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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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I see you trying to topple Vector's regime.

I dismantled my Vectors already :p

Also got a HE AUG x3 PARA from DZ that's better than the Vector, but the MP5 takes the cake.

Yo the AUG is a beast ass SUB machine gun. I was using a purple one until i found the vector. The aug I had was so damn stable. Reticle wasn't moving anywhere. I hope i find a High End one and see if it beats my vector.


Hi Dgaf!

I've been playing the game much slower than a whole bunch of you. Put in about 37 hours and at level 24 & dz 20. Haven't been interested in rushing through and burning through content (did this enough in destiny) and just trying to take my time. I am really enjoying it overall and here is my break down of my time with it so far.

+ The atmosphere in this game can be amazing! Coming out of a sewer to a snow storm with low visibility looks amazing. Also enjoying the detail in the modelling and world building. I recently did a virus research side mission in a burned out car park filled with dead bodies and moody lighting.

+ I have had a lot of fun times in the DZ. In a group it was good, especially when one of your team mates accidentally turns you all rogue and things get crazy with NPCs and rogue hunters. Though playing solo is a much more tense and interesting experience. I've found most people are happy to work in a team though that might just be luck and playing with a lot of other Aussies ("mate!""You all right mate?"). Going into the DZ I know I could loss anything I find and am fine with it, it's what makes it interesting. Obviously I have no idea how being in DZ level 30 bracket is like and might change things completely.

+ I like that there is no skill tree like every other ubi game and having your skills come from upgrading your base is more interesting.

+ The game isn't focused in telling story via cut scenes apart form a few rare occasions so far. For me this is a plus and lets you chase things up in more detail via echos, recording & intel. The game also does a lot of ambient story telling in the environments. I like a cinematic story game but this isn't what I expect or want from a game like this.

+ I enjoy just exploring areas, especially interiors.

+ I've been forcing myself to mix up my play style, skills & weapons. Keeps the game fun and forces me to experiment. For instance I just started using the ballastic shield which has forced me to be much more aggressive. Or some missions I'll try different weapon combos, had fun going nuts with a shotty recently.

+ Matchmaking and grouping with friends is so easy and works well.

+ No going to orbit!!! Just not having a lot of loading screens is great and most of the experience is seamless when loaded in.

Onto the not so great...
- Unresponsive controls! This doesn't happen as much since the patch but before I'd often tap fire and it won't fire or I'd click the skill for the shield and it wouldn't come out.

- Bugs. I joined a friend and feel through the floor (which was actually pretty funny!) but then it happened again during a mission (which was less funny) and I had to log out then in to fix it.

- Quality of life changes. In the beta on PC I could sort my inventory, on ps4 I can't. A small change would make sorting through things nicer.

- In the DZ it seems odd that the buying level doesn't have any in between levels. After the first bracket you need to be DZ level 30 before buying anything, having some more in between items would be good.

- As great as match making or joining friends is it would nice to see if my friends are in a group or to be able to inspect their gear.

I'm really enjoying this. Everyone has different tastes and I can get the criticisms but for me the game being a fairly realistic setting with no zombies, crazy enemy types and fairly realistic weapons is actually a nice change. If I want lazer beams or crazy armour I'll play something else. Though more enemy variety never hurts.

That being said I hope massive are much more responsive and handle the game in a better way than Bungie. I think they have a great base here that they can build on (add more varied and interesting events and game types for teams, different weapon types & over all quality of life changes).
Whats this glitch to get more players in a group or server?

For DZ its pretty simple, just have 3-4 people join up in a group, port into DZ, then people drop out of the group (you stay in the same DZ) then invite more people from friends list/etc. Everyone is in one DZ but can be in multiple groups. It will teleport groups to a new DZ once it starts coming close to server limits (24/server), so don't go nuts with it.

For PVE missions its pretty easy too, a group of 2-3 people go to the front of a mission (challenging) and start matchmaking, but don't start the mission. Leader starts matchmaking. Wait for someone to accept the invite into the group, when they take it (it goes from invited -> accepted in the UI) the leader of the party kicks the matchmade person from the group. Everyone waits 1-2 mins for the person to load in. Now try to talk to them and tell them to follow you, and you start the mission. After mission starts have the person who is by themselves (found via matchmaking) set their group to open and start matchmaking, it will invite 3 more people.

It can be frustrating if the person doesn't have a headset and doesn't realize that they are sharing an instance with 4 other people and just leaves, have to keep trying until you get someone who is willing to play along. Now 8 people can run the challenge mode, and when the leader of the first group restarts the CM at the end all 8 of you will be teleported to the beginning and can run it again.

Mostly only useful for super undergeared people since 4 geared people should be able to steamroll CMs at this point.



How do you make team chat work on PC? I press "enter" and then I get the above message. I can see when people on my team chat with me, but I can't get it to work I tried going regional and not, but it keeps yelling at me :(



How do you make team chat work on PC? I press "enter" and then I get the above message. I can see when people on my team chat with me, but I can't get it to work I tried going regional and not, but it keeps yelling at me :(

Type /p and then press space. Now you can group chat.
Is it true that Hutch is the new Bullet King? Saw my son and nephew farming him earlier today; there was a random yellow enemy dropping purples every time.
That Russian Consolate mission on your own is rough. I could of passed it if i didnt get stuck at the end due to a players death bug. Gonna have to redo it again grrr.


Ok! Just got ganked for the first time at a extraction at DZ level 20.

Got jumped by a random group of three I helped extract with, though they only gunned me down a bit after our loot was safely extracted. So either they handled it in the most inefficient way (getting a single DZ key) or were real gentlemen about their ganking.
Missing dailies or missions

But damn if it isn't pretty great as of now. Rogues all over the damn place.

Im not really seeing how missions would work in terms of the DZ.
I mean missions tend to need a set structure that wouldn't work so well in a PvP environment.

I could see how very simplified story 'events' could be implemented.
For example, "a band of rogue Agent NPC's is trying to break out of the DZ and it's up to all agents to try to stop them before they reach an exit".

I think endgame wise what they need to implement are more missions that aren't part of the Story at all (Incursions etc) but they need to release them in batches so familiarity doesn't turn into contempt too quickly.


Formerly Gizmowned
Running around like a headless chicken while 3 minutes on rogue. Ran down a dead end and 7 agents tried to kill me couldn't due to the Rehabilited glitch lol.

Threw a flashbang then legged it. Kept getting shot but my health went back up basically instantly. So fun.


Running around like a headless chicken while 3 minutes on rogue. Ran down a dead end and 7 agents tried to kill me couldn't due to the Rehabilited glitch lol.

Threw a flashbang then legged it. Kept getting shot but my health went back up basically instantly. So fun.

That glitch really needed to be fixed with this last patch. Massive has known about it since week 1.


The power plant was the most fun I had in a CM so far. Not even joking, super hectic with several fights, and the time pressure half way through.
Running around like a headless chicken while 3 minutes on rogue. Ran down a dead end and 7 agents tried to kill me couldn't due to the Rehabilited glitch lol.

Threw a flashbang then legged it. Kept getting shot but my health went back up basically instantly. So fun.
Just tanked a manhunt by myself doing the rehabilitated glitch lol. 8 people or more chased me from dz 05 to dz 01 then back to dz 04 and then my timer ran out. Was basically the greased up deaf guy for five minutes.


Is the DZ just a big gankfest? I'm only level 9 so I'm far away from that but that makes me sad if true as I guess I'll just be relying on dailies at 30.
*Garrus voice*


The dark zone vendor in the BoO is currently selling a First Wave M1A for 9000dz bucks.

32.1k base dmg
131% headshot dmg


The lower level ones seem to be better usually.

Level 8-? gets "Chocolate Chip-Desert" today.

Level 6-7 gets "Sponge-Yellow"
Hang on, wait a minute here...

Are you saying that the daily weapon shaders that appear are different depending on your level?! What madness is this??!?


We come across 8 players running together. They go rogue.

I run like never before

One dies

I see HE stuff

I go pick it up. After a while, we go about normally. Then I see the same group rushing at us. I leave my team to die while I run like hell.

Still trying to extract this shit. And they still trying to get it back.


Nah they aren't bad at all!

Good, if I can do 2-3 levels a day it shouldn't be too bad.

how long did it take from 30 to 40? thinking of retiring the game until the operations, as I'm not exited to grind 18 DZ levels.

30 - 40 was fairly quick, I'd say about 2-3 days of playing a few hours each day? I think...

We come across 8 players running together. They go rogue.

I run like never before

One dies

I see HE stuff

I go pick it up. After a while, we go about normally. Then I see the same group rushing at us. I leave my team to die while I run like hell.

Still trying to extract this shit. And they still trying to get it back.

Nami.... what kind of HE loot? Maybe I can.... come and help you.... extract your loot.
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