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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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42 DZ. This is a slow ride. ;_;

Just had some BASTARD buy a division Xbox One code from eBay and then do a complaint through PayPal for a refund.
The cunt even has a good feedback score.
I've sent copies of the eBay messages showing that they were happy to be messaged the code instead of being sent it though the mail.
But I've a feeling PayPal will just drop me in the shit!
I believe sending codes through their message system or email is against their rules. Either way, PayPal will side with the buyer. They rarely care for the seller.


Just had some BASTARD buy a division Xbox One code from eBay and then do a complaint through PayPal for a refund.
The cunt even has a good feedback score.
I've sent copies of the eBay messages showing that they were happy to be messaged the code instead of being sent it though the mail.
But I've a feeling PayPal will just drop me in the shit!
Just had some BASTARD buy a division Xbox One code from eBay and then do a complaint through PayPal for a refund.
The cunt even has a good feedback score.
I've sent copies of the eBay messages showing that they were happy to be messaged the code instead of being sent it though the mail.
But I've a feeling PayPal will just drop me in the shit!

That sucks :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but it's a large thread and GAF doesn't support search phrases (plus a lot of people have used "single player" to refer to, well, a single player), so forgive me, but without further adou: Is this game a worthwhile single-player experience? I've decided to hit the breaks on my Far Cry Primal playthrough until the next PC patch is live (since it adds higher-res textures) and as that's still two weeks away, I figured I'd sink my teeth into something else until said update hits... and what better than another Ubi game. ;)

Edit: Oh, and I realise that the "dark zone" stuff is limited to MP.


I'm sure this question has been asked before, but it's a large thread and GAF doesn't support search phrases (plus a lot of people have used "single player" to refer to, well, a single player), so forgive me, but without further adou: Is this game a worthwhile single-player experience? I've decided to hit the breaks on my Far Cry Primal playthrough until the next PC patch is live (since it adds higher-res textures) and as that's still two weeks away, I figured I'd sink my teeth into something else until said update hits... and what better than another Ubi game. ;)

Edit: Oh, and I realise that the "dark zone" stuff is limited to MP.

Yeah, I've played through much of the game in SP and I enjoyed myself. It's much better in co-op, but it's a perfectly solid (and very Ubisoft) game in SP.
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but it's a large thread and GAF doesn't support search phrases (plus a lot of people have used "single player" to refer to, well, a single player), so forgive me, but without further adou: Is this game a worthwhile single-player experience? I've decided to hit the breaks on my Far Cry Primal playthrough until the next PC patch is live (since it adds higher-res textures) and as that's still two weeks away, I figured I'd sink my teeth into something else until said update hits... and what better than another Ubi game. ;)

Edit: Oh, and I realise that the "dark zone" stuff is limited to MP.

If any game is good with mp and sp it would be this game. You can matchmake if you want.


Anybody have an alt on PS4 that I can join up on to pick up a glitched echo from?

I need to redo the Missing Person: Michael Dufrane side quest because the second echo is unobtainable for me right now. Last thing I need for the platinum.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If any game is good with mp and sp it would be this game. You can matchmake if you want.

Cool beans. I'm actually not big on internet-based MP. Never have been, really, aside from my yesteryear obsessions with Q3 and then CS. I suppose, for lack of a better phrase, you could say I've outgrown non-local MP. Hell, I couldn't tell you the last time I played a local MP game that didn't transmogrify into a drinking game, haha.
Cool beans. I'm actually not big on internet-based MP. Never have been, really, aside from my yesteryear obsessions with Q3 and then CS. I suppose, for lack of a better phrase, you could say I've outgrown non-local MP. Hell, I couldn't tell you the last time I played a local MP game that didn't transmogrify into a drinking game, haha.

There's shit tons of shit to collect here. You'll love it, Jace. ;)

Anyone on PSN trying to bang out Warrengate befriend the reset?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
There's shit tons of shit to collect here. You'll love it, Jace. ;)

Haha, so I've been told. After Far Cry 4, though, I didn't want to dive head-first into another "Ubithon", which probably seems strange given I then loaded up Primal, but it actually has uncharacteristically "few" collectables, I'd guess in large part thanks to the fact that there's no in-game currency (I'd posit that the game's equivalent to collectable chests are the loot sacks, but they contain only crafting items and respawn, so even ignoring the fact that the game doesn't track them they're not particularly useful). I've probably spent more time doing side missions and clearing bonfires/outposts than collecting, so, yeah, I think I'm just about ready for a proverbial pallet cleanse. ;)
Cool beans. I'm actually not big on internet-based MP. Never have been, really, aside from my yesteryear obsessions with Q3 and then CS. I suppose, for lack of a better phrase, you could say I've outgrown non-local MP. Hell, I couldn't tell you the last time I played a local MP game that didn't transmogrify into a drinking game, haha.

Its very fun with people. Especially when you do the missions on Hard mode. I was stuck with another set of players for almost 2 hours on one mission. But I had the most fun in long time not giving up.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Its very fun with people. Especially when you do the missions on Hard mode. I was stuck with another set of players for almost 2 hours on one mission. But I had the most fun in long time not giving up.

Well, I do have one person I may be able to play with. I suppose I'm not against giving that a shot once I've familiarised myself with the game.


Formerly Gizmowned
Holy shit this MP5 haha. Went rogue and whilst running came head to head with 2 agents. Downed 1 in seconds then the other tried running and I mowed him down while he flee'd. Love it lol.

I've opened 30+ today and have yet to see a yellow.

I cant even find crates to open today. They've all been used. :(

What kind of a retard goes after someone with a 20 sec timer?

Still worth getting just incase they increase the timer by shooting at someone and increasing their rogue rank.
Been reading this great explanation of Damage/DPS that a gaffer linked last week and trying to summarize higher level points. Not done yet but so far:

  • Armor reduction percentages build off of each other. Lets say for the purposes of this demonstration you have 65% armor mitigation, 25% elite mitigation, and 10% all damage mitigation, even though you can't really get ADR for example purposes. Lets now say you get shot for 67,500 damage:
    • 67500 * 65% (armor reduction) = Damage reduced to 23625
    • 23625 * 25% (elite damage reduction) = Damage reduced to 17718.75
    • 17718.75 * 10% (all damage reduction) = 15946.125
    • End result = You took 15,946.125 damage instead of the initial 67,500 damage hit
  • The more damage reduction multipliers you add simply increases your survival in harder content.
  • Armor gives most armor, so you should try to have that be your max armor stat--since it can have the most, it gives more flexibility with smaller gear items and their armor ratings, when it is max/near max
  • Even a single percent of damage reduction is more than worth it because of how EDR Effective Damage Reduction works. Let's say you take 100,000 damage and I'll show just how big of a deal this is:
    • 100000 * 90% = 10,000 Damage
    • Gain 1%: 100000 * 91% = 9,000 Damage
    • Gain 4% more: 100000 * 95% = 5,000 Damage
  • Always make sure you have multipliers to stack for mitigation.
  • When hit with damage, damage model hierarchy is:
    • Bullet based?
      • If Yes, uses armor value first, then elite reduction
      • If No (like fire or a bleed), uses exotic dmg resistance first, then elite reduction
    • ALL other resistances (like burn and shock) are added after initial dmg reduction is applied
  • Maxing out something like bleed resistance can save you in difficult encounters
  • If running with less than 59% damage reduction, you are insanely squishy and will have trouble with harder content (i.e, purp/gold shotgunners)
  • It is currently impossible to get above 65% damage reduction through armor. 4650 armor should be your maximum that you have. If this changes I will update to reflect that change.
  • Sample ideal roll for kneepads:
    • 1st slot - High Mainstat
    • 2nd slot - Armor
    • 3rd slot - Enemy Armor Damage
    • 4th slot - Elite Protection
    • 5th slot - Elite Damage
    • 6th slot - Skill Bonus
    • 7th slot - Gear mod slot <-super valuable, mandatory at high level
  • Re: recalibration, it's fantastic but only ONE stat can be rerolled. If you have a shitty roll on gear and isn't a big upgrade otherwise, forget about it. If talent is worthwhile, reroll main stat to try and at least improve build


Some asshats after killing me once, run into them again
-" I gotta go but its that guy we killed, lets get him again then take off "

All while I'm funneling them Into a tight alley
Switch to a shock nade , surprise one, hose him down "aaaaaahhh" *smack*
The other is like "oshit"
Pops his health early, then I do mine, trading shots I down him
"wait man wai-*smack*

Vengeance is sweet and swift


This group of four rogues was terrorizing the DZ I was in. I kept being able to pick one off but there wasn't enough coordination in the DZ to take them all down at once. One on one the would have been fair matches, even 1v2 for me, so they clearly weren't strong.

Fighting them again one more time and I'm downed, but then this group of what must of been 6 agents shows up out of nowhere, obliterates them, heals me, and then group of four rogues leave the server. God damn right the law just showed up. Thank you mysterious guardian agents.

Scored a few manhunt bounties out of it so all the dying was worth it in the end. But love that dynamic of someone thinks they are king until they aren't.


Formerly Gizmowned
First night since release I've come off early. Super boring tonight running around the whole DZ to barely get any Division Tech. I only need 1 yellow for my 31 chest blueprint.

Can't be assed to do any PVE so I'll hit up Netflix for tonight. Looking forward to see what news comes tomorrow though.


Because when there's a pack of people chasing rogues it's obviously an accident. That's why it goes to 20 sec first.

Oh, this again.

Sometimes there's situations where you're fighting with randoms and someone/a group accidentally goes rogue and the other randoms spare them. Sometimes. Fact of the matter is, if you go rogue, you're fair game and if you die then you can take a look at what you could've done better.

You're gonna have a bad time if you expect people to spare you everytime you accidentally go rogue. Either embrace it and kill the other randoms, or run like hell.


Oh, this again.

Sometimes there's situations where you're fighting with randoms and someone/a group accidentally goes rogue and the other randoms spare them. Sometimes. Fact of the matter is, if you go rogue, you're fair game and if you die then you can take a look at what you could've done better.

You're gonna have a bad time if you expect people to spare you everytime you accidentally go rogue. Either embrace it and kill the other randoms, or run like hell.

Puh-fucking-lease. Let's not even start about people who could just intentionally jump infront of your fire to make you go rogue.

Yeah so let's get the 20 sec timer kill the person who's an idiot and then get the full 90 and have to deal with that.

The 20 sec is obviously there so the other people can take a second to think about what's happening.

It's very easy to tell who is going rogue intentionally or not.

System needs work.
Puh-fucking-lease. Let's not even start about people who could just intentionally jump infront of your fire to make you go rogue.

Yeah so let's get the 20 sec timer kill the person who's an idiot and then get the full 90 and have to deal with that.

The 20 sec is obviously there so the other people can take a second to think about what's happening.

It's very easy to tell who is going rogue intentionally or not.

System needs work.
Why do you have to kill him and get the 90 second timer? Just run away and let the 20 second timer run out, and hope that they realize it was an accident. If they try to kill you, use the signature that makes you invincible and jeep running until they leave you be.


Formerly Gizmowned
They could put in a passive mode or something which only allows you to kill rogues but not other agents. This would help with those situations where you hit someone by accident due to cross fire.

Have the downside that you can't become rogue unless you disable the option but have to wait a certain amount of time before you can kill anyone.


I didn't go rogue. I hit someone by accident ONCE and it put the 20 second timer on. This is part of the reason the rogue system is stupid.

This happened to me several times the first day I started exploring the dz solo. I agree, it's annoying...but once I learned to play dz differently than the rest of the game, it stopped happening. Sometimes it can be rough because of that one enemy type that looks just like another agent, but I learned to check fire or fall back before shooting if I wasn't sure.

Now I can say that system is yet another reason the dz is so special...and it makes running it solo even more tense because I'm constantly checking my fire.


Puh-fucking-lease. Let's not even start about people who could just intentionally jump infront of your fire to make you go rogue.

Yeah so let's get the 20 sec timer kill the person who's an idiot and then get the full 90 and have to deal with that.

The 20 sec is obviously there so the other people can take a second to think about what's happening.

It's very easy to tell who is going rogue intentionally or not.

System needs work.

Yea but there is a dmg threshold, what did you use a sniper?

Everytime that happens I just get the fuck out of there, then come back

Why because it happens , hell I do it too, free points
Or use you until we down main rogues then you

It's no mans land
I don't know if Gaf likes bad art, but my group were all busy tonight so I spent an hour or some messing around with After Effects. Decided to make some simple motion graphics of the Division logo.

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