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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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This game is pretty much dropping 5-6k players a day on steam and is sinking like a rock on the stats page.

These are so many terrible design decisions in this game it should be a case study. How the hell do you spend years developing this and still only have the same 3 mission types for %70 of the PvE map, no dedicated PvP modes and a DZ that rewards people who grind and exploit and severely punishes the casual player who doesn't have the time to sink hours into the game.

I blame the exploits for this.
Most of the playerbase abused it and is overgeared as hell > content gets easy mode > bored > quit

They fucked themselves and HE drop rate and rolls don't help at all.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
We played those guys last night. Good to see them finally drop.

They were tough. Ended up taking me down shortly after while I was running away. After that though we teamed up with them to "protect" them from SteffanKnight.

I blame the exploits for this.
Most of the playerbase abused it and is overgeared as hell > content gets easy mode > bored > quit

They fucked themselves and HE drop rate and rolls don't help at all.

Only reason I'm still playing is for manhunts in the DZ.


farms for hours to maybe get a high end drop. finally sees that high end yellow glow. gets happy but approaches with measured expectations. level 30 performance mod. tries best to keep spirits up, fails miserably.

such an abusive relationship smh.
I feel like I've been spinning my wheels all week. Doing dailies and General Assembly trying to gear up for CM. But still at 80-100K DPS; no notable drops. Takes a week to save up enough PC for a new HE purchase.

The gear system is confusing: base color, armor level, level number, stat focus, perks. But I still have blue gear that seems to give me a better boost than purple pieces.

Am I doing this wrong?


Neo Member
Not sure if it's already been posted and not sure why... But one of my big end AUGs I rolled when equipped... It boosts the dps for my other guns I have equipped, my M1A is boosted by over 20k...is it a glitch? The talents are brutal, unforgiving, dominant.


I feel like I've been spinning my wheels all week. Doing dailies and General Assembly trying to gear up for CM. But still at 80-100K DPS; no notable drops. Takes a week to save up enough PC for a new HE purchase.

The gear system is confusing: base color, armor level, level number, stat focus, perks. But I still have blue gear that seems to give me a better boost than purple pieces.

Am I doing this wrong?

You should read the gear guide that Anton has been summarizing. If you go only by the three primary stats you will trick yourself into focusing on the wrong statistics. Armor is massively important, so those blues you think are better, might actually be a lot lower in armor. Something like ~70 armor is equivalent to another 1% of damage reduction. Blues and Purples also have ranges for stats. A level 30 blue may have a range of 300-400 and a purple may have 350-450. You may have gotten some nice blues with 375 and the purples with a bad roll of 350.

You'll also want to find a lot of gear with Critical Chance, Crit Damage, Damage to Elites, Protection from Elites, Enemy Armor Damage, etc. Equipping Gloves that have Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Damage to Elites but with a Stamina Stat might actually do more damage than Gloves with SMG Damage, Health on Kill, Cri Damage and a Firearms stat. With the first gloves you are getting more damage and stamina. Again Blue's may cap out 8% critical hit chance and a purple may cap out at 10%. Doesn't seem like much on one piece of gear but you have 6 pieces of gear that could eventually yield 10% more total on a stat, etc.

You need to read between the lines a bit and decide what build you want. 90% of players go with an SMG high crit chance and crit damage build.


So I got my Vector blueprint and made a few till I got one I was happy with, then got the Magazine blueprint and made a few of those for each weapon. What blueprint should I be aiming for next to buy? Or should I aim to level up to DZ 50 and get the blueprint there?

This is how I'm looking at the moment.

And I've had no luck getting any HE anything in the DZ over the last 5 days.


This game is pretty much dropping 5-6k players a day on steam and is sinking like a rock on the stats page.

These are so many terrible design decisions in this game it should be a case study. How the hell do you spend years developing this and still only have the same 3 mission types for %70 of the PvE map, no dedicated PvP modes and a DZ that rewards people who grind and exploit and severely punishes the casual player who doesn't have the time to sink hours into the game.

I'm ok with grinding getting rewarded. Diablo and other type of looter games are like that.
MMOs are like that too.

But the problem is, there isn't much diversity. Its either DZ or CMs (and they haven't released any additional CMs yet). They need to add stuff in the PvE zones that have some rewards. They need to make various ways to obtain rewards, so people don't have to do the same thing over and over again, which makes it quick to get old. Assignments are nice, since you can choose how you want earn them, but they aren't enough imo.
And they are way too slow in adding additional content.
I was expecting to see at least additional CMs before Incrusions release.

Also, imagine people who aren't playing on XBO. They have to wait for a month for additional DLC. Not sure if this game will hold for that long with a huge gap between the free Incrusion/s and the payed DLC. Thats the main reason I didm't buy the season pass.
Since theres a huge delay, I wasn't sure me or any of my friends were still be interested in playing.

Anyways, I understand the people who already got bored and also agree with other people saying exploits quickened it. UBI/Massive were a bit slow on fixing it.
On top of that Steam/PC has hackers. If there were hackers on the platform I play on and UBI only gave them a week ban and not a perma ban, I would have already traded this game in tbh. UBI/Massive really needs to learn from other companies like Blizzard who try to maintain a healthy online community, which is very important for online games.

Personally, I still do DZ and collect division tech and kill named packs when I feel like it if I spot them. And also chain run a few CMs still. Also collecting mats and creating Vectors and chest pieces over and over. But its definitely getting old each day.

Apologies for the wall of text. Tried to be as constructive as I can.
47 rogue kills for me, but that isn't right. it's more. my playtime is incorrect as well, I have over 6 days in-game but divisiontracker says 5 days. oh well.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Yes, if only there was more pvp aggressive PC players to join me for MH every once in a while :p
Seems to be a lack of them on PC from time to time.

This is a bummer. The PvP space on the Xbox has been very active.

47 rogue kills for me, but that isn't right. it's more. my playtime is incorrect as well, I have over 6 days in-game but divisiontracker says 5 days. oh well.

Check through the PS4/Xbox game stat page on the console. That's where DivisionTracker pulling it's data from, but theirs seems to be a tad out of date.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I just hit DZ 50. What items should I prioritize with my phoenix credits? First purchase was the MP5.

Buy all of the non-PXC blueprints from the vendors. Then get the M44 and whatever else you need.
I finally hit DZ 50 after saying "Fuck it" and wearing a bunch of shitty gear that managed to give me +65% Kill XP. The grind was real. But now I can complain about the lack of division tech with everyone else!

Also, I have to ask: Does anyone else have their FPS tank near the sports store in the dark zone? Something about it is a real problem area for me. My FPS will routinely drop to like 45 or so when I'm normally around 60.

I think this game has a lot of performance problems. Fullscreen seems to be totally broken, and it seems like there's some memory leak problems. I just want a solid 60, is that too much to ask?


Also, I have to ask: Does anyone else have their FPS tank near the sports store in the dark zone? Something about it is a real problem area for me. My FPS will routinely drop to like 45 or so when I'm normally around 60.

I think this game has a lot of performance problems. Fullscreen seems to be totally broken, and it seems like there's some memory leak problems. I just want a solid 60, is that too much to ask?
Yes. Even on console it becomes a slide show in that area for some reason.
Lmao was in the sports store and two agents kept trying to bait us going rogue with pistols so I tossed a tear gas grenade at them and they both popped their survivor links and opened fire and went rogue and we easily mopped them up.

Love doing that to kids. Always freak out when they see the grenade marker.
I just don't understand the point of the Dark Zone. It's boring. No real missions or interesting objectives and players just walking around for the most part.


Press - MP1st.com
Fucking tired of using all my HE Tools on rolling perfect Black Market AKs and Vectors.

I rolled an AK with 80K base damage but the Talents are super hard to activate (2300 for Electronics) and are that burning effect and that skill cooldown one. Passive skill is 24 percent increase headshot damage when using the weapon. Got another one with lower damage but the Talents are crap (13 percent faster reloading speed...who gives a fuck about that).

Haven't picked up any HE weapons from the Dark Zone after killing a few named bosses. Did manage to get a HE Scar Marksman Rifle (not the one-shot kind) but the crappy one. So, what to do now to get HE weapons? Currently level 20+ in Dark Zone and not feeling the grind.

Currently sitting at 150K+ DPS, 70K+ Health and 10K Skill.


Yeah, it's one of the reasons I cannot take the Division setting and story seriously in any way. Other reasons include random gangs so effective that not even the military can stop them, as if they were headed by a Batman villain or something. Hell, the whole Rikers HQ looks like something you'd see in Arkham Asylum.
That was bad, I can see people being violent sadistic killers but I'm not exactly sure there's a lot of people that want dead bodies lying around in their lair.
This is nonsense on the level of super prototypes in mecha anime. They are cool and elite therefore they have tech and training far above any other unit even though that makes no fucking sense at all. Why outfit your soldiers and spies with the latest tech when you can instead hand it to a bunch of people who'll stay dormant and ideally never do anything with it?
I'm guessing the real life Directive 51 or what it's called is more aimed at quick response or guerrilla warfare against a military invasion where being hidden and in place is actually important (never mind that it's against the Geneva convention because unmarked combatants encourage enemy soldiers to shoot all civilians on sight, hence the clear uniform rules so soldiers know who to shoot and who not).
I doubt there's a real one but one of the things I always found funny about "secret" laws and directives is, how exactly are people supposed to follow them? Like if I was a police chief and some random armed fucks came up to me and said they were taking charge and claiming they were from some secret government organization I'd arrest their asses and not pay them any mind. Nobody can follow a directive if it's secret, if only a handful of people know about a law those are literally the only people bound to follow it, everyone else would tell them to piss off.
Just wanted to say goodbye to Division-Gaf I had hands down the worst day ever in Dark Zone today and I just do not have the patience for this forced into PvP to succeed bullshit anymore.

I spent hours levelling in DZ05/6 and had a decent haul, yet something weird was going on with NPCs they would respawn faster than I could kill them and even after dying, they would be hostile instantly after exiting a safe house and start shooting me from god knows where. So whatever I get out head over to DZ03 to extract, and of course get ganked by some asshole rogues sitting there waiting for people to farm THEM better upgrades. Whatever, they get me, I cut my losses and go to grab my corpse loot, and I fight around a bit get more, nope they must have been stalking me so they team up again on me... so I'm pissed, I could give two shits about the items as they are all garbage anyways, but I have now been fucked out of tons of exp, so I go to fight inside a building, well the dicks are in there too again /facepalm so I fucking kill the one and nope out of there, the second starts fighting me on the street, I then notice THE ENTIRE STREET is full of hostile NPCs and guess what they fucking leave him alone and come steamroll me!!!

Fuck this shit I'm done. Hope they fucking streamed it and got some lulz cus there's another member they pushed out of the game and community.

No fun waiting for daily mission repeats and horrible RNG not to mention I was way behind for not exploiting the hell out of the game and other players.


Deku Tree

How long is it supposed to take to go from 45 to 50 in the DZ? I just spent 4 hours just going from 45 to 46. This is absolutely ridiculous.

That's way too long. It's much easier to grind DZ with a group because you get the rep for their kills too you should get one to two rank ups per hour.
Not super happy with the information about the incursion. Looks like it won't be a raid but just a continuation of the rather spongy non mechanical fights from the current challenge modes.

The new Dark Zone supply drops are definitely a good implementation to help make the Dark Zone more interesting. It's worked in many other games like DayZ, Rust, H1Z1 so it should work nearly as well here albeit on a smaller scale.


Fuck this shit I'm done. Hope they fucking streamed it and got some lulz cus there's another member they pushed out of the game and community.

No fun waiting for daily mission repeats and horrible RNG not to mention I was way behind for not exploiting the hell out of the game and other players.


I was certainly skeptical of all the people saying the Darkzone PvP wasn't good enough and "there was no reason to go rogue". Ubisoft decided to make the changes and I had a feeling that griefers would ruin the game for others and here it is.

As someone who played a ton of Diablo 3 hardcore I will agree that forced PvP and griefing is short lived fun, but the reality is when you don't have a choice in the matter it is downright infuriating.

I suppose when there is enough end game content that you don't have to participate in Dark Zone activities it will be fine, but for now, my condolences.


Are DZ50 weapon mods Level 31? What about gear mods?

I'm not sure but I think 31. It's not worth worrying about anyways, the AUG and ACR are 30 for example and they're my favorite weapons. I'm honestly not sure what Item Level is supposed to signify other than being slightly 'better'.
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