This was posted over on Reddit:
Pretty interesting talk from the Diablo ROS game designer on how they fucked up D3 at launch and then fixed it. Around 30min in he starts discussing the loot loop and why it was wrong. He mentions how in original D3 the loop was so bad that players farmed terra cotta pots or did weird loot/quest runs to be most efficient because the game wasn't fun otherwise. Hopefully Massive can fix some of these things.
As the MP5 doesn't require division tech anymore I'd recommend that over the Vector. Slightly lower damage but higher RoF and much bigger magazine. Next I'd recommend the HE extended magazine BP. If you can roll RoF/CHD/CHC that will increase your DPS significantly.
You should be able to make it through Lincoln CM with that gun/mag and purple/HE gear, providing the guys you're playing with are reasonably good.
What platform you on?
Good guns can't see much room for immediate improvement there. Do you have an HE extended mag with CHD/CHC/RoF?
Body armour with "Reckless" would certainly help.
I'd also recommend using self-heal instead of sticky/turret/life support. Be sure to use the overdose mod and you'll benefit from an extra 1 and 1/2 bars of health. That can get you out of tight situations.
Gloves can have a big impact too. If you can, find some with CHC, CHD and SMG damage. If you can get those three in addition to the "Savage" talent you'll get a big damage bonus.
What talents do you use and what's your armour mitigation at?
How do you roll all three on the magazine? Or am I reading what you're saying wrong (which I believe I am)?
Had a pretty good day in the DZ.
What DZ has a better chance of dropping the Sentry's Call gear set? I have the Base of Operation pieces, but I want the rest of them.
Sentry's Call
Falcon Lost APC drop (Level 30 on Hard, Level 31 on Challenging)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Level 31 on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Falcon Lost APC drop (Level 30 on Hard, Level 31 on Challenging)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Level 31 on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Unavailable on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Hornet (Consulate - Challenging)
BoO Vendor (Blueprint, Level 31 Item)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Unavailable on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Supply Drop (Level 31)
Named Enemies (DZ)
Hornet (Consulate - Challenging)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Unavailable on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
BoO Vendor (Blueprint, Level 31 Item)
Falcon Lost APC drop (Level 30 on Hard, Level 31 on Challenging)
Falcon Lost end-of-mission reward - (Level 31 on Hard, Level 32 on Challenging)
Assuming he meant any of those 3 in addition to the increased mag size since it will only roll one stat outside of mag size.
I can't get anything with a GS higher than 162 to drop at all, even if I keep cleaning out the named dudes at Midtown Music, The Pit and the Q Building. My gear is all 182 so all the drops have been useless to me.
All my 182 drops from Challenge missions tend to be slightly worse versions of stuff I already have.
At least I've managed to get a couple of Sentry's Call blueprints with the PxC.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they relax the material requirements for crafting soon, cos the RNG is my nemesis at the moment.
okay, a dumb question...
is loot dropped from enemies killed in DZ "private" or can everybody see it? usually when i'm grinding i'll run into somebody having trouble killing a named boss and i'll help finish it off. i'll wait a little while to see if the player picks up the HE drop and they usually don't so i nab it up. i guess that kind of answers my question (?) but still wondering... i don't mind leaving it alone if it means avoiding somebody going rogue on me
Hey havent played in a week.
They change anything? Reckless? Incursion cheese?
okay, a dumb question...
is loot dropped from enemies killed in DZ "private" or can everybody see it? usually when i'm grinding i'll run into somebody having trouble killing a named boss and i'll help finish it off. i'll wait a little while to see if the player picks up the HE drop and they usually don't so i nab it up. i guess that kind of answers my question (?) but still wondering... i don't mind leaving it alone if it means avoiding somebody going rogue on me
Hey, guys. I'm on XB1 and still haven't done the Incursion yet. Tried it first day and had some under geared guys and couldn't do it, but would love to try it now. Gamertag is the same as my username on here.
okay, a dumb question...
is loot dropped from enemies killed in DZ "private" or can everybody see it? usually when i'm grinding i'll run into somebody having trouble killing a named boss and i'll help finish it off. i'll wait a little while to see if the player picks up the HE drop and they usually don't so i nab it up. i guess that kind of answers my question (?) but still wondering... i don't mind leaving it alone if it means avoiding somebody going rogue on me
Tried to play some incursion (162 gear score here):
Repeat for 30 minutes and give up.
Okay, that's what I thought.
I feel like they have to revamp the crafting system, because it's still a focus of the game. Crafting is still the best way to acquire an item you want, and most of the good vendors sell more BPs than items. I feel they screwed up the whole BP situation from the get-go. They should've never been sold by vendors, instead making them highly rare drops from enemies. Then keep the pumped up HE drops where the gear score is higher the higher up the DZ you go.
They also should allow for more time to share between friends. I was going to share one of my HE M1As with a buddy, but the stupid "share" option dropped because we had taken too long to go back to the BoO. There shouldn't be a time limit if I'm going to share with a party member.
After a few pieces of the finest cheese one can find & a good conversation with my buddy Gazza about his build, I decided to make some changes that I'm happy about. My numbers at the top of the screen are decent at best, but overall my character feels more powerful than ever.
I just had something really weird happen
A group of three rogues runs at me as I am hiding and put explosive rounds in my sniper
I pop out and shoot one of them, he is downed instantly. I shoot him again, he dies and I turn rogue.
The one of the other rogues looks at me for not even a second and I just fall over and die.
Why did I turn rogue for shooting/killing a rogue?
He had 80 seconds left on his timer.
Can I turn off my xbox if i dont like my recalibration choices? Will it do any harm?
Also, should i go for crit chance over smg damage?
Current state of the game - Cheese Whiz
My current state - waiting on my damn gears of war beta code
Hey havent played in a week.
They change anything? Reckless? Incursion cheese?
I just had something really weird happen
A group of three rogues runs at me as I am hiding and put explosive rounds in my sniper
I pop out and shoot one of them, he is downed instantly. I shoot him again, he dies and I turn rogue.
The one of the other rogues looks at me for not even a second and I just fall over and die.
Why did I turn rogue for shooting/killing a rogue?
He had 80 seconds left on his timer.
Whats with Reckless?
Who is going after that cheese right now?
You can trade in safe houses in the dz, no need to go back to the base
Seriously?! That's some high crit!Also, those of you with the M1A - what kind of damage are you doing? I'm using the Custom M44 and I'm doing something close to 900K headshots with pulse and smart cover on. I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth switching.
That's my point though. The wheel already exists. Massive decided to try to reinvent the wheel and came up with a square as their design.I thought that was the point of him posting the video, to show how Bliz had to get out of that cycle and how Massive could learn from it.
That's my point though. The wheel already exists. Massive decided to try to reinvent the wheel and came up with a square as their design.
Anybody want to run a quick Lincoln tunnel daily on PS4?
LoL! So I tested a DPS build last night. I capped at 170k dps and 60 health on a challenge mission. I got a custom M44 and was doing about 1 mil in crital damage but I was just going down way quick. I missed my tank really fast.
Got 1 spot open want in buddy?
Weekly rewards back for incursions?Dailies finally refreshed....