Up from 123 yesterday. Today was a good fucking day.
After you posted about it, I dropped about 10k health, but got my armor to 60% in the process. Haven't given it a go yet.
Up from 123 yesterday. Today was a good fucking day.
What time are we expecting maintenance/patch?
You know it's funny, I was watching Gabeelikes on the Division Twitch Channel today. He was soloing the DZ. And answering just about every question from chat.
Except I asked a few times if they were looking at doing anything about the 8+ team DZ super squads. Gabee ignored that question over and over, even though he answered just about every single other question that was asked. Even numerous repeat questions asked within minutes of each other.
8 hours from now.
8 hours from now.
Anyone want to DZ with me? Trying to get from lvl 31 to 40.
gt: Draughn
PC? XBOX? PS4? People gotta remember that this game is out for multiple systems.
Thanks again for the games, look forward to reading opinions tomo when I'm at work (and 100% working)
PC? XBOX? PS4? People gotta remember that this game is out for multiple systems.
When'ed we move to ot? I hope this update gives more xp to the rogue hunters. Kinda dragging feet getting through the fifties .
Tomorrow in the Dark Zone, we play for keeps.
As I scanned the page I read "keeps" as "peeps" and wondered why you were playing for marshmallows.
Dark Zone is gonna be a shit show tomorrow. So many extractions will be in firefights.
Assignments will help since there will be weekly and daily ones that give DZ XP. Rumors are saying the Incursion will give DZ XP as well.
I am thinking the exact opposite. Everyone will have HE they don't want to lose and high end players who were just trolling now have more things to do.
I think hard core players will be tackling the Incursion, the dark zone may be be pretty crazy if the incursion isn't enough to satisfy their thirst.
They realllllllllllllllllllllllllly need to allow you to craft multiple material conversions at once, or remove the stupid GUI "Conversion Successful!" part.
Doing my conversions now before teh patch drops tomorrow and its sooooooooooooo slow.
Anyone wanna run dz? I have a little time before I have to get off.
Just to be clear, that's xbox one? If so, Xbox Live Gamertag is Draughn and I'm ready to roll.
Adding you now. No mic since I'm not home
(No signature)
No problem. You're from Indy, so I trust you.
I love how there are people going "lol look at how little Division adds with their free patch, Destiny adds WAY more the same day" completely forgetting that Division is getting this patch 1 month after release, while Destiny is getting theirs like 7 months after release.
It's so dumb how people compare like that. Nonsensical bullshit.
Fuck this game. Step outside of DZ safe house and literally run into 6 guys who just open up on me and go rogue. At only 125K DPS and 60K Health, I'm not seeing how you guys are running around with 200K+ DPS and shit. Might sell this game for Dark Souls 3 tonight.
This is what I most want to know about, most other things are known issues and being dealt with.
I have asked them a few times, maybe they don't want to advertise it, but it's a regular occourance now and kills any fun on the server (apart from the cowards doing it). Maybe they have no answer.
It's not a problem that needs solved.How would they even solve this?
Two angles. Oh man.Got a fun video coming up