Let me guess: are you into rock and/or metal
Yep. I don't think it's the source, though. I've been attracted to long-haired guys before getting into metal. Or roughly around the same time? I think one of my earliest crush was Madmartigan from Willow.
(And no, the looks of the guys isn't what got me into the music to begin with lol)
Meanwhile the girls at school all swooned over New Kids on the Block (and later, Backstreet Boys) and I went "ewwwww NOPE".
I bet you aren't even that attractive. This is why men have shitty self esteem.
Funny though, that's not only a dickish thing to say but it's also irrelevant. Ugly or unattractive people (not saying Cindi is, she says she's not and I believe her) are allowed to think someone is unattractive. If they keep aiming for someone "out of their league", well, that's their problem, but yeah.
FWIW I don't think any of those men are hot either. Conventionally attractive/good-looking, sure, but they do nothing
for me.
Well yeah, that guy looks way better in the first picture.
boring (same guy),
boring (same guy)... I am beyond help. xD
Did I say she was ugly? I'm sure she's attractive. I'd probably find her attractive, in fact. But she probably isn't more than a 7 or 8, in all likelihood, yet she finds only 1 of the 25 hottest men attractive. In fact, she claims many of them are average.
So? That's her taste. You can't control what you find attractive. And besides, you don't think that average, ordinary looking women see men saying "oh, <gorgeous popular actress> isn't that attractive, look at those sharp knees" affect their self-esteem? The usual thought is "if they think
she is ugly, I must be some hideous beast".
3. Men cannot handle beng treated how they treat women. Fact.
Yep yep yep. This was posted on page 1 by Transhuman, really. But this thread has really highlighted the fact.