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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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Deku Tree

Damn this might be my very first exciting extraction in the DZ. Stole a HE M1A from a group of 4 and now sitting inside a safe room. Gotta think about where to go to extract. Anyone around to help real quick on Xbox One?

You could log out and log back in later when the group is gone and extract then. Might not be exciting that way though.


What is the meaningful difference between an "incursion" and a "raid?" I mean I get that this isn't going to be like a classical mmo raid with 56 people or whatever but compared to a destiny "raid" what do we know is the difference?

They said the APC won't be destroyable by your guns so that's already a non standard-for-the-rest-of-the-game mechanic. There appears to 15 waves of something to survive along with that. I don't know what else we know about it. At what point is it OK to call something a "raid"?

Division has no jump button, so we won't have platforming sequences. #NoRaid

Bye guys.

Damn this might be my very first exciting extraction in the DZ. Stole a HE M1A from a group of 4 and now sitting inside a safe room. Gotta think about where to go to extract. Anyone around to help real quick on Xbox One?

That gif timing!

I'd help if I was on Xbox. But that's a hell of a drop and you know they'll be hawking you.

I'd consider logging out for a few minutes and trying to get a different server. Don't leave until your Signature is ready because you'll want to pop the defense when the extraction finally comes.

Godspeed, Lima.

Nah I'm no pussy. Making my way to a zone in DZ04 now.

Hell yeah! Report back!

Deku Tree

What is the meaningful difference between an "incursion" and a "raid?" I mean I get that this isn't going to be like a classical mmo raid with 56 people or whatever but compared to a destiny "raid" what do we know is the difference?

They said the APC won't be destroyable by your guns so that's already a non standard-for-the-rest-of-the-game mechanic. There appears to 15 waves of something to survive along with that. I don't know what else we know about it. At what point is it OK to call something a "raid"?

IMO the incursion sounds like a horde mode with a final boss that requires a mechanic to beat. My guess is that the mechanic is probably carry a bomb or stand in a hot spot to launch a rocket. It has no checkpoint. This means to me that (1) the incursion is possibly fairly short and (2) the final mechanic can't be that complicated.

Gabee said on stream earlier that he is planning to run through the hard incursion numerous times with viewers tomorrow. So a massive CM thinks it's easy enough to run through multiple times with viewers on day one.

Very different from the Destiny VoG that took the first team hours to figure out how to open the door to the raid.
Then I made the mistake of buying this game. It was set like a trap. Incursion in Spanish means Raid by the way... Damn is a digital game so I cant sell it... and I even bought the season pass. Damn again. Never again Ubisoft.
1. Not a trap. They've been quite clear about the incursion not being a raid. It was people here and on reddit who ballooned expectations into fantasy land.

2. Why would you cherrypick a Spanish translation for one word?

3. Maybe don't buy a digital copy of a brand new IP? Also maybe don't buy season passes for brand new IPs?

4. Ubisoft did nothing wrong. You chose this path. You made the purchase. You are literally getting exactly what you paid for. If that is disappointing, it's on you, not them.


Incursions are not raids guys. And they will never be.

They will be 4 player content featuring different mechanics per incursion.
I can see them focusing on very different things for each incursion, like this one being a horde mode with a big boss that can only be damaged through certain means.

Another incursion could be a defense mission where you defend a target against waves, etc...

What I feel is that Massive is going for things that can be done in 30min or less and they never want to get you stuck in something for hours AND they don't want mechanics that basically become boring and tedious once you do them once or twice.

Destiny's raids are fun the first three times and then everything in it like the jumping puzzles or the platform jumping becomes entirely mechanical and doesn't matter anymore.
I can do the jumps in my sleep, I will never fail them and never do and I basically don't even need to do them anymore, but the game still forces me to.
Same with "jump on platforms in correct order" that stuff is just tedious the moment you do it with a group who has done it once before.

So I feel Division is going a totally different path than Destiny and instead wants content that plays differently because of it's enemies composition and the AI mixing things up,instead of using fixed mechanics that don't matter after the first time.

It's hard to properly explain for me, cause not native speaker, but basically we all know that AI can very often surprise you. Sometimes even just by glitching out or something.
We all know that one AI minion who suddenly showed up in a place no AI ever went to on the 50th run of something and going "woah wtf hahaha what was that?"

Of course we will all in less than 2 hours or so know where the enemies spawn,will then CC them to death and have everything figured out.
Thanks to streamers/youtubers who earn money from releasing this info and to the internet spoiling absolutely everything and posting the "most efficient" way as fast as possible, all this stuff will be figured out and on farm on Day 1. We know this.

I don't believe Massive made the waves random, which will probably be very sad and reminiscent of Destiny where you know exactly at what time how many of what type of enemy spawn where, but we can still dream.

I fully believe that any mechanics that rely on players doing a specific thing that never changes from run to run are completely useless and should not exist.

Randomization is THE number 1 important thing for me in games nowadays and way too few use it.


Lmao they actually came to the extraction zone I was at but it was too late. I already had that M1A on the chopper. They still opened fire of course(trust me I would have done the same).

I popped my defense ultimate, some explosive rounds and wiped that whole team a second time. Good times.
Lmao they actually came to the extraction zone I was at but it was too late. I already had that M1A on the chopper. They still opened fire of course(trust me I would have done the same).

I popped my defense ultimate, some explosive rounds and wiped that whole team a second time. Good times.


A high end M1A and 4 extra rogue kills on top. That's the stuff Dark Zone dreams are made of.


Nah I'm no pussy. Making my way to a zone in DZ04 now.

I like it.

The garage rooftop on the right side of the map in I believe DZ04 would be my spot if I had something I cared about.

Regarding the patch tomorrow, I assume it will be out before most of the U.S. gets out?


Incursions are not raids guys. And they will never be.

They will be 4 player content featuring different mechanics per incursion.
I can see them focusing on very different things for each incursion, like this one being a horde mode with a big boss that can only be damaged through certain means.

Another incursion could be a defense mission where you defend a target against waves, etc...

What I feel is that Massive is going for things that can be done in 30min or less and they never want to get you stuck in something for hours AND they don't want mechanics that basically become boring and tedious once you do them once or twice.

Destiny's raids are fun the first three times and then everything in it like the jumping puzzles or the platform jumping becomes entirely mechanical and doesn't matter anymore.
I can do the jumps in my sleep, I will never fail them and never do and I basically don't even need to do them anymore, but the game still forces me to.
Same with "jump on platforms in correct order" that stuff is just tedious the moment you do it with a group who has done it once before.

So I feel Division is going a totally different path than Destiny and instead wants content that plays differently because of it's enemies composition and the AI mixing things up,instead of using fixed mechanics that don't matter after the first time.

It's hard to properly explain for me, cause not native speaker, but basically we all know that AI can very often surprise you. Sometimes even just by glitching out or something.
We all know that one AI minion who suddenly showed up in a place no AI ever went to on the 50th run of something and going "woah wtf hahaha what was that?"

Of course we will all in less than 2 hours or so know where the enemies spawn,will then CC them to death and have everything figured out.
Thanks to streamers/youtubers who earn money from releasing this info and to the internet spoiling absolutely everything and posting the "most efficient" way as fast as possible, all this stuff will be figured out and on farm on Day 1. We know this.

I don't believe Massive made the waves random, which will probably be very sad and reminiscent of Destiny where you know exactly at what time how many of what type of enemy spawn where, but we can still dream.

I fully believe that any mechanics that rely on players doing a specific thing that never changes from run to run are completely useless and should not exist.

Randomization is THE number 1 important thing for me in games nowadays and way too few use it.

Its not random. There is a set wave system in current game files for Incursion, might change but I doubt it.

The Division |OT☣03| Out with the Phoenix, in with the Credits


Hit level 30 a few days ago. Just been doing DZ for now, mostly with friends. Lots of purples, finally got a HE Vector drop from the Construction site of all places (DZ01 or 02 I think?). Good gun, obviously will be superceded at some stage, but my first HE primary.



Incursion: A sudden invasion or attack; an act of entering a place or area that is controlled by an enemy.

Just yanking your chain here Wes but err...

Raid: a rapid surprise attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces.
"a bombing raid"
synonyms: surprise attack, hit-and-run raid, tip-and-run raid, assault, descent, blitz, incursion, foray, sortie;


Obviously Matt is being hugely dramatic but, the two words, used as a noun, are basically interchangeable.

It's all good though, horde mode with a boss sounds fun to me and fuck, I don't even know what defines a raid in gaming terms anyway!

I'd just like some group and some individual co-op mechanics wound into something a little challenging but ultimately fun. Some of the heist stuff in GTAO for example was great fun in a good group. I'd expect Incursions to be more compelx and difficult than those but as a base reference for me they have a little light strategy which can be employed here and there but not so much that it feels all mil-sim. I like that in most cases they can also be brute forced for less coordinated groups if necessary. A little something for e'rybody.

I doubt I'll get to play them though for a while or indeed in the same way I played heists (fresh, no spoilers) as most of the folk who I planned to play this with have either dropped it for various reasons or not even got it yet. Combine that with not even being level 30 yet and I think it's fair to say my opinion is moot. :D

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The dz04 parking garage extraction zone is my favorite. Remote, easy to defend, easy to escape, and there's a named boss and dz chest right next to it.

I always use the east side dz01 point for my extracting needs. No high level mobs, and decent hiding spots. Just have survivor link ready, and I'm good to go.
What is the meaningful difference between an "incursion" and a "raid?" I mean I get that this isn't going to be like a classical mmo raid with 56 people or whatever but compared to a destiny "raid" what do we know is the difference?

They said the APC won't be destroyable by your guns so that's already a non standard-for-the-rest-of-the-game mechanic. There appears to 15 waves of something to survive along with that. I don't know what else we know about it. At what point is it OK to call something a "raid"?

If you can call Crota's End in Destiny a raid, then sure, an Incursion (name changed to Operation btw) can be called a raid.


Deku Tree

If you can call Crota's End in Destiny a raid, then sure, an Incursion (name changed to Operation btw) can be called a raid.


They changed the name to "operation" on the world map. But the CMs keep calling it an incursion. I've never heard them use the word operation.


keep your strippers out of my American football
This weekend I went throughout the entire map getting every collectible. That was a serious test of patience, but it was pretty amazing to see all the back story that was created for the game. I did pick up alot of tools, electronics and parts in the process.


Formerly Gizmowned
They need to put in another material like Dye or something. I want to color my clothes to match, I hate how some of the stuff look great together but are slightly different in shade.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Tempted to waste away part of my life doing those crafting runs tonight. My material reservoirs are rock bottom.


They need to put in another material like Dye or something. I want to color my clothes to match, I hate how some of the stuff look great together but are slightly different in shade.
The important things in pandemic apocalypse. Ubi please.

Anyway told my girlfriend I won't be around much this week. We in boys!
They need to put in another material like Dye or something. I want to color my clothes to match, I hate how some of the stuff look great together but are slightly different in shade.

Yea, you're pretty embarrassing to team up with. I keep a distance so I don't get caught in a selfie with you in those rags.
Patch will be available for download during maintenance tonight and all new features once the servers are back


So we don't have to wait for the maintenance to be over for the patch to download.

I'm looking for one more for Incursion launch! 3 of us so far on PS4 and need 1 more to try it out.

For the new page!

Maintenance has been between 3am EST to 6am EST since launch, might take a bit longer with all the new changes but the patch will download via the console downloads at 3am EST.

Looking at a 6am EST start time for now for the 4th we need to join. We are all well geared.
LOL stumbled into an EZ and a group of 4 were extracting. They tried to kill me, I jetted out of there. They chased me from one end of the DZ I was in to the other, and back again, could never kill me. Finally they split up and almost got me, but I popped my super and ran some more. The whole time I could hear them talking about how I must have something amazing to keep running this long and arguing about who was going to get what I dropped. Finally I ran out of med packs and they downed me. They were legit pissed when I dropped a shitty purple pistol and two purple performance mods. I love proximity chat.

Does anyone know any good farming runs for named enemies higher in the DZ? Every server I have tried this morning is full of squads running the usual route in the bottom.
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