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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT 3| Crafted From 150 OT 2’s


"To make the process of finding weapons a bit less reliant on RNG, we are making it possible to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. In order to do so you have to collect a new currency called Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground. Spend them in combination some Phoenix Credits at the Recalibration bench to be able to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. All talents can be recalibrated and it works in the same way gear rerolling does."

"We really, really, really want you to buy the season pass. Or at least the first expansion DLC."


Aside from lying about having no nerfs I'm still confused why the PS4 patch is delayed. I'm guessing since we don't get DLC they just said fuck it they can wait. I guess I'm never buying another ubisoft/massive game ever again.
Weapon talent recalibration is awesome and should have been in the game since day one,
but I hope that this new currency (Weapon Kits) won't be a pain in the ass bottleneck like HE div tech was before 1.2.


I'll buy it if it's 5 bucks.
As much as I hope Underground is like D3 Rifting, it looks like a The Division version of it, which means after like half a week it'll become obvious it's just a really crappy facsimile of a better thing and I shouldn't have spent all that money on it.

What I'm trying to say is I'm probably gonna watch like 12 hours of it on Twitch before deciding. It sounds cool but then it also sounds like it's hampered by a bunch of stuff to make it unfun in the long run.


Hamish confirmed in StreamerHouse's Twitch chat that Sealed Caches you looted and saved up prior to 1.3 will have a chance to contain new gear. However, the GS will still be 204/240 on those items.


Subete no aware
"To make the process of finding weapons a bit less reliant on RNG, we are making it possible to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. In order to do so you have to collect a new currency called Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground. Spend them in combination some Phoenix Credits at the Recalibration bench to be able to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. All talents can be recalibrated and it works in the same way gear rerolling does."

Yeah, you need the DLC to use it.
"Enemy drops and Crafting" doesn't seem DLC related. I wonder if this is something we'll be using our abundance of HE Div Tech for converting.

I read on Reddit that the weapon calibration bench is inside the underground BoO. If so, it will be dlc only and ps4 players will have to wait till 2nd of August.

Unless it's 2:46PM on a Tuesday.

DZ drops yesterday and 2 of us were getting the exact same drops from the bosses, back to back.

Everything was HE operator pads.
I read on Reddit that the weapon calibration bench is inside the underground BoO. If so, it will be dlc only and ps4 players will have to wait till 2nd of August.

DZ drops yesterday and 2 of us were getting the exact same drops from the bosses, back to back.

Everything was HE operator pads.

That's just a coincidence, guys



I officially uninstalled the fuck out of this game :(. That State of the Game was the last straw for me unfortunately.
Did you get the season pass?
I'm so excited to see everyone with 600k toughness and 30k+ skill power people rolling and sticky bombing everyone until everyone runs out of bullets.

Also if the patch on PS4 doesn't come out next week im done.


Dz is just a massive joke right now. Sticky tank builds fighting each other for hours and hours just running and rolling around like idiots.

Tell me about it. I joined a bunch of randoms as I usually do and pretty much right away they wanted to either go rogue hunting, or in lieu of rogues to kill, go rogue. We found another group and our team just made it our mission to fight them no matter what. I personally wouldn't have normally, but I just went with the flow. We battled them from DZ 01 to 06 to 01 to 06. Unfortunately we took more lumps than we gave, but we kept this up for about an hour or so. Eventually one of the guys on our team decided to try and get some more of his friends in and soon enough we had 7 vs. 4. We downed them far easier of course, but they were good and gave us a tough fight. This was my first time in a group larger than 4, so it was a bit difficult deciding who to shoot. Another 30+ minutes of this and eventually the other team left.

Instead of just moving on and doing some PVE with our now empty server, they wanted to transfer to another server to presumably do the same thing. I stuck with them for a bit, but didn't really do much.

I don't think massive group fighting is my thing. It was certainly new and some fun was had, but it was just frickin' ridiculous when our group is fighting their group and it takes several minutes for anyone to go down. In the end I made it out of that fracas about 100,000xp and 7 keys lower, but somehow made came away with a bit of extra DZ funds, so I guess it wasn't too bad.


There is little to no point on playing on PS4 outside of collection materials right?

Like this is goes a tad beyond "console" segregation. I'm very curious to know what the payout was for PC/XBO priority as the dev clearly don't know what they want to do....


I'm pretty much just playing mainly to collect DZ funds. I'm at 1.7 mil and would like at least 3 mil in the bank by the time the DLC hits... assuming I get it. Otherwise I'm still working on getting more materials and a decent stockpile of keys in case they're useful again at some point. I suppose I wouldn't mind hitting DZ99 by then as well. I'm a low 96 now (was nearly 97 before the madness above). BTW, if you do hit DZ99 and die in the DZ, do you still rank down, or do you remain 99 forever until they raise the cap?

Also, I'm curious about the conceal pulse. If you use it and mark another player, is that player able to see they're marked like with all the other pulses?


I'm pretty much just playing mainly to collect DZ funds. I'm at 1.7 mil and would like at least 3 mil in the bank by the time the DLC hits... assuming I get it. Otherwise I'm still working on getting more materials and a decent stockpile of keys in case they're useful again at some point. I suppose I wouldn't mind hitting DZ99 by then as well. I'm a low 96 now (was nearly 97 before the madness above). BTW, if you do hit DZ99 and die in the DZ, do you still rank down, or do you remain 99 forever until they raise the cap?

Also, I'm curious about the conceal pulse. If you use it and mark another player, is that player able to see they're marked like with all the other pulses?

If you mark them, yes they can see that they've been marked.

However you remain masked until another scan goes out.


fuck. can't just find some people who don't wanna go rogue.

I'm sitting on the roof top in DZ01 at rogue rank 4.. I hope I can come out of this alive :(

manhunt... shit. I'm not coming out of this alive :(


There is little to no point on playing on PS4 outside of collection materials right?

Like this is goes a tad beyond "console" segregation. I'm very curious to know what the payout was for PC/XBO priority as the dev clearly don't know what they want to do....
I'm thinking its that or massive is truly incompetent.



lol. Other agents kept coming and coming, and their numbers were growing, so I knew they'd whittle us down eventually. One of our guys fell, then I saw more coming so I did the only thing I could - I bolted down the ladder as more of them were coming up. I sprinted up towards DZ06 and kept going. The other two on my team seemed to prove enough of a distraction that I put quite a bit of distance between myself and the other players before the other 2 were dead, and then I was alone. So frickin' happy I didn't die. I've already died twice on a manhunt with that group I played with earlier and didn't want to lose even more XP and resources.


Dz is just a massive joke right now. Sticky tank builds fighting each other for hours and hours just running and rolling around like idiots.

Found it quite funny in the end how both rogue groups just thought fuck this what a waste of time and everyone went their own direction/separate way lol


Junior Member
Did you get the season pass?
I'm so excited to see everyone with 600k toughness and 30k+ skill power people rolling and sticky bombing everyone until everyone runs out of bullets.

Also if the patch on PS4 doesn't come out next week im done.

I didn't buy the season pass and I'm so glad I didn't pay full price for this game either (I think I paid $42 for it). I got my money's worth anyways at about 300 hours played.


with the advent of higher gearscore items coming, anything i get now is getting deconstructed or sold. cant really go above 152k/515k/29k, so ill wait till the new stuff comes out to retool my set again, its just maddening having to do this every time a new update hits.

oh L O L on the AUG and Vector getting a base damage nerf, that was the only advantage they had over the MP5


With this being my first loot type game I'm not very familiar with the trend of new Gearscores and Gear sets etc in a game like this, (normally I'm on a FPS like BF/cod, or driveclub/NFS) so wanted to ask is this the norm? New gear sets and higher gear scores seem to be churned out pretty quick to the point where sometimes you don't even get a completed build that you're happy with or waiting on just one final piece but the RNG kicks you in the ass. Is this how these types of games evolve where 6-8 weeks down the line there will be more gear sets and a higher gear score to obtain? Everything just seems to be happening quick for me, yeah bring on HVT's and incursions and more things to do but I feel like I almost start from scratch again after every patch. I've logged over 15 days and was still trying to perfect a 4 sentry, 2 striker build (4/2FM in the DZ) with 240's but now that's being nerfed it's been pretty much a waste of time.


Vanilla D3 was like this until they fixed the loot (3? Years later) but the drops weren't RNG on RNG on RNG. Next DLC is probably gonna push it up again since people who played for it probably want "better" gear. Hopefully there's a 1.4 update that just focuses on balancing instead of introducing more new gear.


keep your strippers out of my American football
With this being my first loot type game I'm not very familiar with the trend of new Gearscores and Gear sets etc in a game like this, (normally I'm on a FPS like BF/cod, or driveclub/NFS) so wanted to ask is this the norm? New gear sets and higher gear scores seem to be churned out pretty quick to the point where sometimes you don't even get a completed build that you're happy with or waiting on just one final piece but the RNG kicks you in the ass. Is this how these types of games evolve where 6-8 weeks down the line there will be more gear sets and a higher gear score to obtain? Everything just seems to be happening quick for me, yeah bring on HVT's and incursions and more things to do but I feel like I almost start from scratch again after every patch. I've logged over 15 days and was still trying to perfect a 4 sentry, 2 striker build (4/2FM in the DZ) with 240's but now that's being nerfed it's been pretty much a waste of time.

Nothing about this game is typical of loot games. The post launch support for this game has been bizarre.


With this being my first loot type game I'm not very familiar with the trend of new Gearscores and Gear sets etc in a game like this, (normally I'm on a FPS like BF/cod, or driveclub/NFS) so wanted to ask is this the norm? New gear sets and higher gear scores seem to be churned out pretty quick to the point where sometimes you don't even get a completed build that you're happy with or waiting on just one final piece but the RNG kicks you in the ass. Is this how these types of games evolve where 6-8 weeks down the line there will be more gear sets and a higher gear score to obtain? Everything just seems to be happening quick for me, yeah bring on HVT's and incursions and more things to do but I feel like I almost start from scratch again after every patch. I've logged over 15 days and was still trying to perfect a 4 sentry, 2 striker build (4/2FM in the DZ) with 240's but now that's being nerfed it's been pretty much a waste of time.

the devs really don't have a clear vision of the end game, I'd expect each update/DLC , the gear score will increase, that is the only certain thing, and oh nerfs
Thanks ruthles for stealing my green sealed cache. :mad:

lol i was reviving you and it made me pick up your loot cause you insta-died

would have given it back if you hadn't disconnected like that

if it's any consolation i ended up losing it to a team of 4 rogues....it was going to be a nomad set anyway

PS: get more toughness so you don't get insta-killed :p

eh all man for themselves in the DZ lol....also name fits the crime

nah i'll never steal from a party member. i'm ruthless but not an asshole. accidentally picked up elpibe's loot when i was trying to revive him and he insta-died, i gave it back to him in the safe house right after

You missed all the hawt DZ action last night, after you left. 20 people fighting each other just outside of DZ06 CP. What a mess lol

what a cluster fuck that was
lol i was reviving you and it made me pick up your loot cause you insta-died

would have given it back if you hadn't disconnected like that

if it's any consolation i ended up losing it to a team of 4 rogues....it was a nomad set anyway

I know. I'm just kidding :p

Yesterday I quit because I had just gotten home from work and just wanted to play a little bit before going to bed... but then it was a clusterfuck of rogues and all that.

Anyway, I'm not playing this game solo anymore. I lost 2 green sealed caches just now. One to Rogues and one to a son of a bitch who saw me trying to extract and being killed my mobs.

People are a bunch of jerks in this game now, that's why it is dying so fast.


I have 363k toughness, is that low? :(


lol also kidding. after grabbing all lonstars and nomads earlier from DZ supply drop and wkly HVT, i had to call it a night. in my little stint in the dz before i joined CUCO, i was trying to check out the bp in dz03 cause i havent been on in a while, a squad of 4 tried to rogue on me. didnt even bother shooting back just kept rolling and over dosing till they gave up and hunted other players. its already bad enough that 1920 ammo pool is not enough rolling solo in DZ +201 brackets. after each encounter, its back to the checkpoint/saferoom to reup.

thank god for the incoming special ammo nerf, the only thing that nearly took me down was the constant padding from incendiary bullets (i really need to do something about that)

^ is your base health in the 75k and upper ranger?
lol also kidding. after grabbing all lonstars and nomads earlier from DZ supply drop and wkly HVT, i had to call it a night. in my little stint in the dz before i joined CUCO, i was trying to check out the bp in dz03 cause i havent been on in a while, a squad of 4 tried to rogue on me. didnt even bother shooting back just kept rolling and over dosing till they gave up and hunted other players. its already bad enough that 1920 ammo pool is not enough rolling solo in DZ +201 brackets. after each encounter, its back to the checkpoint/saferoom to reup.

thank god for the incoming special ammo nerf, the only thing that nearly took me down was the constant padding from incendiary bullets (i really need to do something about that)

^ is your base health in the 75k and upper ranger?

I think it's around 85-90k.
Anyone on PS4 still playing that hasn't added me yet, feel free. The way the game population is dropping I guess we should all add as many people as we can :D

PSN - Northern_Manny
I know. I'm just kidding :p

Yesterday I quit because I had just gotten home from work and just wanted to play a little bit before going to bed... but then it was a clusterfuck of rogues and all that.

Anyway, I'm not playing this game solo anymore. I lost 2 green sealed caches just now. One to Rogues and one to a son of a bitch who saw me trying to extract and being killed my mobs.

People are a bunch of jerks in this game now, that's why it is dying so fast.


I have 363k toughness, is that low? :(

yeah last couple of days in the DZ have just been big groups of tankticians rolling around and annoying everyone else on the server

why is 4+ groups in DZ still a thing?

363k is okay if you have 75% armor mitigation and 2 piece final measure

the way this game lags sometimes, you can get one shot by a teleporting rusher or sniper that was never near you, and the delay in healing skills + weapon jamming from one plus one just adds to the frustration
yeah last couple of days in the DZ have just been big groups of tankticians rolling around and annoying everyone else on the server

why is 4+ groups in DZ still a thing?

363k is okay if you have 75% armor mitigation and 2 piece final measure

the way this game lags sometimes, you can get one shot by a teleporting rusher or sniper that was never near you, and the delay in healing skills + weapon jamming from one plus one just adds to the frustration
I have 75% mitigation... but I'm running 4 pieces striker + 2 pieces tactitian... but I do have 2 final measure items. The thing is, if I use them my dps goes from 192k to 130 or 140k. :/
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