Formerly Gizmowned
Absolute mayhem occurring in the streets. Bullets and grenades flying everywhere. VE3TRO in the safe house above.
"VE3TRO where the hell are you?!"
Absolute mayhem occurring in the streets. Bullets and grenades flying everywhere. VE3TRO in the safe house above.
"VE3TRO where the hell are you?!"
We need to form a resistance group for solo DZ players. We can use the subway as our main means of traversal and have a "secret handshake" to identify friendly resistance members. Something like two jumping jacks followed by a surrender emote, or you could whistle the Mocking jay tune.
LOL as a solo DZ player I am totally behind you on this
We need to form a resistance group for solo DZ players. We can use the subway as our main means of traversal and have a "secret handshake" to identify friendly resistance members. Something like two jumping jacks followed by a surrender emote, or you could whistle the Mocking jay tune.
LOL as a solo DZ player I am totally behind you on this
LOL as a solo DZ player I am totally behind you on this
We need to form a resistance group for solo DZ players. We can use the subway as our main means of traversal and have a "secret handshake" to identify friendly resistance members. Something like two jumping jacks followed by a surrender emote, or you could whistle the Mocking jay tune.
Oh I'd totally be down to make things easier for bambisThink I'd join in with you. Some other players are Wes, Iceman, Gran, Arch, Dom..
We are in right guys?
Oh I'd totally be down to make things easier for bambis
Think I'd join in with you. Some other players are Wes, Iceman, Gran, Arch, Dom..
We are in right guys?
Wolf wearing a bambi suit, bra.
You need to branch out moreI'm just a friendly tree walking down the road. The people following me on the other hand... they are know to cause wildfires
Think I'd join in with you. Some other players are Wes, Iceman, Gran, Arch, Dom..
We are in right guys?
You need to branch out more
It won't. Once you reach level 30 HE gear, you are in the top bracket. So it's the exact same problem, just that it gives new 30s a chance to survive.I'm concerned about that too. Though the DZ split should help with that...hopefully.
Should of bought the vendor blue print instead, you can't recalibrate weapons.
ah i did, i bought the blueprint and crafted it. So i should recalibrate it?
Think I'd join in with you. Some other players are Wes, Iceman, Gran, Arch, Dom..
We are in right guys?
Think I'd join in with you. Some other players are Wes, Iceman, Gran, Arch, Dom..
We are in right guys?
So is everyone still pissed, or nah?
I was never pissed to begin with. I was waiting to see how things shook out. More loot in a loot based game is always nice.
I am still out I think. Even now with the all the supposed info, the crafting is still seems nerfed, just not as bad as it was yesterday, but that wasn't the whole reason. I was getting bored anyway, and it appears this game is going to be anemic when it comes to content for the lifespan of the game.
I am strictly PVE, so all the DZ and division tech stuff doesnt affect me. I just run challenge modes ad nauseum, and all I have to look forward to is a single incursion to replace the 2 challenge modes I have been farming. To me, that is not net benefit. Assignments sound lame from what we have heard so far.
Even if bosses drop yellows all the time, fabrics and weapon parts were never my problem. I was always short on tools and electronics, and with the changes to breaking down/converting mats, it appears that it will still be harder to craft. I will just end up with even bigger stockpiles of fabrics and weapon parts now.
Bosses having specific loot tables? Wont affect me as all I have to do is a single incursion over and over and over again.
I will still follow the news as I am sure there are more revelations to come, but haven't been able to bring myself to log in for a few days now.
Yeah tbh I dunno how you pve only dudes are still playing. I got this game solely for the dz.
Everyone needs a theme song for the DZ, so that other friendly players know when help is available
For the solo players out there: if you are farming away and hear the Flight of the Valkyries approaching you know that help is on its way. Hang tight, and the calvary will arrive soon.
Yeah tbh I dunno how you pve only dudes are still playing. I got this game solely for the dz.
There is PVE content?
I will have to boot up the game and check it out.
RIPJust by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
For the solo players out there: if you are farming away and hear the Flight of the Valkyries approaching you know that help is on its way. Hang tight, and the calvary will arrive soon.
Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Makes me glad to be playing with other open minded folks in the dz rather than people who just want to be Debbie Downer over agents acting out what the dz was designed for. *shrugs*Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Your loss!
It is obnoxious but you shouldn't avoid the DZ just because of it. Group up via randoms is ok. Had a great manhunt with some randoms the other week.
Yeah. Definitely not 100%. That's outrageous.Its not 100% filled with people just hunting down others.
Its not 100% filled with people just hunting down others.
By chance, was your PVP experience solo? My first few were & I absolutely hated it. I finally started grouping up with people and found it to be a completely different experience. If you were with a group, sorry for the questions. If you weren't, I'd definitely give it some thought if you return to NY.
Just by visiting this thread and people's attitude and "Bambi" flying around reminds me why I'm a pve only player.
Maybe once I get my gears in check to at least handle challenge mode better.
Couldn't have said it better. I want to go into the DZ but too many times have I walked through a checkpoint to be immediately killed.
Or been killed by people I have no hope of scratching because they spent more time grinding BK in one session than I spent on the entire game in a week.
All in all it means that if I do DZ it is not fun, while I massively enjoyed it as a sub 30. I just can't compete with the 1% and my time gaming can be better spent doing other things than being intentionally trolled by people who have ran out of things to do in the game