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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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I am working on a build like this but it would take me a long time. I don't have the luck. I don't play enough, even though I have played the game a lot since it came out. And I don't have the patience to re-roll and craft a lot and then grind more so that I can get the materials to re-roll and craft more hoping to be blessed by RNG.

Plus it is unclear whether or not we will be giving up our current equipment for ilvl 32 stuff or higher when the incursion hits.

Alot of bits I got from running CM, a good but of gear that suits your build at il30 is better than an average bit of gear at il31.

The last gloves I used had both crits, plus SMG... But were electronics. I used these until I had spare crafting to waste on firearm gloves (spent 30dtec and 400phc last night getting good firearms gloves). Keep an eye out for gear that is missing one stat change, you wont get something perfect, but a little recalibration goes along way.


Getting totally wiped out in the lex daily on challenging, we got so close to the end and then the last wave came from all over and I died and then someone left! So it was over


Getting totally wiped out in the lex daily on challenging, we got so close to the end and then the last wave came from all over and I died and then someone left! So it was over
If everyone leaves, can't you go back to the beginning and requeue for matchmaking since you become the leader (if you weren't already)?


My pc character has some weird glitch where his HP regens non stop. Even when being shot. He has a green aura.
Loged out and back again, glitch was gone. But after some firefights it's happening again.
Looking at the talents on my gear and i can't identify what's causing it.
My pc character has some weird glitch where his HP regens non stop. Even when being shot. He has a green aura.
Loged out and back again, glitch was gone. But after some firefights it's happening again.
Looking at the talents on my gear and i can't identify what's causing it.
There's a talent on your mask that gives this exploit.


What high-powered fast firing gun do I hear a lot of in CM's and dailies? It has a very unique sound and when I hear it, shit gets rekt. I don't think it's an SMG as it doesn't have that high of RPM but it sounds different from every other gun I seem to hear and I want it. Is it the BM AK-74?

Probably the Liberator, especially if you have a rate of fire mag mod on it. BM AK74 has a slower rate of fire.


Formerly Gizmowned
Got the little shits back. Nothing more satisfying than killing them with a pistol whip to the head. This one seperated from the group and ran into a huge group of NPCs.



Probably the Liberator, especially if you have a rate of fire mag mod on it. BM AK74 has a slower rate of fire.
Just listened to that gun, that's not the one. I'm starting to think it might be a sidearm because I don't hear it all that often. But then again I can't think of a unique handgun which really does that much damage. This is gonna bug the shit out of me until I figure it out.


Just listened to that gun, that's not the one. I'm starting to think it might be a sidearm because I don't hear it all that often. But then again I can't think of a unique handgun which really does that much damage. This is gonna bug the shit out of me until I figure it out.

Actually I misread your post. It is possibly the AK74 then
Fucking. Delta. errors. everywhere

I can´t play the game, i even started fresh with a new character, for a while i had hope, i was able to get to the base of operations mission without any issue, but after clearing the madison field hospital, delta errors once again.


I was soloing it in the DZ the other day, and picked up some pretty good loot considering my DZ rank, which is an ashamedly low Lvl 9. I got corned by a group of four or five rogues who kept on killing me. They started spamming the entry point to the DZ with turrets and grenades, so every time I entered, I died again. One of the fuckers stole all of my loot. I got pissed off in the end, and rage quit the game. One or two players who attack you once, grab your loot, and go is fine. But assholes who repeatedly go after you is just plain fucking annoying.


Fucking. Delta. errors. everywhere

I can´t play the game, i even started fresh with a new character, for a while i had hope, i was able to get to the base of operations mission without any issue, but after clearing the madison field hospital, delta errors once again.

I can't get in either on xbox one.


Last night I crafted the Custom M44 high-end for the first time. Brutal 24% with a base of 164% bonus headshot damage, as well as vicious (though I don't have that unlocked yet, need more stamina) for a total of 313% bonus headshot damage after mods.

I'm one shot downing fools in the DZ like nobody's business. Gun of the year.
I was soloing it in the DZ the other day, and picked up some pretty good loot considering my DZ rank, which is an ashamedly low Lvl 9. I got corned by a group of four or five rogues who kept on killing me. They started spamming the entry point to the DZ with turrets and grenades, so every time I entered, I died again. One of the fuckers stole all of my loot. I got pissed off in the end, and rage quit the game. One or two players who attack you once, grab your loot, and go is fine. But assholes who repeatedly go after you is just plain fucking annoying.

Sounds like PK's from the Ultima Online days.

DZ should be done with groups and is still a pain I. The weekends.


I was soloing it in the DZ the other day, and picked up some pretty good loot considering my DZ rank, which is an ashamedly low Lvl 9. I got corned by a group of four or five rogues who kept on killing me. They started spamming the entry point to the DZ with turrets and grenades, so every time I entered, I died again. One of the fuckers stole all of my loot. I got pissed off in the end, and rage quit the game. One or two players who attack you once, grab your loot, and go is fine. But assholes who repeatedly go after you is just plain fucking annoying.

This is part of the reason why you get choice of spawns. Don't enter the same check point nearest to where you died and just avoid them.


People need to stop thinking people with 200k+ DPS have better weapons than those with 150k+. They might, they might not. The thing is, accuracy boosts the DPS to a ridiculous level. I had a Black Market AK74 with 126k in DPS, then I rolled a new one with one talent being 46% accuracy. DPS went from 126k to 186k. For some reason, Massive thinks you will hit targets significantly more with a higher accuracy. While this is true to some extent, it just isn't, ironically, accurate in terms of how much more damage you will do. While stats like stability, optimal range, crit damage, crit chance etc. won't boost DPS as much as accuracy, they are, in my opinion, a lot more important.

READ THIS: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1407941-Damage-amp-You


I was soloing it in the DZ the other day, and picked up some pretty good loot considering my DZ rank, which is an ashamedly low Lvl 9. I got corned by a group of four or five rogues who kept on killing me. They started spamming the entry point to the DZ with turrets and grenades, so every time I entered, I died again. One of the fuckers stole all of my loot. I got pissed off in the end, and rage quit the game. One or two players who attack you once, grab your loot, and go is fine. But assholes who repeatedly go after you is just plain fucking annoying.

Its the way of the dark zone. The wild wild west.

I too have some horror stories from the DZ. for a group like that its best to just leave so you dont keep losing rank.


Last night I crafted the Custom M44 high-end for the first time. Brutal 24% with a base of 164% bonus headshot damage, as well as vicious (though I don't have that unlocked yet, need more stamina) for a total of 313% bonus headshot damage after mods.

I'm one shot downing fools in the DZ like nobody's business. Gun of the year.

Tasty. I'm assuming that's a level 50 DZ plan? I'm only just about to hit 30.


People need to stop thinking people with 200k+ DPS have better weapons than those with 150k+. They might, they might not. The thing is, accuracy boosts the DPS to a ridiculous level. I had a Black Market AK74 with 126k in DPS, then I rolled a new one with one talent being 46% accuracy. DPS went from 126k to 186k. For some reason, Massive thinks you will hit targets significantly more with a higher accuracy. While this is true to some extent, it just isn't, ironically, accurate in terms of how much more damage you will do. While stats like stability, optimal range, crit damage, crit chance etc. won't boost DPS as much as accuracy, they are, in my opinion, a lot more important.

READ THIS: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1407941-Damage-amp-You

Heh, i have a black market AK47 with the 46% accuracy talent.l and my dps is 174K as compared to my vector which is only about 140K.

The way Massive calculates DPS is confusing as fuck. Its not all about the deeps though, as we now know.


Anyone here bought the SA58 BP from the Church vendor? Is it any good I'm thinking of buying it, got some PC burning a hole in my pocket.
Advanced weaponry vendor in the base of operations is selling a covert Srs which does 27.3k damage

Is it worth picking it up? I already have a decent marksman rifle but it's only doing 14k dmg


Fucking. Delta. errors. everywhere

I can´t play the game, i even started fresh with a new character, for a while i had hope, i was able to get to the base of operations mission without any issue, but after clearing the madison field hospital, delta errors once again.

same here


I tried the big team CM glitch earlier. I kept booting a player as soon as his name appeared. He would then load in, but get kicked after 5 or so seconds. Is there anything that I am not doing correctly??

I have got to try this.


This is part of the reason why you get choice of spawns. Don't enter the same check point nearest to where you died and just avoid them.
But I wanted a chance of getting my loot back, or at least seeing if there was any of my loot left, and I won't know that unless I go back to where I was. Plus, I had no idea they'd continually kill me again and again. It's just poor showmanship to keep doing that. As I said before, most rogues I've come across are a one-and-done deal. But these fuckers were just trolls to the highest degree, and ruined my experience for me.


I tried the big team CM glitch earlier. I kept booting a player as soon as his name appeared. He would then load in, but get kicked after 5 or so seconds. Is there anything that I am not doing correctly??

I have got to try this.

Nope, that's how my group got it working on wednesday. I'm on PC, but i've seen clips of people doing it on all consoles. As soon as somebody is added to the list on the team, kick them, and they'll keep loading in to the instance. Sometimes the game quickly put them back into a second loading screen to go back to their own world, but other times it worked well. A few hours of <10 minute lexington runs later, and I have more phoenix credit than I know how to spend.

I am still only rank 37 in the DZ, but I can't bring myself to grind more ranks. It feels like there's no real goal and it feels like the PC community is dying off fast, the Teamspeak server that I've been playing with has gone from 20ish groups of 4 to maybe 2 or 3 groups of 4. It's really disappointing.


But I wanted a chance of getting my loot back, or at least seeing if there was any of my loot left, and I won't know that unless I go back to where I was. Plus, I had no idea they'd continually kill me again and again. It's just poor showmanship to keep doing that. As I said before, most rogues I've come across are a one-and-done deal. But these fuckers were just trolls to the highest degree, and ruined my experience for me.

I get what you are saying, but there's a couple of things to keep in mind. If they are right outside the checkpoint, if you go near the door, you will see their icons for sticky bombs and turrets (and even them if they are close enough). Don't proceed if they are there. Secondly, it's never smart to go chasing after your stuff unless you know the rogues have cleared out. Consider anything dropped as public loot to be gone and count it as such unless you know you can take on the rogue group that killed you (in this case you would've been out manned and out gunned... those aren't reasonable odds to get your stuff back). If its private loot, you can go back and get it later once stuff has cleared out.

Generally assholes will be assholes. And if they see you are willing to repeatedly charge them, why wouldn't they take the free xp and dz funds? You are basically giving them what they want with no risk to themselves. (Its kind of like the people who decide to go after rogues outside DZ02 without a coordinated group).

I solo the DZ a lot, and generally the key to avoid frustration is just to play it smart. Yes, it sometimes stings losing some gear, but its better than repeatedly trying to confront a group of rogues who have already show a disposition to being dicks (which should've been obvious after the second death - the first being the first time they killed you and the second being when they killed you outside the checkpoint).

Sometimes its better to cut your losses and move onto another area until they have their 'fill'.


Does tone have a good route to follow in DZ01 and DZ02 for farming elites/named and PC's? Also if anyone on PC wants to add me add "strikerjosh09" on uplay (Step sons account)
Kinda getting annoyed with the fact that I would get kicked from a challenge mode group before I even load in. I don't see why people are setting their games to open and kicking people before they even join.
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