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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)

My first night on tinder: 20 matches, 3 phone numbers. Holy fucking shit.

Post normal/non douchey pictures and talk to girls like they're other humans and thy bounty will be plentiful.


Had my best and worst Tinder experience simultaneously this weekend.

The best: so I was away at a friend's wedding and checking out matches. Got matched with this one really cute girl. Messaged her and long story short, we ended up meeting that same night (Friday) on a very impromptu date. Which was absolutely amazing. Can't recall ever connecting with a girl so fast. Just pretty much everything I am looking for. We have such similar goals and she's fun and smart and beautiful. Had an amazing time. The next night we got together again and had another awesome date. Girl pretty much checks off every box I have in desirable traits for a partner.

The worst: I had to leave the next day and we live 4 hours apart :( Pretty fucking bummed. We are texting lots and planning to get together again soon, but long distance is pretty much never a recipe for success, especially starting out.


Okay, so I decided to download the app. I made a fake facebook profile with some of my pics to protect my real one that has tons of contacts.

Anyway, I went through a few profiles. It will be interesting to see what happens.


I already got two matches and someone replied to one of my messages so I know that it works and people are using it.

It will be interesting to see how it compares with my experience with OKCupid. I have a feeling that Tinder makes the connection more confrontational, which is a good thing.


I already got two matches and someone replied to one of my messages so I know that it works and people are using it.

It will be interesting to see how it compares with my experience with OKCupid. I have a feeling that Tinder makes the connection more confrontational, which is a good thing.

I like it way more than any dating site I've tried. It cuts through the profile BS and makes people actually chat with one another which is a completely good thing IMO. I also feel much less invested in each interaction which makes the pressure a lot lower than it would on a dating site where it could take a lot of effort and time to even get someone to respond to you.

Update on my experience: Met up with two girls so far and they could not be more different from each other. One is looking for something serious and wants to form a emotion connection before getting physical (meh) while the other is just looking for a good time and was a total freak the first night we hung out.


Used it for about 2 days and have 2 matches, I'm not exactly photogenic and most of my images are from ages ago (since I don't know if taking a selfie is a good idea since it's probably more derp than anything) so I am not exactly saddened by this especially since I haven't spend ages on it. What's the Moments business about thought? It said I "liked" someone's moment when I didn't even view it, is it just extra pictures?


lol, I was having a spirited conversation with a girl just now and I pulled the 'archaeologist' joke on her. Ha ha. It's okay, she was talking about me role playing as a donkey so she could ride me. It's all game, lol.

Wow, Tinder conversations can be downright hilarious.

No Love

Tonight I got the number of a girl who is not only super cool and cute, but also into cars and other hobbies of mine.

Then I saw her Instagram... DAMN. She went from cute to sexy REAL quick. And she's so damn humble too.
Tinder in Vegas was ridiculous. Went on a few dates and met some at Encore pool. Ill post pics of my results tomorrow or Thursday when I am not so dead. Also fell in love there like 5X. I even offered to fly some of the girls I met to NYC.

The best part of Vegas Tinder is that the girls are very receptive and they are all ridiculously hot.


Tinder in Vegas was ridiculous. Went on a few dates and met some at Encore pool. Ill post pics of my results tomorrow or Thursday when I am not so dead. Also fell in love there like 5X. I even offered to fly some of the girls I met to NYC.

The best part of Vegas Tinder is that the girls are very receptive and they are all ridiculously hot.

Did you go on there while you were in town? I've thought about doing that when I'm there but there are already so many girls around. I got invited to a blackjack tournament at the Flamingo in August. I might give that a shot when I'm out there. I want to rent a cabana at my hotel. Acquire more scenery :p


Mau ®;117122426 said:
I'm thinking about trying this.

Just went through a break up and I want to get it off my mind.

A random meaningless hookup doesn't sound like the answer. But if that's what you want!


Does anyone know how useful Tinder is outside of the US? (Especially munich, germany)

I'm using it in Ireland, it's decent. Certainly doesn't seem to be as many people on it as I would imagine in the US judging from some posts here but there are still tons of people there and most of them are in my city.


Persecution Complex
When I try to edit info and change pictures it asks me "In order to get more of your photos we need to ask you for status updates permissions". When I press Ask Me it just exits Tinder.

I just set it up today but I want to change some of my Facebook pictures.

EDIT: Its not even letting me logout at this point.


Persecution Complex
So I deleted my profile and created a new one and it started working for a little bit.

Now it won't let me log off yet again. I've had nothing but technical difficulties.


Mau ®;117124556 said:
It hurts bro :(

Don't listen to him. There's nothing better for getting over a breakup than chatting with a bunch of random girls and potentially hooking up with some of them. It gives you perspective...even if none of them are relationship material.


So far I've had more convos on Tinder than OkCupid. It's hilarious because I initially put a ton of effort into OKCupid but now I'm just tired of that scene.

Oh yeah, and the 'Pizza or sushi?' line seems to work. 2 out of three people I asked have responded to it.
Ok tinder bros. I've been talking to this girl pretty much all day on tinder. She seems pretty awesome and is extremely attractive and is into a lot of what I'm into. Is a day talking to someone too soon to ask them out for a drink? I haven't bothered to ask for her number or anything.


Ok tinder bros. I've been talking to this girl pretty much all day on tinder. She seems pretty awesome and is extremely attractive and is into a lot of what I'm into. Is a day talking to someone too soon to ask them out for a drink? I haven't bothered to ask for her number or anything.

Not too soon at all. Don't drag it out. Just say something like, we should meet up for a drink, what's your number?

Try to get off the app as soon as possible.


Ok tinder bros. I've been talking to this girl pretty much all day on tinder. She seems pretty awesome and is extremely attractive and is into a lot of what I'm into. Is a day talking to someone too soon to ask them out for a drink? I haven't bothered to ask for her number or anything.

The sooner the better at this point. Strike while the iron is hot.
Ok. I just asked her out for a drink. Thanks for the advice I'm new to tinder and she's the first chick I've wanted to ask out. I guess ill just ask girls sooner. I probably should of asked her a lot sooner l. Hope she says yes, haha
Third time trying this with a new account and I still don't get the "matches within a day" thing. Been on the whole week, uploaded several pictures, must be in the triple digits in terms of Like swipes and no matches, not even from bots (the reason I left Tinder the first time).

Guys if I create a fb with zero friends would that impact my tinder search ?

I don't believe it would impact it. I think that Tinder only uses Facebook for finding out if you share mutual friends or interests. If you have zero friends it will still continue to pull from people who are in your area using Tinder. Honestly, the only thing to watch out for if you use a friend-free profile will be if you two do in fact share mutual friends, you'll have no way of knowing until it comes up in conversation/in life.

No Love

Ok tinder bros. I've been talking to this girl pretty much all day on tinder. She seems pretty awesome and is extremely attractive and is into a lot of what I'm into. Is a day talking to someone too soon to ask them out for a drink? I haven't bothered to ask for her number or anything.

Ok. I just asked her out for a drink. Thanks for the advice I'm new to tinder and she's the first chick I've wanted to ask out. I guess ill just ask girls sooner. I probably should of asked her a lot sooner l. Hope she says yes, haha

I always ask for their number a few hours into talking with them. No more than a day or two usually.

Oh BTW Tinder-bros: I think I struck gold. Cute girl, works at Mercedes, drives a new Mercedes, builds her own gaming PC's, amazing taste in music, super sweetheart and really smart/witty.

I ended up taking her out to sushi, then to the beach, and we went back to my house. Got high, made out, cuddled, and did some boom boom. She slept over again last night. I really like this girl. She's like everything I want in a woman. And she's totally ga-ga over me. Tinder FTW

But I've actually stopped using Tinder since I met her. Kinda weird...
Tinder is so good that I don't even have to ask for numbers, girls just give them to me. In that respect alone it is miles ahead of okcupid in terms of effort put in vs results.


So I'm seriously considering using Tinder because I'm bored. I can deal with making a fake Facebook but I'm not sure what to do about pics. I don't have any pics of myself so I'd have to take a bunch of selfies which feels obnoxious. Is that what Tinder pics mostly consist of?


Persecution Complex
But I've actually stopped using Tinder since I met her. Kinda weird...

Do not do this. Always keep your options open. If something happens between you and this awesome girl you're seeing then you're left with no other options and will probably end up heartbroken for a few weeks.

Happened to me. I put all my eggs in one basket, could've gotten other girls numbers and didn't because I really liked this girl thought she was the one etc. When she ended it abrubtly due to being scared of a serious relationship I was fucked for a week or so.

Do not put all your eggs in one basket until you hit about 6 months with this girl IMO. Keep your options open.

As for Tinder it wasn't working for me earlier because I didn't have the latest iOS version lulz. I'm addicted to it at this point.
So I'm seriously considering using Tinder because I'm bored. I can deal with making a fake Facebook but I'm not sure what to do about pics. I don't have any pics of myself so I'd have to take a bunch of selfies which feels obnoxious. Is that what Tinder pics mostly consist of?

I feel that the better profiles mix it up. Usually the first pic is a selfie just so people know what you look like but from then on you'll probably need one or more pics with a group, pics with a pet, pics doing an activity (volunteering, running, swimming, basketball), and/or pics with an older family member. You don't need every single one of these but as long as you have a clear pic of your face (a selfie usually) and a clear pic of your entire body (preferably not a selfie but something that still gives people an idea of your physique), you'll be good.
Ok. I just asked her out for a drink. Thanks for the advice I'm new to tinder and she's the first chick I've wanted to ask out. I guess ill just ask girls sooner. I probably should of asked her a lot sooner l. Hope she says yes, haha

Just an update. Asked her out for a drink the other day, got her number and we're going out for a drink thursday. we pretty much have been talking none stop since. this girl is awesome and i am super stoked to meet her. i know this app is for hook-ups, but this girl seems pretty awesome.


Is the cheesy pickup lines the best way to start a conversation?

And do the slightly more mature women tend to be more crazy or less crazy?


Is the cheesy pickup lines the best way to start a conversation?

And do the slightly more mature women tend to be more crazy or less crazy?

hmm. Just try different ones. The 'Pizza or sushi?' one worked well for me, I was 2 out of 3 for getting a response, and one girl I eventually ended up exchanging numbers with.


As for my general situation, I've had some fun conversations with Tinder. It's weird how with OKCupid it has been like pulling teeth to get people to talk, but Tinder is super easy. Like I said above, I exchanged numbers and Facebook pages with a girl I was talking to.

There's one catch though, she has a kid. It's not a problem for me really. I'm 28, I should have my shit together. I have a feeling that a girl like here will probably get passed on a lot by guys because of that. She's really cute. We are both into dancing and we've even gone to the same club a lot, I'm surprised I never saw her there. Anyway, I'm going to give her a shot, at least to see if we can see how much of a connection we have, if we can be friends or perhaps something more.


i know this app is for hook-ups, but this girl seems pretty awesome.

Funny thing is, I've talked to a number of girls that don't seem like the hook-up type. I think a lot of girls try it out just to see what it's like, but at the same time are open to meeting. As I said above, I've had a much better time talking to people on Tinder than on OKCupid.


Persecution Complex
I have 3 dates lined up for this week and I'm having trouble scheduling them. This has never happened to me. Tinder is so easy to use and it is the first online dating site I've used. The problems I've had with other dating sites is no girl is going to get to know me from a brief description online and vice versa. Tinder gets straight to the point. Put up a few pics, like or dislike (I like mostly all of them so I can pick and choose), put a short and funny description of yourself and you're good to go.

Two of the girls are 6/10 or so and I'll probably use just for hook ups.

The other one is a beautiful 5'10 girl. She has an awesome personality (all 3 do actually) combined with gorgeous looks. She is the one I'm focusing the most attention on.

I've actually stopped using Tinder since I got her number last night. I don't want her to log on and see that I've been using it potentially for other girls, We'll see how the first date goes but I already know I'll knock it out of the park.


So I'm trying it out. Last night I got two matches but at like 4 am. I just said hi and went to sleep. They never really responded though so whatever. I've been swiping like crazy today just to pass the time and nothing. It's kinda boring. I only have one pic though. I might add more later.
I tried using this and get matches but am always clueless and what to say to start out. I really don't want to come across as a douche. In real life you have stuff to work with to start a conversation

Funky Papa

Three days in, no matches.

Time to get some better pix, I guess...

Edit: Although I'm guessing people may be more active during weekends.
so what's the consensus of this app is it a hook up fling type of thing? or there's actual girls looking for a relationship? cause on okc girls be like "oh if i wanted to have sex i'll just be on tinder" i'm like wdf did i just read?! lmao


Persecution Complex
so what's the consensus of this app is it a hook up fling type of thing? or there's actual girls looking for a relationship? cause on okc girls be like "oh if i wanted to have sex i'll just be on tinder" i'm like wdf did i just read?! lmao

Both. I took a girl out tonight and she's the type of girl where I could see it getting serious just based on the date and the conversations we've had. Plus we're both physically attracted to each other.

Tommorow at 12 I have another date I met through Tinder and based on the texts she seems like a down to fuck girl.

I really like the girl I took out tonight but I'm going to keep my options open and not put all my eggs in one basket.


App is so weird, got a lot of hits firs time I used it, saw this girl for a few months so I had the app deleted, went back to it and got like 2 hits, lol

Probably because I don't drink no more and. I put that in my profile, that makes me 'boring'

(I am not counting all the people I match with on the app, that are visiting people on the island, so it says they live close, but really live in the city, I Swipe right when it says they are six miles away, when they Swipe right and I go to write them it says 52 miles away)
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