Just bought this game. Any tips from you guys or videos I can watch to get me up to speed?
Finally got sentry gloves off a supply drop! Completes my 4 sentry/2 striker gear. The gloves have crit chance, dmg to elites and marksman dmg. I usually use an AR and a SMG because I'm not good with marksman rifles. Should I reroll the marksman dmg to AR/SMG dmg or crit dmg?
is it better to have 4 sentry/2 striker or 4 strikers/2 sentry? which one is more beneficial?
currently have them split 3 strikers/3 sentry
How do you guys have so many credits?
I had 300 last night and bough some HE mod BPs to allow me to meet the talent criteria on my weapons. How the hell am I gonna manage to get 800+ for this Aug >.<
Do incursion instead?Getting a bit fed up now... Getting crap DZ boss drops, spent about 10 hours in in two days killing upwards of 50+ bosses, 6/7 supply drops and countless chests and didn't get a single thing that was decent or an improvement. It's been two days of grinding DZ and all i've managed to do is get some extra PC's and get rank up from 49 to 53...
I just want to complete my sentry gear setand get an M1A with balanced
Takes too long, and often people aren't that great at doing it and will just run off and die meaning it's a wasted effort + I've done it this week meaning I would only get one gear set drop and the game seems to love giving me tactitions gear.Do incursion instead?
The incursion really is not fun, you just sit in that pit the whole time?
Don't neglect your dailies either, the phoenix credits you get from them add up quickly.
Be sure to run both hard missions & the CM for that day + the Lexington farm others have mentioned, you should be at 800 within a few days. Plus, any DZ05/06 boss you kill will drop between 3-5 & 5-7 px credits respectively.
I run 4 striker, the striker Talent from 4 pieces absolutely rips especially with virtually no kick back from the Aug every shot is hitting so that 100% modifier is soon at max meaning 100% on top of what you hit for standard.
I run 2 sentry also. 3 would be nice for the 20% elite damage but afew of my rolls have elite damage in them as well as a weapon talent so that's why I went 4/2 in favour of the striker gear rather than a 3/3 gear set up. Most of the time my striker Talent is active so I'll be doing more damage than the 20% to elites offered from running a 3/3 combo.
It's alot more fun when you dont run it from the pit. We usually just go there for the missile barrage after planting and take care of the waves from the right side of the room. Plenty of stuff coming at you there to keep everyone moving.The incursion really is not fun, you just sit in that pit the whole time?
see i ran that before but theres no indication when its active, the hit numbers now show up in a greyish white and the yellow crit hit is that it? unlike the sentry that has the blue icon to show its activated
Striker has a blue icon below your special skill where the explosives rounds icon is when in use/cooldown.
Try it at the shooting range and after afew shots the icon will appear.
You can see the blue increase as shots are hit and decrease if shots are missed.
It's alot more fun when you dont run it from the pit. We usually just go there for the missile barrage after planting and take care of the waves from the right side of the room. Plenty of stuff coming at you there to keep everyone moving.
saw that at the shooting range but during PVE, its not proc'n
How many PC is that Aug?
Thanks, only 14 to go then. Do my two hard dailies and I'll be done814.
Hunting 3 rogues, I'm hurt, pop first aid, 1s, 2s, 3s, boom I'm dead, 4s, 5s, first aid triggers. Gee thanks a lot first aid.
Dark Zone finally broke me, I have a low armor score, but high enough to get screwed, 165. So I'm top tier bracket going vs armor score 190+ and I can't even put a dent in people but they can 2 shot me down hard. Especially since its usually a group of 4 vs me who rolls solo.
Last night for me was the worst, I was just rolling around going from boss to boss and group of 4 sees me walking past them and BAM I'm down and they are clapping over my dead body as I respawn. This took place 4 times, I had no gear nothing to extract and they just kept on killing me just to fuck with my dark zone level. Was at 62 but dropped to 61 from them. I think I'm finished with this game till they add more dark zone brackets. Because I'm so far behind groups who cheese I have no chance anymore.
Thought the hotfix of 4/21 addressed the double revive? It still works...
Just shows the message but doesn't revive them anymore.Thought the hotfix of 4/21 addressed the double revive? It still works...
Thought the hotfix of 4/21 addressed the double revive? It still works...
Question that I cant find answer for.
How often do the contaminated zone chests respawn in the dark zone? The chests that don't require a key, but have to be dz level 30.
That was awesome, love how all the team just show up out of nowhere
Dont buy the 32 level gun mod blueprints apparently they are barely an improvement over the level 31s.
progression in this game is so weird. you shouldn't be able to craft power level 32 items (mods) worse than power level 31 items
once an hour I believe
Dark Zone finally broke me, I have a low armor score, but high enough to get screwed, 165. So I'm top tier bracket going vs armor score 190+ and I can't even put a dent in people but they can 2 shot me down hard. Especially since its usually a group of 4 vs me who rolls solo.
Last night for me was the worst, I was just rolling around going from boss to boss and group of 4 sees me walking past them and BAM I'm down and they are clapping over my dead body as I respawn. This took place 4 times, I had no gear nothing to extract and they just kept on killing me just to fuck with my dark zone level. Was at 62 but dropped to 61 from them. I think I'm finished with this game till they add more dark zone brackets. Because I'm so far behind groups who cheese I have no chance anymore.
Got a 182 gs SRS drop from Lexington challenging. I equipped it as a secondary and my primary dps increased to 248k.
No its a sniper rifleSRS? Like a scope?