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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT 3| Crafted From 150 OT 2’s

For the first time EVER, a challenge mode mission actually gave me a decent weapon. Of course with 1.2 dropping tomorrow, this is going to become a non-issue, but goddamn did it feel good. Finally a pretty decent 182 MP5 fell on my lap, so I was able to trash my 162 AUG. That thing was better than any 182 SMG I ever crafted, so I'm happy to have seen it go away.


I use my 182 MP5 with brutal, self preserved and responsive and it's really good. SP is an amazing perk for SMG builds, especially if you run solo a lot. I also have 40% health on kill so with SP that lets me get up close and personal and wreck mobs with ease.

i spent all my materials trying to get a mp5 with self preserved but no luck. fortunately tho, got this as a drop from a DZ boss:


MP5 ST. talents are: self-preserved, responsive and swift. 63 in the mag. 1027 rpm.

my dps has dropped by nearly 60k when compared to my aug and i miss "brutal" and "deadly" when fighting other players, but its so good for pve. it turned me into such a tank.
Patch notes are fairly underwhelming. No surprises there based on what we already know.

Looking forward to tomorrow! Hopefully the new Incursion is actually fun.
"The extraction departure timer once the helicopter arrived has been increased to 60 seconds."

Dang, solo extractions will be interesting with the new rope cut mechanic.


Weekly Maintenance

To deploy the 1.2 patch, the servers will shut down for maintenance on Tuesday, May 24th at

9:01 CEST
00:01am PDT
03:01am EDT

» Worldtime

Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours.

Patch Notes

Here is the list of changes that will be implemented with the update 1.2:

New Incursion: Clear Sky

Clear Sky is a new Incursion mission available in Columbus Circle.
You must be level 30.
The encounter is balanced for a team of 4 players outfitted with high level gear.
Hard Mode is available on May 24 when the update is released.
Challenge Mode will be made available the week after update 1.2 launches.

New Gear Sets

Four new gear sets have been added.
Final Measure - Stand your ground by defusing hostile grenades with this powerful defensive set.

2 pieces: +50% Exotic Damage Resilience
3 pieces: +15% Protection from Elites
4 pieces: When throwing a grenade, gain the defuse buff. When in range of a hostile grenade, the buff is consumed and defuses the grenade as well as gives you a grenade.

Hunter's Faith - Duel your enemies at range and come out on top with this survival focused marksman set.

2 pieces: +20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Damage
3 pieces: +20% Damage to elites
4 pieces: Hitting an enemy with a bullet grants you temporary armor. The further your shot, the more armor is awarded. The armor disappears after one bullet hits you.

Lone Star - Never reload your weapons again with this game changing utility set.

2 pieces: +100% Ammo capacity
3 pieces: +1000 LMG Damage, +1000 Shotgun Damage
4 pieces: When the weapon is holstered, it regains full ammo.

Predator's Mark - Make your enemies bleed with this powerful offensive set.

2 pieces: +20% Optimal Range
3 pieces: +800 Assault Rifle damage, +700 Pistol Damage
4 pieces: Hit 10 shots without switching target to make the target bleed for 100% of damage already done by those bullets.

High-Value Targets & Search and Destroy missions

At level 30, complete all Encounters and Side Missions in a named area to get access to the “Search and Destroy” missions in the Safe House.
Receive Target Intel as a reward for completing Search and Destroy missions.
Bring Target Intel to HVT officers at the Base of Operations to locate High Value Targets.
Complete daily and weekly High Value Target missions for end game rewards.

Hijack Extractions

When a player attaches a bag to the extraction rope, another player now has the ability to sever the rope.
Severing the rope will cause all extraction bags to fall to the ground, scattering their contents as a public loot drop.
Be careful, hijacking an extraction will instantly mark you as Rogue!

Sealed Cache

Named and Elite enemies in the Dark Zone can now drop Sealed Caches that contain mystery items.
Sealed Caches need to be extracted before they can be opened, just like regular loot drops.

There are four qualities of Sealed Cache:

High End
Gear Set.

Player Stash in Dark Zone Checkpoints

Player stashes are now available in every Dark Zone checkpoint.
Checkpoints stashes eliminate the need for fast travel to your Base of Operations to collect your extracted loot!

ISAC Assignments

The ISAC Assignment is a new assignment type included in the map overview.
The ISAC Assignment will be available to players at level 30.
Every week a new ISAC Assignment will be available to the player.
The ISAC Assignment will reward players with exclusive vanity items.


The Historian high-end marksman rifle is now available.
Added a 201+ Gear Score bracket for highly leveled players.

Added new high-end named weapons in the game:

Hungry Hog: M60 Light Machinegun
Centurion: M1911 Pistol
Medved: SAIGA12 Shotgun
Historian: M1A Marksman Rifle
(Showstopper - AA12 Shotgun): Please note that while the Showstopper will be implemented in the game with this update, it will not be acquirable in-game until update 1.3

Game Changes

When a player is at max level, matchmaking for Hard and Challenge mode will now only seek players that are Level 30.
Armor damage mitigation cap has been increased to 75%.
Improved weapon blind fire and overall handling while in cover.
Reduced damages from level 34 NPCs using Shotguns and Sniper rifles.
Gear Score will now only take into account the equipped weapon with the highest Gear Score, and discard the other two. This will prevent players from equipping low quality weapons to voluntarily reduce their Gear Score.
Increased Gear Score requirement of Falcon Lost to better represent its difficulty (note that the difficulty of this Incursion hasn’t changed) Hard Mode: Gear Score 160 / Challenge Mode: Gear Score 180


In the Overview of the Inventory, the Health stat above Stamina has been replaced with Toughness. This is a combination of Health and Armor. The player’s health pool will still be visible in the Character page and Stamina still increases Health.
The Phoenix credit cap has been increased from 1000 to 2000 credits.
Shooting a player while they are interacting with an object will cause the timer to push back. (such as opening a supply crate or hijacking an extraction)
Players now have a voice chat indicator in the game UI to see if their own VOIP works.
The Special Gear Vendor has been renamed Special Equipment Vendor.


The Sentry’s Call 4 pieces talent will now only apply to semi-automatic weapons (pistols, shotguns, and marksman rifles).
The Second bonus on Performance Mods have been significantly improved.

Dark Zone

The extraction departure timer once the helicopter arrived has been increased to 60 seconds.

Loot Balancing

We have made a number of changes to loot drops. Specific activities will now provide the rewards listed below.

Hard Mode (Boss Drop)

1x 163 High End

Hard Mode (Mission Reward)

1x 163 High End

Challenge Mode (Boss Drop)

2x 182 High End
1x 182 High End or 214 Gear Set
chance for 1x 191 Gear Set

Challenge Mode (Mission Reward)

1x 182 High End

Falcon Lost/Clear Sky

Hard Mode (Boss Drop)

1x 204 End Weapon
1x 214 Gear Set
182/204 High End or 214/240 Gear Set

Hard Mode (Weekly Reward)

1x 204 High End Weapon
1x 214 Gear Set

Challenge Mode (Boss Drop)

1x 204 Weapon
1x 240 Gear Set
1x 204 High End or 240 Gear Set

Challenge Mode (Weekly Reward)

1x 204 High End Weapon
1x 240 Gear Set

Dark Zone

Sealed Caches

Added Sealed Caches as new source for loot in the Dark Zone. Caches need to be extracted before they can be opened. Caches can come in any quality starting from Specialized and contain:

Equipment (weapons, gear or mods)
Division Tech
Dark Zone Credits

Brackets 0-160 & 161-200

Named bosses will now have a chance to drop a High-End or Gear Set Sealed Caches. If it drops, it will replace the guaranteed High-End item
Elite NPCs now have a chance to drop a Superior Sealed Cache

Named NPC Level 30 (DZ01 and DZ02)

1x 163 High End or 191 Gear Set

Named NPC Level 31 (DZ03 and DZ04)

1x 163/182 High End or 191/214 Gear Set

Named NPC Level 32 (DZ05 and DZ06)

1x 163/182/204 High End or 191/214/240 Gear Set

Dark Zone Gear Score 200+

Added a new Dark Zone bracket for Gear Score 200+. This bracket will contain tougher enemies (level 32 to 34) and provide better rewards

All drops from NPCs will start at Superior quality
All Division Tech drops will be High-End quality
Higher chances to drop Sealed Caches on Elite and Named NPCs
Supply Drops will contain 1 High-End item Gear Score 182 (DZ 01-04), 204 (DZ 05-06) plus a chance at a Gear Set item Gear Score 214 (DZ 01-02), 214 to 240 (DZ 03-04), 240 (DZ 05-06)

Named NPC Level 32 (DZ01 and DZ02)

1x 182/204 High End or 214/240 Gear Set

Named NPC Level 33 (DZ03 and DZ04)

1x 182/204 High End or 214/240 Gear Set

Named NPC Level 34 (DZ05 and DZ06)

1x 204 High End or 240 Gear Set

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the effects of player talents would stack when the talent was repeatedly equipped and unequipped.
Fixed a bug where the Reckless gear talent would increase player damage resistance instead of decreasing it.
Fixed a bug where the Balanced gear talent would remain active indefinitely after the weapon was shouldered.
Fixed a bug with the Brutal gear talent where the damage was multiplicative instead of additive.
Fixed a bug with the One is None character talent where the weapon could jam when the magazine was down to one bullet.
Fixed a bug with the Specialized gear talent where it wouldn’t account for subsequent gear changes after the backpack was equipped.
Fixed a bug with the Path of the Nomad talent where the Health on Kill wouldn’t work if the kill was done with a melee attack.
Fixed a bug with the Tactician’s Authority talent where it wouldn’t trigger properly against other Players.
Fixed a bug where talents that are triggered by skills could be activated by just aiming the skill instead of using it.
Fixed a bug where bleed resistance could roll above 100% on some items.
Fixed a bug where players could exit the playable map area by using the mobile cover skill.
Fixed an issue where some doors at the entrance of main missions would not open after restarting the mission.
Fixed a bug where one of the Base of Operation wings would not unlock after completing Subway Morgue or Lincoln Tunnel missions.
Fixed a bug where players would not be able to upgrade their Base of Operation wings correctly.
Fixed a bug where the Small RDS Scope Mod would not roll weapon damage bonus, even though it was stated in the blueprint as a guaranteed stat.
Fixed a bug where the Base of Operations NPC speech was too repetitive.
Fixed an issue where the Base of Operations wing resources would not be displayed correctly if at least one of the wings was not activated (laptop not accessed).
Players will no longer be teleported to an incorrect checkpoint during the “Rescue: Tenderloin Civilians” side mission.
Fixed a bug where using a consumable would not allow the player to aim until the animation finished.
Fixed some visual replication problems when swapping weapons while in the Dark Zone checkpoints.
Player characters will now properly holster their weapons when climbing over high cover.
Improved UI tooltips for trading between players.
Fixed an instance where players would be teleported back to the Safe House during the “Hostage Rescue: Midtown East” medical encounter.
Fixed a bug where players would be teleported to last checkpoint in Hudson Refugee Camp.
Fixed an issue where players could not matchmake for Free Roam from the mega map, while in Brooklyn.
Fixed a bug where the Ballistic Shield visual would become corrupted if the player changed shoulder view while using it.
Fixed a bug where the defense turrets in Falcon Lost would be able to shoot players through covers from a medium-long range.
Fixed some objects in Falcon Lost that would not provide tactical cover.
Fixed a number of tooltips not displaying correctly in Arabic localization.
Fixed some instances where dead civilians would need things from the player.
Fixed a rare case where Rogue status would expire too soon.
Fixed a bug where the player could fall through the map in Brooklyn.
Crafting will now properly update blueprint stats if the player has switched their Firearms values while in the Base of Operations.
Players can no longer phase transfer to a group member’s higher Dark Zone bracket while having Rogue status.
Fixed a bug where automatching would return the wrong difficulty for missions when failing to find a match.
Fixed a bug where the player’s own character could obstruct aiming while in cover.
And many more!

PC Specific

Fixed a bug where auto-aim would be automatically triggered on PC.
Min and Max mouse sensitivity values are now exposed in state.cfg file.
Added an option in the game UI that disables all Gamepad input.
Added the option to sort inventory items by Gear Score (PC only).
Added the option to toggle aim mode instead of holding to aim.
Players can now right-click on gear in the Overview screen to get straight to the mod screen.
Players can now rebind the ALT key.
Players can now exit the game from the title screen.
Fixed a bug where the game UI would not center correctly when dual screen is enabled.
Fixed scrolling in Mission Overview in the mega map.
Fixed an issue where scrolling through possible recalibrations was not always possible using the mouse.
Fixed an issue where the wrong recalibration option could be selected at the Recalibration Station.
Fixed a bug where some users could loot items from a distance using the mouse cursor.
Snap to Marker feature is now smoother while using a keyboard.

For anyone else that can't visit the ubi website while at work like me.


Thanks a lot Iceman, very much appreciated. That seems like sound advice and that chart is super-useful. Looks like I will have plenty to get my teeth into, especially post patch.

What sort of stats/GS do you think is a minimum aim for challenging missions? I don't want to drag any groups down.

Based on the pictures you posted above it seems like you have plenty of health and enough dps to do the challenging missions. I would stick to running lexington and/or lincoln tunnel. They are the easier of the bunch and lexington is easy and the quickest to complete. Lexington allows you to easily bottleneck enemies in the tight corridors. At the rooftop most people I play with pop a survivor link and rush the left sniper and clear out the area from there. Just take it slow and use cover / health as you need it. Hit the shotgun rushers in the knees and all that.

As for stats it depends what type of character you are building, but key stats that are always great are Critical hit chance %, critical hit damage %, weapon damage, damage to elites, damage to armor, and of course there is armor and protection from elites to reduce the damage you take. The damage mitigation % is rising from 65 to 75% with the patch. This will help your survivability.
Gear Score will now only take into account the equipped weapon with the highest Gear Score, and discard the other two. This will prevent players from equipping low quality weapons to voluntarily reduce their Gear Score.

This is good. So, now the top gear score should be 235 instead of 228, right?


Can someone break down what makes the 'predator's mark' gear-set so effective when coupled with seeker mines? Just curious as I run seekers and I've heard this a few times already.

Also, does throwing a seeker mine count as a grenade for the 'final measure' gear-set buff?


Formerly Gizmowned
Ok I'm still confused about Division Tech in the new 200+ bracket.

How are we going to craft new materials with High-End? At the moment its only Blues and Greens. Unless its something they haven't bothered to mention.

Must be great to never run into talent stackers. Last night I got one shotted with a vector from a block away, 96k health, 64.5 mitigation. Never even went to downed state, just instant death.

Oh we've ran into plenty who do the Sentry marking so we usually drop them before they have the opportunity to abuse it.

What talent are they stacking to do 1 hit kills?


Ok I'm still confused about Division Tech in the new 200+ bracket.

How are we going to craft new materials with High-End? At the moment its only Blues and Greens. Unless its something they haven't bothered to mention.
Only HE did tech in the boxes in 201+ bracket not sure I'd the bosses only drop HE too.


Man trying to get into the incursion is annoying (on xbox one btw) I have a gear score of 164 and need better gear, but every single time I join a group they kick me ( I am assuming due to my gear score at this point) I am slightly above recommended... I mean shit I would like to do it once. I took a break for a while and now I just feel I am being left behind.


Formerly Gizmowned
Only HE did tech in the boxes in 201+ bracket not sure I'd the bosses only drop HE too.

Exactly so its kind of broken if nothing is changed in 1.2 to crafting and nothing was shown in the patch notes.

Right now High-end materials like Fabric, Tools and more can only be made from Blue Specialzed Division Tech. At this moment we can't use High-end Division Tech to make High-end materials.

High-end Division Tech is only for making actual Weapons, Mods or Gear.

If all we can farm is High-end Division Tech from the 200+ how do they expect us to make the High-End materials if we have less sources to get Blue and Green. I'm not going to start deconstructing every drop either.
Ok I'm still confused about Division Tech in the new 200+ bracket.

How are we going to craft new materials with High-End? At the moment its only Blues and Greens. Unless its something they haven't bothered to mention.

Regarding the 200+ Bracket...

"All Division Tech drops will be High-End quality"


Man trying to get into the incursion is annoying (on xbox one btw) I have a gear score of 164 and need better gear, but every single time I join a group they kick me ( I am assuming due to my gear score at this point) I am slightly above recommended... I mean shit I would like to do it once. I took a break for a while and now I just feel I am being left behind.

the "recommended GS" is way too low. i'm 184 GS and still get melted on incursion unless i luck out with randoms.

i'd stick with lexington and lincoln tunnel CMs for now unless you know somebody willing to carry you
Ok I'm still confused about Division Tech in the new 200+ bracket.

Oh we've ran into plenty who do the Sentry marking so we usually drop them before they have the opportunity to abuse it.

What talent are they stacking to do 1 hit kills?

Not sure but if you get hit you die. So frustrating, if it were a marksman rifle I wouldn't even get upset, but a smg. I tested them a few times after, if you get even a scratch you drop.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Man trying to get into the incursion is annoying (on xbox one btw) I have a gear score of 164 and need better gear, but every single time I join a group they kick me ( I am assuming due to my gear score at this point) I am slightly above recommended... I mean shit I would like to do it once. I took a break for a while and now I just feel I am being left behind.

That is the situation that many find themselves in. Hopefully the High Value Targets can help with that.


Exactly so its kind of broken if nothing is changed in 1.2 to crafting and nothing was shown in the patch notes.

Right now High-end materials like Fabric, Tools and more can only be made from Blue Specialzed Division Tech. At this moment we can't use High-end Division Tech to make High-end materials.

High-end Division Tech is only for making actual Weapons, Mods or Gear.

If all we can farm is High-end Division Tech from the 200+ how do they expect us to make the High-End materials if we have less sources to get Blue and Green. I'm not going to start deconstructing every drop either.
You've answered your own question.

But more seriously, they're actively discouraging farming for crafting mats. They haven't been shy in saying so.


That is the situation that many find themselves in. Hopefully the High Value Targets can help with that.

Its stupid tbh, I really enjoy the game but if I cannot do the incursion then wtf? I bought the season pass and feel like I will be left behind if I don't get to do the incursion and acquire better gear.
the "recommended GS" is way too low. i'm 184 GS and still get melted on incursion unless i luck out with randoms.

i'd stick with lexington and lincoln tunnel CMs for now unless you know somebody willing to carry you
It really depends on the gear itself and the team's strategy. I was clearing it fine with gear scores in 170-180 before jumping up to 195 with Gear Set items and a better Vector. hard mode Incursion became pretty easy at that lower score as long as we called out the shotgun waves and enough people ran survivor link to make the bomb plant relatively-risk free. Until recently, I was running the 182 vector, a decent 182 marksman rifle and gear that had me at 198k/70k/12k (GS 170-185 over the first few weeks of the Incursion). I found that was enough to melt shotgunners (the only hard part) and that as long as we chained Survivor links (one before running, one at the turret and one for emergency) and had two people run the bomb, we were good.


Based on the pictures you posted above it seems like you have plenty of health and enough dps to do the challenging missions. I would stick to running lexington and/or lincoln tunnel. They are the easier of the bunch and lexington is easy and the quickest to complete. Lexington allows you to easily bottleneck enemies in the tight corridors. At the rooftop most people I play with pop a survivor link and rush the left sniper and clear out the area from there. Just take it slow and use cover / health as you need it. Hit the shotgun rushers in the knees and all that.

As for stats it depends what type of character you are building, but key stats that are always great are Critical hit chance %, critical hit damage %, weapon damage, damage to elites, damage to armor, and of course there is armor and protection from elites to reduce the damage you take. The damage mitigation % is rising from 65 to 75% with the patch. This will help your survivability.

Thanks mate, nice one. :)

Re. build, in previous brackets I've largely aimed at being reasonably balanced between DPS and survivability with enough skill to unlock the gun talents and a little increased kill xp to make the levelling up go a touch quicker. I suspect it is much easier to go the balance route pre-endgame though as most of the gear is simpler, less talents on guns, smaller % bonuses on gear etc. so it's easier to forgive a not quite perfect bit of kit. This is my first game of this type though so I'm very much coming at it from outside of any real pre-conceptions or frankly, knowledge!

I guess the point of the above rambling is, I have no real idea what I will build for this time round. I suspect I will take what I'm given as drops and start to go from there.

With the AUG and ACR I currently have I'm largely trying to add crit chance and damage to the SMG and straight up damage and headshot damage to the assault rifle (with a little stability to keep recoil vaguely in check).

Good to know I might not be too much of a softie for challenging as well. MIght try one if I manage to sneak on tonight for a bit.

Thanks again Iceman, much obliged.
I had a couple of side missions left over, so I finished those this weekend. However, there's one left that won't let me complete it! Missing Person: Michael Dufrane Part 4. It asks me to secure the area, which I do, but when I find the guy - he's just sitting there. I can't interact with him or anything.

It's pretty obnoxious considering this is going to stop me from doing some of the new stuff tomorrow. I hope it fixes itself with the patch.


really hyped for 1.2

though i gotta say i will miss sentry, not even in pvp, sentry is pretty clutch in pve, especially with the +201 bracket, them shotgunners, god. good thing i had a pretty optimized striker build before switching to sentry so that'll be it for the time being.


Junior Member
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the effects of player talents would stack when the talent was repeatedly equipped and unequipped.
Fixed a bug where the Reckless gear talent would increase player damage resistance instead of decreasing it.
Fixed a bug where the Balanced gear talent would remain active indefinitely after the weapon was shouldered.
Fixed a bug with the Brutal gear talent where the damage was multiplicative instead of additive.
Fixed a bug with the One is None character talent where the weapon could jam when the magazine was down to one bullet.
Fixed a bug with the Specialized gear talent where it wouldn’t account for subsequent gear changes after the backpack was equipped.
Fixed a bug with the Path of the Nomad talent where the Health on Kill wouldn’t work if the kill was done with a melee attack.
Fixed a bug with the Tactician’s Authority talent where it wouldn’t trigger properly against other Players.
Fixed a bug where talents that are triggered by skills could be activated by just aiming the skill instead of using it.
Fixed a bug where bleed resistance could roll above 100% on some items.
Fixed a bug where players could exit the playable map area by using the mobile cover skill.
Fixed an issue where some doors at the entrance of main missions would not open after restarting the mission.
Fixed a bug where one of the Base of Operation wings would not unlock after completing Subway Morgue or Lincoln Tunnel missions.
Fixed a bug where players would not be able to upgrade their Base of Operation wings correctly.
Fixed a bug where the Small RDS Scope Mod would not roll weapon damage bonus, even though it was stated in the blueprint as a guaranteed stat.
Fixed a bug where the Base of Operations NPC speech was too repetitive.
Fixed an issue where the Base of Operations wing resources would not be displayed correctly if at least one of the wings was not activated (laptop not accessed).
Players will no longer be teleported to an incorrect checkpoint during the “Rescue: Tenderloin Civilians” side mission.
Fixed a bug where using a consumable would not allow the player to aim until the animation finished.
Fixed some visual replication problems when swapping weapons while in the Dark Zone checkpoints.
Player characters will now properly holster their weapons when climbing over high cover.
Improved UI tooltips for trading between players.
Fixed an instance where players would be teleported back to the Safe House during the “Hostage Rescue: Midtown East” medical encounter.
Fixed a bug where players would be teleported to last checkpoint in Hudson Refugee Camp.
Fixed an issue where players could not matchmake for Free Roam from the mega map, while in Brooklyn.
Fixed a bug where the Ballistic Shield visual would become corrupted if the player changed shoulder view while using it.
Fixed a bug where the defense turrets in Falcon Lost would be able to shoot players through covers from a medium-long range.
Fixed some objects in Falcon Lost that would not provide tactical cover.
Fixed a number of tooltips not displaying correctly in Arabic localization.
Fixed some instances where dead civilians would need things from the player.
Fixed a rare case where Rogue status would expire too soon.
Fixed a bug where the player could fall through the map in Brooklyn.
Crafting will now properly update blueprint stats if the player has switched their Firearms values while in the Base of Operations.
Players can no longer phase transfer to a group member’s higher Dark Zone bracket while having Rogue status.
Fixed a bug where automatching would return the wrong difficulty for missions when failing to find a match.
Fixed a bug where the player’s own character could obstruct aiming while in cover.
And many more!

PC Specific

Fixed a bug where auto-aim would be automatically triggered on PC.
Min and Max mouse sensitivity values are now exposed in state.cfg file.
Added an option in the game UI that disables all Gamepad input.
Added the option to sort inventory items by Gear Score (PC only).
Added the option to toggle aim mode instead of holding to aim.
Players can now right-click on gear in the Overview screen to get straight to the mod screen.
Players can now rebind the ALT key.
Players can now exit the game from the title screen.
Fixed a bug where the game UI would not center correctly when dual screen is enabled.
Fixed scrolling in Mission Overview in the mega map.
Fixed an issue where scrolling through possible recalibrations was not always possible using the mouse.
Fixed an issue where the wrong recalibration option could be selected at the Recalibration Station.
Fixed a bug where some users could loot items from a distance using the mouse cursor.
Snap to Marker feature is now smoother while using a keyboard.

Things relevant to me that they fixed:

- They fixed the Small RDS Scope! I'm rolling another one of those when I get the chance.
- The fixed the mission starting/reset bug
- they claimed to have fixed the falling bug
- They removed auto aim on PC (fuck yes)
- They fixed the One is None glitch
- Supposedly 100% bleed resistance is the max

Great job Massive!


keep your strippers out of my American football
Its stupid tbh, I really enjoy the game but if I cannot do the incursion then wtf? I bought the season pass and feel like I will be left behind if I don't get to do the incursion and acquire better gear.

I think that after HVTs get going, many who couldn't before, will now find themselves geared up enough to do incursions. What platform are you on?


Haven't played on PC in several weeks (a month?) because the exploits and hacks were killing the game for me.

How's the current state of the DZ on PC? Any changes? Less blatant hacks maybe? From what I've read about the client side stuff, I'm not holding my breath but figured I'd ask.


Exactly so its kind of broken if nothing is changed in 1.2 to crafting and nothing was shown in the patch notes.

Right now High-end materials like Fabric, Tools and more can only be made from Blue Specialzed Division Tech. At this moment we can't use High-end Division Tech to make High-end materials.

High-end Division Tech is only for making actual Weapons, Mods or Gear.

If all we can farm is High-end Division Tech from the 200+ how do they expect us to make the High-End materials if we have less sources to get Blue and Green. I'm not going to start deconstructing every drop either.

you know there are fabric/tool/electronics farm areas all over the PvE map,right? :p


Neo Member
Haven't played on PC in several weeks (a month?) because the exploits and hacks were killing the game for me.

How's the current state of the DZ on PC? Any changes? Less blatant hacks maybe? From what I've read about the client side stuff, I'm not holding my breath but figured I'd ask.

There are far less hackers blatantly hacking as before the first ban wave. Every 4-5 dz transfers I might see 1 person hacking but it's mostly just a burst meta with sentry till 1.2 hits in 12 hours.
Guess I'm up on 6 am Eastern, i.e. when it seems like maintenance will be done!

Either smashing b-words or following VE3TRO as he cheeses the new Incursion with mobile cover..

But really that's a joke, don't be sensitive all. I will be on bright and early though, that's the truth! ;-)
"The extraction departure timer once the helicopter arrived has been increased to 60 seconds."

Dang, solo extractions will be interesting with the new rope cut mechanic.

Not really, call extraction and hide. Wait for chopper departure time to be 10 seconds,pop survivor link and extract.

This is good. So, now the top gear score should be 235 instead of 228, right?

No, there is no change to the max achievable GS.

What talent are they stacking to do 1 hit kills?

Smart cover + tactical pulse + m44/m1a headshot is still a OHK no matter your health or armor mitigation. Don't even need Sentry's mark.
Not really, call extraction and hide. Wait for chopper departure time to be 10 seconds,pop survivor link and extract.

No, there is no change to the max achievable GS.

Smart cover + tactical pulse + m44/m1a headshot is still a OHK no matter your health or armor mitigation. Don't even need Sentry's mark.
WAT? Wow. I had no idea!


Formerly Gizmowned
Oh man proximity chat is too funny. Came across 4 rogues and 3 of us chasing them down asking if they wanted health insurance while we killed them. They came back two more times and we dropped them. They never learn.

Guess I'm up on 6 am Eastern, i.e. when it seems like maintenance will be done!

Either smashing b-words or following VE3TRO as he cheeses the new Incursion with mobile cover..

But really that's a joke, don't be sensitive all. I will be on bright and early though, that's the truth! ;-)

Not doing Incursion tomorrow dude. Do some contracts and HVT then DZ all night to get the loot. I'll be on reset, gonna watch Game of Thrones now and have an "early" night. ;\

Smart cover + tactical pulse + m44/m1a headshot is still a OHK no matter your health or armor mitigation. Don't even need Sentry's mark.

Ah shit yea I forgot about Smart Cover. It's not something any in our group use since we are constantly on the move and barely in cover.

you know there are fabric/tool/electronics farm areas all over the PvE map,right? :p

Wait what? I had no idea holy shit lol.

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