And here One Piece is just hitting the middle game.
Yeah and it just keeps getting more interesting.
And here One Piece is just hitting the middle game.
I have not really paid attention to this arc (I completely lost all interest with the Fullbringer shit), but let me get this straight.
Quincies are actually not fucking dead and despite this being Ishida's true chance to shine, he still doesn't do shit?
Fuck man, I actually liked Ishida too when the series first started and they do him dirty like this...
Leaked image of the final volume preview:
Leaked image of the final volume preview:
Don't worry it's not that bad. Half of the minimal story line this arc does revolve around him. He's holding his own against the Big Bad's Second in Command and even invoking the Nakama power so he probably will win this.
YohohohoLeaked image of the final volume preview:
Bleach 2 - Detergent confirmed?
Leaked image of the final volume preview:
Always found Ichigo to be a poor man's/wooden version of Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Imagine if Ichigo was replaced by Yusuke as the lead, the series gets better by default.
Leaked image of the final volume preview:
That's true, but even Yusuke couldn't save bad writing. Almost everything after SS is flat out awful.Always found Ichigo to be a poor man's/wooden version of Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Imagine if Ichigo was replaced by Yusuke as the lead, the series gets better by default.
Always found Ichigo to be a poor man's/wooden version of Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Imagine if Ichigo was replaced by Yusuke as the lead, the series gets better by default.
Kubo should pulled a JoJo and switched to a different main character. Ichigo became more generic and one note than your standard Shonen character.Always found Ichigo to be a poor man's/wooden version of Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Imagine if Ichigo was replaced by Yusuke as the lead, the series gets better by default.
Always found Ichigo to be a poor man's/wooden version of Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Imagine if Ichigo was replaced by Yusuke as the lead, the series gets better by default.
Ah, excellent, I only have another 30 or so volumes to complete my Bleach manga collection then.
Yeah I know the series has gotten bad, but it's an entertaining level of bad at least. Still my overall favourite Manga but I feel Death Note and FullMetal Alchemist will beat it out eventually.
I hope Mayuri shows up and just beats Yhwach with some of his patented bullshit.
Him pulling shit out of his ass has been the only entertaining thing about the manga anyway.
Yeah and it just keeps getting more interesting.
Leaked image of the final volume preview:
I haven't read Bleach since the Fullbring arc and I took a look at the powers & transformations part of Ichigo's wiki page and good god
Consider before the fullbring arc with Aizen as your ending and save yourself alot of headache
And here One Piece is just hitting the middle game.
is this actually real
SameGod, the only reason I'm still reading Bleach is that he said it was entering the last chapter... A few years ago.
Ya I really don't get why Kubo decided to continue the story.
That was probably a perfect end point for the series.
Maybe an epilogue of Ichigo living his life as a regular human until he got old and died, and then maybe a tease of him waking up in Soul Society with Rukia greeting him.
Yeah and it just keeps getting more interesting.
No, it's an edit of a page from a previous chapter. And even in "I don't give a fuck" mode, I don't think Kubo would randomly bring in a One Piece character.
That's not true at all Doflimingo fight had a heavy assist for Luffy.But the formula is getting boring, , Luffy fights X amount bad guys on his way to captain of the opposing crew, gets there already beaten up, captain of the crew doesn't have a scratch on him, yet Luffy wins, Oda needs to change some stuff up....would love to see Luffy take a serious L, one that could make him think twice of about being the pirate king..
But the formula is getting boring, , Luffy fights X amount bad guys on his way to captain of the opposing crew, gets there already beaten up, captain of the crew doesn't have a scratch on him, yet Luffy wins, Oda needs to change some stuff up....would love to see Luffy take a serious L, one that could make him think twice of about being the pirate king..
Hajime no ippo!What is the longest decent/readable manga? Bleach just seems to have run way too long for its own good.
Hajime no ippo!
But God damn, he still has so long to go. He's probably going to die before finishing it.
Hajime no ippo!
But God damn, he still has so long to go. He's probably going to die before finishing it.
He still has to beat the Mexican champ and have a rematch with miyata, correct?Weird, i'm feeling it's actually gonna speed up since the issue about Ippo's goal is finally taken on, we might see the end in a couple of years top. Might be wrong.