As somebody who flip flopped between interest, hate, meh, and buying-day-one during the beta periods, the game has problems. The vehicle model is way too loose, the helicopter model is OK for getting from A to B but not very workable if you want to use its weaponry. The single player squad AI is barely there, and the open world is filled to the brim with bizarre oddities, jank, strange corner conditions and a lack of polish in a lot of areas (Why are chain-link fences damn near indestructible? why can launching a drone from the helicopter destroy the rotors? why can speedboats only seat one? why can Unidad shoot through the floors and ceilings? why does teleporting to another player sometimes place me half a mile away on a different island? Why do all co-op players have to tag their own resources? and on and on and on and on).
BUT... the combination of free form mission design, bullet drop, super-quick time-to-kills, civilian presence, factional disguise via vehicles, prevalence of interiors and accessible rooftops, NPC schedules and change-ups with time of day, layered base systems like generators, floodlights, SAMs, jammers, mortars, etc., open world stealth and alert systems and the emergence you get from multiple overlapping systems causing friction and chaos to the best laid plans can add up to make for some of the best damn tactical co-op situations I've had since I started in the genre. And the very light RPG skill-up elements mean that there are zero impediments for groups to get together and drop-in and out whenever they want.
The game as is may be a 6.5-7/10 overall, but with its particular sandbox it has the potential to be a 10/10 at times with the right mix of players and difficulty and a little luck. And a Wildlands 2, if they make one (and I hope that they do), could shape up to be one of the best tactical co-op shooters ever.
This game is a real trip.