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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)


I'm recently single so I figured I'd give this a shot. Just installed last night and I have 5 matches so far, though not all of them I'm that interested in. In general, how quickly do you guys message after getting matched? I'm gonna see how this plays out and might restart with some better "ready to party" pictures. The one I have now is alright but I think I might look too clean cut and "safe" which I'd think is probably a bad thing when looking for girls just to have fun with.


I'm recently single so I figured I'd give this a shot. Just installed last night and I have 5 matches so far, though not all of them I'm that interested in. In general, how quickly do you guys message after getting matched? I'm gonna see how this plays out and might restart with some better "ready to party" pictures. The one I have now is alright but I think I might look too clean cut and "safe" which I'd think is probably a bad thing when looking for girls just to have fun with.

Sometimes I message in ten minutes, sometimes a couple hours, sometimes not at all. Sometimes I get messaged first (actually got a girl's number this way, maybe meeting up soon). Just gotta play around and see what works. Also, do not use the generic "Hi how are you?" stuff (granted the girl whose number I got messaged me like that). Use something clever.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I'm out for now. This app officially got me less nice girls than GAF. Which is saying something.

The rest of you crazy bunch have fun though!
Considering getting into Tindr but the prospect of getting STDs is worrying even with using condoms (it's less risk but still possible) especially since the population that uses Tindr will be more likely to have something. How do y'all deal with that?
How does this work with facebook? After a bad social media experience a few years ago I left my account to wither for the most part so I don't have too many recent photos. Does it pull everything or can you choose? Would it be better to just create a dummy account, add some photos/interests, and go with that?


How does this work with facebook? After a bad social media experience a few years ago I left my account to wither for the most part so I don't have too many recent photos. Does it pull everything or can you choose? Would it be better to just create a dummy account, add some photos/interests, and go with that?
It will only pull what photos you tell it to so you don't need a dummy account but having one won't hurt.
It will only pull what photos you tell it to so you don't need a dummy account but having one won't hurt.

I'll probably do that then.

Anyone use this on Windows Phone? Timber seems to be the only option, but it's not official so are there any issues?

Will decide on some photos and ask for advice, have never done online dating before.
Considering getting into Tindr but the prospect of getting STDs is worrying even with using condoms (it's less risk but still possible) especially since the population that uses Tindr will be more likely to have something. How do y'all deal with that?

Wrap it up fam. It's not that difficult.
These are some of the few recent photos I have that would work(don't usually take photos when I go out), of course I can have people take more(no mirror selfies right?) but I suppose a general idea of what to change would be good. I like an honest but gentle approach to criticism :p Would shop out the glasses bending my face before putting them up. Also the terrible headphones from the Alcatraz tour.

Edit: PM'd a few people for advice. Don't like leaving too many real photos on a forum for long


Dogs are great ice-breakers in public, I dunno if that's the case online but hey might as well give it a try, those ones are good. I barely have any pictures since I'm not a big picture person and don't really have many people around who take them so I just have to deal with the one or two I have.


Fuckin' Tinder callin' me back...and I feel bad because I convinced this chick to not see other guys :(

That first chick I talked to a few weeks ago, ended up messaging me again. We never met, but I guess she was telling the truth about wanting to hang out when she got back in town.



Alright, I've been on for about a week now. So far I've had over 90 matches, chatting with multiple girls and have a couple potential dates lined up. Some girls started chatting with me, but most aren't my type. No action yet unfortunately, but I'm hopeful.

This is incredibly addicting.
Considering getting into Tindr but the prospect of getting STDs is worrying even with using condoms (it's less risk but still possible) especially since the population that uses Tindr will be more likely to have something. How do y'all deal with that?

With condoms there is pretty much no risk that I know of. Even without, the odds of getting STDs aren't really that high, its more the pregnancy thing I worry about. Don't let this ever stop you man, I don't think I have ever given it a second thought lol since I use condoms nearly all the time, as much as I hate them. If you are really concerned though, I'm pretty sure most STDs are easily treatable if worst case scenario happens, however unlikely.

I say "nearly" all the time because I am generally always responsible but there have been times over the years where the passion and the heat of the moment has gotten the better of me, but always remembering that moment after I nut and all the "what ifs", is what keep me responsible. I know some people on here are very passionate about this, but c'mon we're all human and things happen sometimes and I am sure a lot of people here can relate.

Dogs are great ice-breakers in public, I dunno if that's the case online but hey might as well give it a try, those ones are good. I barely have any pictures since I'm not a big picture person and don't really have many people around who take them so I just have to deal with the one or two I have.

Yeah amimals in general. One of my old POF profile pics had me holding my cat while she was licking me (kissing me) on the cheek. Got a few "aww how cute" types of messages, so yeah cats and dogs will never hurt your profile.

Alright, I've been on for about a week now. So far I've had over 90 matches, chatting with multiple girls and have a couple potential dates lined up. Some girls started chatting with me, but most aren't my type. No action yet unfortunately, but I'm hopeful.

This is incredibly addicting.

If this isn't your first time into the online dating world you will already know this but if you are a first timer expect it to get to the meet up stage with maybe 5 out of the 90, if your lucky. Don't want to burst your bubble or anything or be a downer but its just the reality.
I don't have time to meat more than a few people(in a month) so I'd be happy with that, lol. Between work and college(from 8AM, to 5PM for the next 12 weeks MTWT) I have very little time to work at meeting people so I'm hoping this will smooth out the process a bit.
After going out with the same chick for about a month she finally told me she still sleeps with her ex-boyfriend now and then. Totally glad I never went raw. Broke it off with her on friday and I ended up going out with a really rad chick saturday. Making plans to see each other again this week. Hopefully it works out unlike the last one.
With condoms there is pretty much no risk that I know of. Even without, the odds of getting STDs aren't really that high, its more the pregnancy thing I worry about. Don't let this ever stop you man, I don't think I have ever given it a second thought lol since I use condoms nearly all the time, as much as I hate them. If you are really concerned though, I'm pretty sure most STDs are easily treatable if worst case scenario happens, however unlikely.

I say "nearly" all the time because I am generally always responsible but there have been times over the years where the passion and the heat of the moment has gotten the better of me, but always remembering that moment after I nut and all the "what ifs", is what keep me responsible. I know some people on here are very passionate about this, but c'mon we're all human and things happen sometimes and I am sure a lot of people here can relate.

I'm mostly worried about HSV/HPV which can be transmitted via skin contact and condoms are only somewhat effective for those. And of course women are more likely to get STDs in general due to skin/membrane tears. I think for a worrywart like me it'll have to be monogamous dating.

But have fun you guys, just remember to use condoms for oral!
I'm mostly worried about HSV/HPV which can be transmitted via skin contact and condoms are only somewhat effective for those. And of course women are more likely to get STDs in general due to skin/membrane tears. I think for a worrywart like me it'll have to be monogamous dating.

But have fun you guys, just remember to use condoms for oral!

I thought the bolded only happened with hookers! I have never used condoms for oral with a girl I have met and I don't know of anyone else either. I honestly wouldn't bother and I don't think a chick wants to suck on plastic either. Maybe these attitudes are just different based on the country you are in but I have never heard of condoms being used in casual sex for oral, with the exception being with hookers, like I mentioned.

Its cool that your safe but I think that's just a bit extreme. Just my opinion.


I thought the bolded only happened with hookers! I have never used condoms for oral with a girl I have met and I don't know of anyone else either. I honestly wouldn't bother and I don't think a chick wants to suck on plastic either. Maybe these attitudes are just different based on the country you are in but I have never heard of condoms being used in casual sex for oral, with the exception being with hookers, like I mentioned.

Its cool that your safe but I think that's just a bit extreme. Just my opinion.

I hear nonstop back and forth opinions on condoms for oral. Is it equally dangerous if you're doing it with a guy or girl? I asked my gay friend about this and he says he wouldn't either.
I hear nonstop back and forth opinions on condoms for oral. Is it equally dangerous if you're doing it with a guy or girl? I asked my gay friend about this and he says he wouldn't either.
Im sure there are some risks, like with anything but I have been fine so far and I'm 34. I just can't imagine that situation where things are getting going, she starts going down and you "pause" her to put a rubber on, essentially ruining one of the most sexy things a girl can do. As for going down on women, well I make a judgement call on that one. If there is a strong smell or the girl seems a little unhygienic, I will not do it but if that pussy is clean with no smell, I'm afraid I can't resist lol.

why get head with a raincoat? trbl

Exactly..Like a said above though there a certain situation like with a sex worker where they will make you but with someone you met, I just wouldn't do head at all.


I've been using Tinder for a couple of months now and I get plenty of matches but it seems every single girl I go out on a date with is either batshit insane or so extremely insecure that they continue to stalk me.

I'm a radio DJ for a living which seems like the kind of occupation that would help in having conversations and breaking the ice and.. it is! I can always come up with a way to start a conversation and there are hardly any uncomfortable silences during the dates.
When they ask what I do I normally say I do production work or I use some other vague description, but the MOMENT I actually tell them I host shows and do voice-overs.. the instant reaction is "oh, so I'm another throwaway girl on your list and I'll probably never see you again". It's absolutely insane! The insecurity of these girls..

After a couple of so-so dates I stopped using Tinder because I was getting tired of this shit. All of a sudden I get a message from a girl that starts with a funny opening line and her pictures look great! While reading her equally great and funny bio I actually get some new found hope and continue the conversation.
We talk for a couple of days and we're hitting it off great! She's making me laugh, we find out we have the same dry sense of humour and her interests are great.
I'm actually thinking this could turn into something worthwhile and we agree to go out on a date close to her house. Her place is an hour drive from my house, but hey, I didn't care. So I meet her there, but the pancake restaurant she had in mind turned out to be closed on a Monday, so she suggested we'd go to her place and she'd make some herself. Fine by me!

We talk, have dinner, watch a movie on her couch and we're hitting it off. By the end of the night we're snuggling on her couch and she kisses me. Things escalate from there and to make a long story short, I end up staying for the night. The next morning we have breakfast and I hop in my car to go to work.

And then.. the insanity kicks in again.

30 minutes after I leave I get 2 messages within 5 minutes:

- When am I gonna see you again? I have tonight off and I'm available Wednesday (tomorrow), Friday and the entire weekend.
- Hello???

So I respond with a casual "I had a great night, I have to work every night til 10pm and since you have to get up at 5am, maybe we can try doing something during the weekend. It all depends whether I have to work or not, but after this weekend I have plenty of time.
Seems like a reasonable reply. The response I get is: "Oh. Okay."
Already I'm like what the fuck is this shit. So the next day I get a phone call from my boss telling me they need someone to do a show on Saturday and Sunday. I send her a message saying "Ah bummer, I just found out I gotta work the weekend but after Sunday I got plenty of time!"

Again a very short reaction. Saturday comes around and I'm at work at the radio station which is about 10 minutes away from the beach. I send her a message and then this happens:

Me: "Damn, it's so nice out! I wish I had the day off today! What are you up to?"
Her: "Nothing. Sitting in the car."
Me: "Okay.. where are you going?"
Her: "Towards the beach." (now mind you, that's an HOUR drive from her house)
Me: "Nice! Going out with some friends?"
Her: "No, I'm coming to you."
Me: "O..kay.. You know I'm working, right?"
Her: "Nah, I'm sitting on my couch but I just wanted to see what your response would be."
Me: "Did I pass?"
Me: "What the fuck is this?"

All this after ONE DATE. So I get mad and tell her I don't like this kind of obsessive behaviour and she goes on saying I "misunderstood her".
She's been begging to go on a second date for the past couple of days.

What do you say, GAF? Go or bail? (Only correct answer = bail).


Wow, that's nuts! I just had a second date with my latest girl and no such drama. Just good times, good laughs, good sex. Hitting it off really well.

But there are psychos everywhere, Tinder or real life.


Had my first date last night after joining up. It went really well! She's cute, a nurse, owns her own home, etc. Definitely has her shit together and knows what she wants. We hit it off pretty much immediately. Grabbed dinner, then went to play some pool. She cut straight through the first date bullshit and didn't try to hide anything which was really refreshing. Could've gone back to her house, but I had to work today so I decided against it (though I was very tempted and she wanted me to call in sick ;) Had a nice makeout session before heading home.

Meeting up with another girl tomorrow night. She looks very attractive from her pics and seems friendly, so we'll see how that goes.
They just added something called my moments which is kind of like instagram where you post pictures of yourself and people either like them or not.

It's genius actually and I like it. Basically Its to hep the problem of having too many matches and then not going back to them. So people you may have matched up with or not talked to will pop up and is a good way to maybe start a chat with them.

Also sorry Tinder GAF but I'm officially bowing out for now. Met this one girl a couple weeks ago, and she's awesome. Stopped talking to/seeing the other girls and haven't really used it in a week or two.

Just deleted the App and logged out today. This girl is awesome, and I figure I'll try not to distract myself with tinder right now haha. Maybe I'll be back soon, maybe not. I guess we will see. Goodluck TinderGAF, after about 6 months 1k matches and something like 40+ girls my time has come lol.
It's genius actually and I like it. Basically Its to hep the problem of having too many matches and then not going back to them. So people you may have matched up with or not talked to will pop up and is a good way to maybe start a chat with them.

Also sorry Tinder GAF but I'm officially bowing out for now. Met this one girl a couple weeks ago, and she's awesome. Stopped talking to/seeing the other girls and haven't really used it in a week or two.

Just deleted the App and logged out today. This girl is awesome, and I figure I'll try not to distract myself with tinder right now haha. Maybe I'll be back soon, maybe not. I guess we will see. Goodluck TinderGAF, after about 6 months 1k matches and something like 40+ girls my time has come lol.

...and that kids is how I met your mother.


I feel like only good looking dudes with success stories post in this thread lol.

I'm probably no more than average looking and am 5'6 and have 250 matches (a lot of overweight women, granted, but it's all in the game yo) and have gotten numbers from about 15% of the women I've attempted to connect with and get messaged first a lot. Honestly your description is really important; I try to change it up every couple days if I'm not getting matches and do my best to be created.


I'm probably no more than average looking and am 5'6 and have 250 matches (a lot of overweight women, granted, but it's all in the game yo) and have gotten numbers from about 15% of the women I've attempted to connect with and get messaged first a lot. Honestly your description is really important; I try to change it up every couple days if I'm not getting matches and do my best to be created.

interesting. didn't think it was even worth updating your description for it.


interesting. didn't think it was even worth updating your description for it.

At one point I had my description as just "GAME OF FUCKING THRONES" and in about ten minutes after changing it I got three matches who all messaged me something about Game of Thrones. It really is important because if your first pic is your best, they'll likely click on you to see if you're at least average, and if you have a good bio it'll shift things in your favor.


At one point I had my description as just "GAME OF FUCKING THRONES" and in about ten minutes after changing it I got three matches who all messaged me something about Game of Thrones. It really is important because if your first pic is your best, they'll likely click on you to see if you're at least average, and if you have a good bio it'll shift things in your favor.

Lies. You must look like prince Oberon.


Lies. You must look like prince Oberon.
No, according to rumours he looks a bit better than that:
Is anyone else just not getting that many people in their searches after the update? I have my distance set to 30 miles, which would usually take a good half hour to get all the way through at night. Now I get like 15 people and then it tells me there's no one new.


I started using Tinder 2 days ago.
I've set the distance to 160 kilometers.
Age range 25-34.
I've swiped till there isn't any left to swipe.
I have 0 matches.
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