Alright this is a start. Talent stacking being fixed this quick makes me hope everything else gets fixed as fast!
This ^ Haven't done the Incursion once. Legit or not. The thought of having to plow through 15 damned waves of enemies in the same room is not my idea of fun.
You haven't experienced that feelign of helplessness when suddenly at wave 6 , 5 shotgunners appear out of nowhere and one shot you across half the room ?
You've missed out
Not really
So what's the news boys, what I miss
Good to hear man, we were chatting about you last night/this morning wondering if/when you'd be back, glad it's sooner rather than later.Guess I'll be playing again, too bad I didn't take advantage of the credits, I have a bunch of gear to roll
Can you get gear set drops doing Lincoln and Lexington on hard mode?
Can you get gear set drops doing Lincoln and Lexington on hard mode?
I've heard you can but I haven't seen it for myself. Maybe if you have a high enough scavenging rating?
Good to hear man, we were chatting about you last night/this morning wondering if/when you'd be back, glad it's sooner rather than later.
Pretty sure scavenging doesn't actually do a damn thing lol
The incursion really is punishing in terms of rewards for time investment. After reading a reddit story on a team that beat challenge difficulty after 2.5 hrs and received zero rewards (no weekly, no apc drop) after beating it legit it makes you question things in the game. They then went on to cheese it and only received the apc drops because the game registered them beating it already for the week. EDIT: The CM incursion has a weekly reward of a 240 GS item. Great once a week you can possibly get 1 item at max GS to drop. 52 weeks in a year... Wait a second we have a May update and 3 DLCs planned this year. 240 GS will mean nothing once 276, 300, etc. GS shows up. Why a weekly lockout on 1 drop that could be completely terrible.
The issue with the end game is the higher GS and new set pieces aren't the most amazing things in the world. When you compare them with properly rolled 163/182 HE items you already own you begin questioning who designed the gear. The trade off for the set bonuses is too severe at times and unless you get an amazing roll the set pieces feel like they actually set you back in this game. Armor talent bonus are lost and it seems as if there are less primary / secondary attributes on the gear sets as well. Armor feels broken as well. Last night I was watching my health drop to nothing or was instantly downed in a Hard Mission when I have 60% armor mitigation and 73k health.
When they announced the patch they stated progress wouldn't be locked behind crafting and when the patch was released it kinda made sense because CM bosses were dropping 4 HEs and gold was everywhere. 10 hrs later that was nerfed. Sadly the game still requires you to craft the best items available, but the stock of blueprint has diminished where you can no longer craft an entire set of armor. The material nerf hurts players trying to get something useful out of those 2 BPs you bought with pcreds to replace your old armor.
The sad state is GS was introduced as almost just a lockout number for activities (see incursion lockout numbers). As much as I thought the light system was terrible in Destiny (mainly due to the shit rng drops) your character actually felt stronger in pve content when you higher light. Being 300 vs 320 in a HM raid feels completely different. Being GS 176 vs GS 210 feels the same or possibly worse if the armor all has shit rolls. This is not progress and that is a problem. Players should feel like progress is being achieved when they raise their GS and not feel punished.
I'll repeat myself one more time just because . The person at massive who thinks a holster with only 2 main stat attributes (firearms, stamina, electronics) instead of all 3 is a dick. If a holster only has 2 stats it should compensate in those stats as in if the max for 3 stat total is 1800 then the 2 stat should have the same 1800 max across the 2 stats. Not some hot garbage 240 GS 523 / 540 holster, but it gives you 243 extra armor lol.
There's 182 stuff at base and 204 in DZ.
Yeah now that I think about it some of my stuff is 182. I have BP's for 163 and 182. Anyone know the difference?
Where did you get 163 BPs? Dark zone?
Pretty sure scavenging doesn't actually do a damn thing lol
I'm honestly not so sure about that. Across nearly 140 hours of play I wasn't able to get my dream weapons: a HE Tactical ACR and HE First Wave M1A. After having equipped a Nomad set of armor and a few other things, I got my scavenging rate up to 139%. In the last two days of play I've received those weapons, a HE SOCOM M1A, a HE Aug XPS (modded up to 165k DPS) and a really nice HE Navy MP5. In fact, the Aug dropped off the boss at the end of Warren Gate, not in the Dark Zone like you would have thought.
I'm not saying it might not just be a coincidence but it certainly seems like I've had much nicer drops when they come.
Congrats on your drops dude! I also had a Navy MP5 drop in the DZ over the weekend for me as well, surprisingly it dropped with brutal AND deadly!
Give this thread a read & decide for yourself regarding scavenging working/not working..
Also, I'm not posting that to be rude, or "prove you wrong", or any other sketch shit like that -- so please don't take it that way. Just passing the info along so that if you determine that scavenging is fucked for the moment, you could shift your focus elsewhere & change your "+scavenging" gear/mods to something more effective for your character.
Either way, congrats again on your drops. Finally getting a weapon/gear piece to drop that you have been chasing is a pretty good feeling!
I think so. I think I bought like 4 BPs not paying attention to the gear score number last night.
Who ever made the Striker gear set needs a slap. Whole gear is white but the mask is green..
And the Battalion appearance stuff is silly. White pants and helmet but the tops are orange..
Yezzir!i'm at work, but is the update done? so i can go home and fire this bad boy up?
prince died. division got talent stack exploit patched.
Hard mode no, challenge mode yes.
I've gotten striker gloves from each with 15% scavenging.
Currently grinding Lincoln tunnel hoping for the sentry gloves drop, knowing my luck I'll get striker gloves!
Glad they fixed it, I enjoyed my time with the game so far. I'll be on later on today
Has anyone ever gotten Nomad body armour?
Damn that's a nice get.I got my Nomad vest off of a supply drop, 1,200-something armor, a mod slot and something else. I was genuinely surprised.
I got my Nomad vest off of a supply drop, 1,200-something armor, a mod slot and something else. I was genuinely surprised.
Thought I'd make a new 204 AUG just for fun.
Base is 10.5K DMG, Deadly 27%, Accurate 47%, Brutal 25%.
Haven't had 1 gear item drop from CM bosses, only seen them in the DZ (once) outside of the cheese factory.
It was ridiculous, I tried it in CM last night and dps was stacked to around 700k+ after a pulse and I was walking through heavy elites. In warrengate the guards and boss didn't even make it down the stairs out the office at the end.
Sweet, may see you online later. Will be home from work in about 3 hours or so.
lol still searching for my sentry gloves FML! guess its Russian consulate all night
Mine dropped from the cleaner boss underground near the fueling station. If you need an extra I'll run it with you unless you have a full group.
Mine dropped from the cleaner boss underground near the fueling station. If you need an extra I'll run it with you unless you have a full group.
lol still searching for my sentry gloves FML! guess its Russian consulate all night
Where can I get that sweet BP?Thought I'd make a new 204 AUG just for fun.
Base is 10.5K DMG, Deadly 27%, Accurate 47%, Brutal 25%.
Where can I get that sweet BP?
With a time machine from last week.