anyone heard when the next patch is coming? and will they change anything else than the incursion ?
I am hoping increased good loot drops, add 204 GS to named enemies in DZ. Less cost for crafting, more DZ credits drop.
I see some people talk about there being some new graphical settings for Division in patch 1.1 where can I find that on PS4?
Damn this server I was put on is rogue central. I think there's about seven of them wiping the map. Had killed, but ya know double revive and all.
Don't even have any friends on to force a server change. One more death and I'll derank.
you don't need friends to change server. You can matchmake into a different darkzone and then leave the group you matched with.
Sweet, thanks
This along with Massive's crafting nerf is what is killing the game for me. I totally get why people exploit the fuck out of this game but also I just wanna join a group and play the game, I don't wanna mobile cover through a fence and kill the boss over and over again and I don't wanna spend 5-10 minutes climbing up and down a ladder til the game fucks up and lets me float through the ceiling.
Gain 1 explosive round for your M44 for each time Klyka whispers the word bambi after one-shotting defenseless players.
Will be on X1 soon, can run dailies or DZ. Anyone on, VE3TRO and all?
GT: DomsPlaying
So where exactly can set items drop, anyways? I'm tired of 191 GS ones in DZ drops and haven't gotten into an incursion group yet.
Yes, I know I need to.
Gaffers really are awesome. On two separate occasions, I had dudes drop their HE M1As for me this weekend. I began this weekend looking for a single M1A & I ended it with one of each. Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
I had hit a point with my build where I felt like I had fucked up (I've been here before).. I felt like I was focusing on all the wrong things & it was hurting me in the end. While my DPS/health looked pretty at the top of the screen, looking further into my character I found that my crit chance was somewhat low, additional crit/headshot damage needed work, & that my additional enemy/enemy armor damage was nonexistent. After a few pieces of the finest cheese one can find & a good conversation with my buddy Gazza about his build, I decided to make some changes that I'm happy about. My numbers at the top of the screen are decent at best, but overall my character feels more powerful than ever.
My crit chance is now at 41% (AK) & 56% (MP5), each of them have +150% crit hit damage & +100 headshot damage (can't remember the exact percentages). I'm also doing +18% damage to elite enemies, and an additional +44% in armor damage -- all while maintaining 65% armor mitigation.
I veered away from trying to be a jack of all trades build & focused primarily on crit hit chance/damage, armor, & enemy armor damage -- essentially ignoring everything else. Either the placebo effect is in full swing, or I'm actually doing more damage.. because now these damn enemies are melting like dudes face did in that Indiana Jones film. A month ago, I would have thought you were crazy if you told me lowering my DPS would actually benefit my character. Thus far, the only downside I've found with my new set up is going from 1000+ rounds of ammo in each weapon to around 700 rounds in each, but the payoff is worth it IMO.
Also, I noticed this weekend that I was consistently doing over 100,000k damage/shot in some instances... with my AK. I stand beside the fact that I will use this gun until another AK (that is not the Warlord) shows up, or until people won't let me join their group because I'm using such an irrelevant/outdated/underpowered gun.or until the G36c is released.
Anyone know where I can find or have a chance at a drop for the sentry gloves? Currently have a 204 HE with savage talent but would like to complete my build of 3 striker gears and 3 sentry
So I'm kinda stuck.
At the moment I'm just running GA hard on loop. I'm in full he gear apart from knee pads, but when I go to do challenge mode or the incursions I feel like I'm doing next to no damage. Like every group I join for the challenge daily dies at the first group of mobs?
Where do I progress from here?
Gear wise I'm at 107/63/17.
on ps4? Add Youngmullah88, usually play around 7:30pm est till around 1am. I'll help ya power through most of the cmSo I'm kinda stuck.
At the moment I'm just running GA hard on loop. I'm in full he gear apart from knee pads, but when I go to do challenge mode or the incursions I feel like I'm doing next to no damage. Like every group I join for the challenge daily dies at the first group of mobs?
Where do I progress from here?
Gear wise I'm at 107/63/17.
Sentury Gloves...
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Unavailable on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Supply Drop (Level 31)
Named Enemies (DZ)
Hornet (Consulate - Challenging)
What gun/mods do you use? Do you use pulse with tactical scanner mod?
on ps4? Add Youngmullah88, usually play around 7:30pm est till around 1am. I'll help ya power through most of the cm
Tried my luck with all of those except for hornet, guess I'll farm that mission when I get back. FL challenge mission...and hard always drops tactician gear sets for me (currently have the full set and some extra to boot), I end up trading to get other set pieces I currently don't have. Supply drops and bosses around it yields 191 he and purple drops that go directly to my backpack and deconstructed.
Probably not working as intended yet, I suspect they'll fix it when they fix the reckless chest piece. Can someone confirm that the 65% armor mitigation works?I still dont understand the point of armour. Maxed out on mitigation and still drop like a fly with 100k health.
Will be on X1 soon, can run dailies or DZ. Anyone on, VE3TRO and all?
GT: DomsPlaying
Dark Zone anyone?
PS4 here.
Tried my luck with all of those except for hornet, guess I'll farm that mission when I get back. FL challenge mission...and hard always drops tactician gear sets for me (currently have the full set and some extra to boot), I end up trading to get other set pieces I currently don't have. Supply drops and bosses around it yields 191 he and purple drops that go directly to my backpack and deconstructed.
I've never received any striker gear in falcon lost. Can you actually get it there?
I'm about to play soon are you still on?Anyone that wants to run incursion later that actually knows how to play it. I got to wave 15 yesterday with 3 randoms who were terrible. I had to run out solo and retrieve every bomb then run solo and plant every bomb. Constantly reviving the entire team. So much effort to just fall short. 2 guys had recovery link for some reason and they kept using them at random times to replenish health. So bad. Would have beaten it if the one guy that was actually talking to me didn't glitch and freeze during wave 15. I'm only gear level 176 and was able to get that far pretty much solo. Today is the day!
Psn : Killer__Ego
That's with 2 underscores.
I've never received any striker gear in falcon lost. Can you actually get it there?
I've never received any striker gear in falcon lost. Can you actually get it there?
I've been using Navy MP5 N (117K DPS) and Black Market M60 E6 (75K DPS) both HE.
Also have a Military SCAR-H marksman rifle which I've not used yet.
Yep run Pluse with tactical and sticky bomb BFB or flame turret as my gear is part sticky/turret bonus based. Sometimes I run Life Support instead of pulse.
Since the update armor seems to be absolutely broken. Grenadier and I tested it out and it definitely mitigates damage but I don't know how else to explain it... Seems like I'm five times as squishy despite being at max armor with 105k health.I still dont understand the point of armour. Maxed out on mitigation and still drop like a fly with 100k health.
Protection from elites must be high too.Since the update armor seems to be absolutely broken. Grenadier and I tested it out and it definitely mitigates damage but I don't know how else to explain it... Seems like I'm five times as squishy despite being at max armor with 105k health.
Protection from elites must be high too.
Since the update armor seems to be absolutely broken. Grenadier and I tested it out and it definitely mitigates damage but I don't know how else to explain it... Seems like I'm five times as squishy despite being at max armor with 105k health.