jokes and it was a good experience. This is a lot better experience than I had with OKcupid. To me it felt like their was too much riding on your whole profile and the girls would get thousands of messages. Tinder kind of takes what is already made (your facebook) uses that and lets you view thousands of girls and like them, and if they like you then you can talk rather than any attractive girl on OKcupid will have thousands of messages from guys they did not approve. I like it.
Ya, some girl from my area had "not interested in friends, relationships or whatever, don't bother me".Even then girls mostly ignore on tinder which shows they mostly use this for validation.
Even then girls mostly ignore on tinder which shows they mostly use this for validation.
How does tinder deal with age? Age is slowly becoming a bit of an issue for me with online stuff. I actually have to go some effort to set this up (no facebook), so I want to make sure it is worthwhile.
Just from my experience: Uninstall it, if you're not going for girls older than you.
Wait, how old are you?