Do I need a mobile plan for my cell to use this app or can I simply connect to a router and use the Internet ?
Yup, 34 here. Pretty much no match with anyone younger than me (I am swiping conciously though, as opposed to 99% of this thread) and no one I would be actually interested in heh.
You'll get bombarded with 25-28yo though and it seems girls over 30 are unable to select nice photos for whatever reason. It's either full-on TNA (without the face) or the typical rouged-up, looking up, meticulously cropped facebook crap pic.
I guess it might just be me though, so take it with a grain of salt.
The transition periods between 34 to 36 is tough for online dating since a lot of girls seem to make the age limit 34 or 35. I don't look forward to turning 36 and still having to rely on online/social dating sites. Doesn't matter if you look young when your age is displayed in a profile.
I generally prefer dating 5 - 8 years younger than myself.
so update for me. I matched with an indian looking girl, not bad but something aint right. I made a few jokes, some small talk and I said "talk later?" Instantly gives me her number and says ha maybe you can stop by after work tonight? But then I text her later tonight and we are planning on hanging tomorrow but we will hang out PG (rating) THEN she says kissing is fine and talking about her boobs. THEN, she says tomorrow when I come over their will be a guy over and if I'm cool with it.
I'm going over because yolo, will report tomorrow or the day after, or never. Wish me luck
This will end up being yet another threesome thread, won't it.
Have fun!
Just wanted to share. Something i find is interesting is how most women react amazingly if you talk about tinder. I straight up tell them i have gone on tons of dates with lots of girls ect. Maybe it's because I go for the competitive independent type but they open up more and become really relaxed about everything. Sometimes it makes the, feel mire challenged. Also sometimes if the girl is really good looking i find a way to bring up my competition ole dancer, it makes competitive and hot girls less lazy and feel challenged lol. I also never comment on their looks in tinder.
Had a pretty interesting weekend (slightly off topic, kind of about Tinder):
Friday morning I went to court to get my divorce finalized. It was obviously a little difficult, but I'm past it now and it went about as smoothly as you could ask for. Had a date planned with a girl from Tinder for that night, and I was worried that the whole divorce thing would put me in a bad mood. So anyways, this chick comes over at around 5ish on Friday, really hot and actually really cool (she actually writes music and sings, and is pretty fucking good too).
She ended up staying at my house until about 9 PM Saturday. I had a ticket to a little one-day music festival which started at 3ish. She went home and I ran to the park and made it just in time to see Girl Talk (and Freeway and Waka Flocka made appearances). Afterwards, I picked her up and we went back to my house. I actually just dropped her off on my way to work.
We basically had a 48 hour first date with a ~3 hour intermission. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. This is the first girl that I've met off Tinder/OKC that I've actually been blown away by.
I was out of town this weekend and I got matched with an absolute smoke show. I was only away for one night though, so I didn't bother to try to pursue her. Funny enough, I'm at a bar having a drink and who is standing right beside me at the bar but her. Didn't bang her or anything, and I've since left, but I thought that was a crazy piece of luck and she was gorgeous and fun and we've been talking since.
Hope I don't sound braggy/douchey but whatever... I slept with around 11 or 12 girls since I got this app 3 months ago. It's so mindblowingly easy it's not even funny, I mean these girls are fucking thirsty!
main pic
convo ex
Yeah the girls definitely don't respond to me the same way as BabySlayer. Slayer pulls off the scary face because he looks good looking enough that the girls have a mix of fear and attraction.
My conversations tend to look like this if I do what Slayer does.
update from me going over the girls dorm room. Here's what happened.
Around 9 I leave for her campus which is about 35 minutes away. I finally get there and am totally lost. She gave me crap directions and I parked , called her and said she was about 8 minutes away. I say screw it and walk. I call again and she says take a left, I do and get way more lost. Then my phone is literally minutes away from dying I call her and say "Help me". She then gives me the correct street and I tell her to wait outside.
I have never seen such a rich campus in my life. I did not know it even existed and was just 35 minutes away. So I finally find her standing there with her guy friend. We talk , take the elevator and head up. When we get in the guy leaves, and we IMMEDIATELY lay down a bed in the living room and watch Scrubs (never seen it but was good) So an episode later we start to hardcore makeout
Later they wanted to go to bed so went to her room and continued to make out and dry hump like we were in middle school. It got pretty hardcore and the problem was I did not have condoms so we just did everything but. She wanted me to sleep over but I wanted to go home for the night. I was also paranoid the parking spot I chose was a bad one. It wasnt and I just got home.
Long story short I signed up for Tinder on Friday and Sunday Night I'm dry humping a 21 year old in her dorm room (rich ass campus too) I'm 26 btw
Spent all of saturday with a chick I got matched with. So far she's pretty great. I took her to see se7en at a cemetery and we ended up going to some warehouse party after. After dancing to some 90's r&b the entire night she ended up scoring her and I free coke and a bunch of pot. Funny enough shes super into comic books and tabletop games. Both of which I've completely stopped being interested in for a few years now despite being all about them in high school. Probably the only issue is she lives more than an hour away from me and traffic in Los Angeles is fucking horrible.
Her thigh tattoo is pretty rad though I gotta say.
If you're just looking for hookups, you could always lie...How does tinder deal with age? Age is slowly becoming a bit of an issue for me with online stuff. I actually have to go some effort to set this up (no facebook), so I want to make sure it is worthwhile.
So, going to run a little experiment. I've been averaging about ten to fifteen matches a day over any given week for the past month or so (on a fresh account). I just bought a motorcycle, and I'm going to delete my Tinder account and remake it, featuring pictures of me with the bike. I'm curious to see what kind of impact it will have on my match rate.
Slayer and I should hit up the bars in LA, would be an unstoppable team.
Cons are full of horny girls.
Shooting fish in a barrel... There's not exactly a whole lot of competition......
I don't know about ComicCon, but at some of my local cons (anime ones especially) there are plenty of good looking girls and only a handful of socially competent and/or good looking dudes.
So, going to run a little experiment. I've been averaging about ten to fifteen matches a day over any given week for the past month or so (on a fresh account). I just bought a motorcycle, and I'm going to delete my Tinder account and remake it, featuring pictures of me with the bike. I'm curious to see what kind of impact it will have on my match rate.
So I messaged a match and all of a sudden she disappeared from my matches list? Only the person I didn't message still shows up. Is it supposed to work like this or did I just get shot down?
I had a person that just matched me up, and then disappeared a minute later. Maybe a glitch?
I had a person that just matched me up, and then disappeared a minute later. Maybe a glitch?
Just as well as your normal account.I'm tempted to make an alternative Facebook account to use Tinder since I'm still not too keen on using my actual account with it, but how well would it work?
Lol I have over 60 matches. Mostly cause of dogeWell just took a pic with a dog. Let's see if that theory works for getting right swipes lol.
How much does Tindr rely on your Facebook profile, or do you just use it to sign in? I don't use Facebook, but have a profile, but there's very little on it. Would that cause a problem, or does Tindr not go that deep into your fb account?
Annoyingly my phone (Galaxy Mini) doesn't gel well with the app.Just as well as your normal account.
Unless you like a bunch of pages, you won't have any shared interests, and those can sometimes be used as conversation starters - so keep that in mind.
How much does Tindr rely on your Facebook profile, or do you just use it to sign in? I don't use Facebook, but have a profile, but there's very little on it. Would that cause a problem, or does Tindr not go that deep into your fb account?