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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune

Gameplay is better imo. Set pieces, story telling and dialouge uncharted are still a good bit better in Uncharted. So it's kind of what you factor in the most.

I agree with this however the combat sitatuions in uncharted are better because of the multiple approaches you can take in tackling them. I do love the scramble mechanic in this game though.
Friend who has been playing this game texted me that it's like Uncharted, but better. How much truth is there to this? I decided to pick up SimCity instead. I accepted my mistake and thinking about getting this game now.

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through. It's like a somewhat more open Uncharted(but only somewhat). It's not UC2, because the tone, characters, and set pieces generally aren't as enjoyable(nothing so far has trilled me like the Helicopter sequences in Nepal, for example). Also, the game seems to take more controls away from you than UC2 often does, there are WAAAAY more QTEs and button prompts in this bitch. But it's better than UC1/3 so far. Combat is easy but satisfying(the arrow headshots are kinda addictive), and I like how much control I have over Lara in the air compared to Drake's leap-o-fate he always does.
Friend who has been playing this game texted me that it's like Uncharted, but better. How much truth is there to this? I decided to pick up SimCity instead. I accepted my mistake and thinking about getting this game now.

Uncharted 2 was my fav game this gen (next to heavy rain). I'm still on the fence which I like more. I think I'm going to give a slight edge to TR.


I feel stupid now,Mountain Village Tomb with the wind and the balancing crate etc etc as me stomped guys...what the dealio here please(spoiler it please)...


Lots of hate in this tread.

Just finished it last night and really enjoyed it. Nice blend of lost and uncharted. I really liked the island, and hearing little bits and pieces from the odds and ends you found throughout.

I do wish there was more to the "tombs" though. I'm hoping there will be a real tomb through dlc, and not just a bunch of multiplayer additions, as I don't think I will even play a single game of that.

Yeah, now that the new Lara has been fleshed out I hope they go balls out with tombs and incorporate them into the narrative on future titles. Also, as ridiculous as all of the Lara's melee option seemed before release, its become the best part of the new combat system.
The "it's just a videogame" or "it's just a shitty narrative, it doesn't matter, just turn your brain off" is equivalent to what Film Critic Hulk talked about in regards to film assessment of quality (long text with caps incoming):

I agree, but I think it's totally harmless to find some "stupid" movies just purely enjoyable, same with games. That being said, no one should be criticized for refusing to "turn their brains off" either. If you found the characters to be that bad and stereotypical, well, I've seen them in footage and I can't possibly see how you'd be wrong about that as they seemed pretty shitty. But how much of the game do they actually take up?


Well it's different I'll give you that. I do like the mechanics of using gear, I'm a sucker for metroid stuff. I enjoy jumping and traveling and doing stuff, and combat is fun.

I still like the older games.

I hate stuff like falling or sliding down things. QTE's, cutscenes.

It's good.

I'll never say Tricky was right though.
Thanks. Sounds good to me.


I agree, but I think it's totally harmless to find some "stupid" movies just purely enjoyable, same with games. That being said, no one should be criticized for refusing to "turn their brains off" either.

I agree. It's mostly when Moff's Law is invoked that the "turn off your brain" argument becomes problematic for discussion:

Of all the varieties of irritating comment out there, the absolute most annoying has to be “Why can’t you just watch the movie for what it is??? Why can’t you just enjoy it? Why do you have to analyze it???”

If you have posted such a comment, or if you are about to post such a comment, here or anywhere else, let me just advise you: Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Shut your goddamn fucking mouth. SHUT. UP.

First of all, when we analyze art, when we look for deeper meaning in it, we are enjoying it for what it is. Because that is one of the things about art, be it highbrow, lowbrow, mainstream, or avant-garde: Some sort of thought went into its making — even if the thought was, “I’m going to do this as thoughtlessly as possible”! — and as a result, some sort of thought can be gotten from its reception. That is why, among other things, artists (including, for instance, James Cameron) really like to talk about their work.

Now, that doesn’t mean you have to think about a work of art. I don’t know anyone who thinks every work they encounter ought to only be enjoyed through conscious, active analysis — or if I do, they’re pretty annoying themselves. And I know many people who prefer not to think about much of what they consume, and with them I have no argument. I also have no argument with people who disagree with another person’s thoughts about a work of art. That should go without saying. Finally, this should also go without saying, but since it apparently doesn’t: Believe me, the person who is annoying you so much by thinking about the art? They have already considered your revolutionary “just enjoy it” strategy, because it is not actually revolutionary at all. It is the default state for most of humanity.

So when you go out of your way to suggest that people should be thinking less — that not using one’s capacity for reason is an admirable position to take, and one that should be actively advocated — you are not saying anything particularly intelligent. And unless you live on a parallel version of Earth where too many people are thinking too deeply and critically about the world around them and what’s going on in their own heads, you’re not helping anything; on the contrary, you’re acting as an advocate for entropy.

And most annoyingly of all, you’re contributing to the fucking conversation yourselves when you make your stupid, stupid comments. You are basically saying, “I think people shouldn’t think so much and share their thoughts, that’s my thought that I have to share.” If you really think people should just enjoy the movie without thinking about it, then why the fuck did you (1) click on the post in the first place, and (2) bother to leave a comment?

If you found the characters to be that bad and stereotypical, well, I've seen them in footage and I can't possibly see how you'd be wrong about that as they seemed pretty shitty. But how much of the game do they actually take up?

The supporting mostly serve as the game's MacGuffins. But the supporting cast isn't the only negative, as I have other criticisms of the game.


Friend who has been playing this game texted me that it's like Uncharted, but better. How much truth is there to this? I decided to pick up SimCity instead. I accepted my mistake and thinking about getting this game now.

How would you know it is a mistake, it isn't you'd be able to play for 2 weeks (whenever the server strain lightens) anyway?

I'd say it is a better (what little there is of it) game than Uncharted, though Uncharted might be the better experience.
Ran into a really odd glitch.
The snow turned into a black wall, and was impossible to see at times.
It fixed when I died.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Ah, thanks. Yeah. It's just that, well, I'm about to make a purchasing decision so I'm taking in all the information I can.

If Spec Ops was boring, generic, and repetitive to you I'm honestly curious how you'll take this game. (no sarcasm or joking)


Ah, thanks. Yeah. It's just that, well, I'm about to make a purchasing decision so I'm taking in all the information I can.

Don't get me wrong - it's an average/decent AAA game and for people who don't mind loss of player agency and bad narratives in their cinematic games, it's probably worth a playthrough. If you like Uncharted, this is an acceptable experience.
Why are you having fun with this game? You should be over analyzing the bejesus out of it. It's much more enjoyable that way.

I had a dream last night. I played Tomb Raider again. This time I hated it. Then I woke up. What has GAF done to my mind? Thankfully I still love it! I was playing some of the older games last night. Man it's rough going back. Thankfully those games always have a special place in my nostalgia heart.

If Spec Ops was boring, generic, and repetitive to you I'm honestly curious how you'll take this game. (no sarcasm or joking)

But it was imo...the story and ending was what makes it stand above it's generic gameplay. Still can't hide the fact it was a 4 hour game, with basic gameplay, mechanics.
Just finished it and man this game was awesome, sure I didn't like qte's, thought there should have been harder puzzles and more platforming but I had a lot of fun with it.

Lara was great, and fuck she can take a fall, she seriously fell like 10 times lol
The constant barrage of enemies the game throws at you is really annoying. I dont wanna fight people. Just put me in a big isolated temple for a while and let me figure out what to do. There is nothing like that in the game, the sense of isolation is sorely missing. And the "optional tombs" are a joke.

The platforming isnt really automated. But there is no real risk either. No real challenge to it. You dont have to figure out how to get from A to B, its always in front of you.

There isnt really anything wrong with the game. Its well made (aside from minor glitches here and there) and plays decently. Its not really revolutionary but thats ok too.

Its just not Tomb Raider.
But it was imo...the story and ending was what makes it stand above it's generic gameplay. Still can't hide the fact it was a 4 hour game, with basic gameplay, mechanics.

Yep. Even with its story, which I've heard things about, it's still not entertaining to me. Having a plot that may think outside the box doesn't make it a good product.

If Spec Ops was boring, generic, and repetitive to you I'm honestly curious how you'll take this game. (no sarcasm or joking)

Yeah, I dunno. The graphics, atmosphere, and some other things seem really good, but I wonder if it's enough to justify sixty bills.
Yep. Even with its story, which I've heard things about, it's still not entertaining to me. Having a plot that may think outside the box doesn't make it a good product.

Yep and I don't see how Derrick can rate something like Tomb Raider so low on it's gameplay when Spec Ops does nothing new at all with it's gameplay either. Don't get me wrong, Spec Ops had a fantastic ending and theme, but this does not make it a "great game" but many will try and tell you otherwise.
Yep and I don't see how Derrick can rate something like Tomb Raider so low on it's gameplay when Spec Ops does nothing new at all with it's gameplay either. Don't get me wrong, Spec Ops had a fantastic ending and theme, but this does not make it a "great game" but many will try and tell you otherwise.

For me it's like... it doesn't always need amazing gameplay to be good, like a Silent Hill game. There are no Silent Hill games with exceptional gameplay. However, the story, atmosphere, music, characters, and just overall vibe is what makes it "fun" for me. Spec Ops may have a terrific story that I may end up championing; I don't know. But so far it's doing exactly nothing for me. If it had a combination of impressive atmosphere, art direction, characters (which I admit they seem a LITTLE better than standard fare but not much), music, and so on I'd be like eh gameplay-shmameplay but it's failing to impress me in even those ways.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yeah, I dunno. The graphics, atmosphere, and some other things seem really good, but I wonder if it's enough to justify sixty bills.

In all honesty, very few games are worth $60 nowadays, especially when you know they'll drop in price in a few weeks. Heck, most of the people here paid an average of $35 on pc.
For me it's like... it doesn't always need amazing gameplay to be good, like a Silent Hill game. There are no Silent Hill games with exceptional gameplay. However, the story, atmosphere, music, characters, and just overall vibe is what makes it "fun" for me. Spec Ops may have a terrific story that I may end up championing; I don't know. But so far it's doing exactly nothing for me. If it had a combination of impressive atmosphere, art direction, characters (which I admit they seem a LITTLE better than standard fare but not much), music, and so on I'd be like eh gameplay-shmameplay but it's failing to impress me in even those ways.

This is the reasons why I think you would enjoy Tomb Raider. I know it's ridiculous to compare it to Alan Wake but I constantly had similar vibes due to dodge mechanic, atmosphre, some slight tension moments early on, and overall vibe.
In all honesty, very few games are worth $60 nowadays, especially when you know they'll drop in price in a few weeks. Heck, most of the people here paid an average of $35 on pc.

I agree. However, sometimes, some things just click. I heard horror stories about Assassin's Creed III; a boring main character, bad gameplay, tons of glitches... and I can even see those complaints. However I'm having a magnificent time with the game and I'm glad I decided to ignore the negativity and just play it.

I'm trying to figure out, then, if Tomb Raider can have that "click." If it does, I say $60 well spent, but I don't guess I'll ever know until I play it myself.

This is the reasons why I think you would enjoy Tomb Raider. I know it's ridiculous to compare it to Alan Wake but I constantly had similar vibes due to dodge mechanic, atmosphre, some slight tension moments early on, and overall vibe.

Yeah, I can see that and that's what interests me. A lot of people who I do find myself agreeing with a lot of the time and share some of the same sensibilities with seem to love this game.


Yep and I don't see how Derrick can rate something like Tomb Raider so low on it's gameplay when Spec Ops does nothing new at all with it's gameplay either. Don't get me wrong, Spec Ops had a fantastic ending and theme, but this does not make it a "great game" but many will try and tell you otherwise.

I would have given Spec Ops a 7 because of the story and yes the gameplay is a little better than the average TPS. The enemies flank and you die in a few shots on Normal, which is a welcome change of pace from the average AAA game (and especially this game where it's almost impossible to die, even on Hard).

IceDoesntHelp said:
So close ;_;

That's what I got too. I don't even know what I missed other than 1 relic and a couple of challenges I think. Thankfully there's 0 motivation to go back and clean it up.
Yep and I don't see how Derrick can rate something like Tomb Raider so low on it's gameplay when Spec Ops does nothing new at all with it's gameplay either. Don't get me wrong, Spec Ops had a fantastic ending and theme, but this does not make it a "great game" but many will try and tell you otherwise.

Spec Ops did indeed have incredibly boring gameplay outside of its theme. In gameplay terms, it was Modern Warfare, done less well. Getting to the end was a chore.

Games are too long and involving to hinge entirely on a late twist to reveal hidden themes and transform the experience. If the gameplay had somehow reflected the story as well, that would have been an achievement.
This game, I'm seriously enjoying myself. More than I expected. There's a lot to like about it, and the new Lara is such a great character. I hope if they do a sequel, they will do more with the puzzles, and perhaps extend the length of tombs; however I really like the balance between tomb raiding and traversing the environments. The next game is going to look downright amazing.
Yep and I don't see how Derrick can rate something like Tomb Raider so low on it's gameplay when Spec Ops does nothing new at all with it's gameplay either. Don't get me wrong, Spec Ops had a fantastic ending and theme, but this does not make it a "great game" but many will try and tell you otherwise.

I haven't played Spec Ops, but I've gotten the gist. I figure it's sort of like Neir, where even someone with gameplay priorities like myself were capable of suffering through some mediocrity for ultimately a unique payoff.

The situation with Tomb Raider (admittedly, I'm just starting it and some miracle may occur where my stance on it completely changes) is that it is actively aping a variety of things that have already been done for a predictably safe payoff.
I haven't played Spec Ops, but I've gotten the gist. I figure it's sort of like Neir, where even someone with gameplay priorities like myself were capable of suffering through some mediocrity for ultimately a unique payoff.

The situation with Tomb Raider (admittedly, I'm just starting it and some miracle may occur where my stance on it completely changes) is that it is actively aping a variety of things that have already been done for a predictably safe payoff.

Yet Tomb Raider has far more polish, better level design, character design, location design, etc. Regardless if it apes things from other games, it does it extremely well.

I would have given Spec Ops a 7 because of the story and yes the gameplay is a little better than the average TPS. The enemies flank and you die in a few shots on Normal, which is a welcome change of pace from the average AAA game (and especially this game where it's almost impossible to die, even on Hard).

Well if some somewhat better ai can make you rate a game higher then a game that's longer, has better visuals, better enviroments, more gameplay options, and on so be it. I don't understand it, but I'm sure most people feel the same.


Well if some somewhat better ai can make you rate a game higher then a game that's longer, has better visuals, better enviroments, more gameplay options, and on so be it. I don't understand it, but I'm sure most people feel the same.

Maybe because I don't believe Tomb Raider offers more gameplay options. It gives the image that it has more to offer, but as I listed in my breakdown earlier today it has no depth. The RPG stuff is superficial at best, there is no meaningful puzzles or platforming, no challenging combat. It's a game with nothing to offer but pretty landscapes and things exploding while you run from it.
Maybe because I don't believe Tomb Raider offers more gameplay options. It gives the image that it has more to offer, but as I listed in my breakdown earlier today it has no depth. The RPG stuff is superficial at best, there is no meaningful puzzles or platforming, no challenging combat. It's a game with nothing to offer but pretty landscapes and things exploding while you run from it.

Sure, but Spec Ops has no depth either gameplay wise. I can't see how you can defend it and say it does.


Sure, but Spec Ops has no depth either gameplay wise. I can't see how you can defend it and say it does.

It has more than TR with slightly less filler checklist features, and since we're comparing the two (for some strange reason), that's all that matters to me. It also does something with its story instead of just promising for years to do something.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I think I'm nearing the end, but I don't want to end :-(
I've had a TR1 magic feel with this game which is odd, but no doubt this ranks high in my top ten games of this gen


You just made Tomb Raider sound like the worst game ever made.

If you think spec ops is the worst game ever for whatever reason, then yeah TR would be the (new) worst game ever since it has drastically inferior shooting gameplay and difficulty then most TPS.

I don't think TR is the worst game ever or even a really terrible game, at its best it's just remarkably mediocre or average and doesn't do anything well or memorable.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
You just made Tomb Raider sound like the worst game ever made.

The gist of the game is - it's awesome to look at/hear/experience, but you will find absolutely nothing in the game that is new when it comes to playing. You'll fire from behind cover, you'll find pointless collectibles hidden in a corner (that the ingame map marked for you Ubi style), you'll platform by aiming and pressing the jump button, you'll hit qte's when the game tells you to, and you'll get xp for doing menial things and put them in a mini rpg system. I totally agree if it's dressed up well that the entire experience can be enjoyable/memorable/whatever, it's just lately these kinds of games are more focused with showing you an amazing experience, at the sacrifice of some gameplay.
If you think spec ops is the worst game ever for whatever reason, then yeah TR would be the (new) worst game ever since it has drastically inferior shooting gameplay and difficulty then most TPS.

Spec Ops isn't one of the worst games I've ever played, not by a long shot, but it's aggressively mediocre to me for sure. I will combine that with the fact that I don't like military themed stuff at all, and I typically don't love third person shooters unless there's some charm or I can get into the characters and environments-- two things that Spec Ops is utterly failing to do for me. If it ends up having a great story I'll acknowledge that and count it as a pro of the game, but I can't see myself praising the gameplay by any means unless it changes up a lot or something.

The gist of the game is - it's awesome to look at/hear/experience, but you will find absolutely nothing in the game that is new when it comes to playing. You'll fire from behind cover, you'll find pointless collectibles hidden in a corner (that the ingame map marked for you Ubi style), you'll platform by aiming and pressing the jump button, you'll hit qte's when the game tells you to, and you'll get xp for doing menial things and put them in a mini rpg system. I totally agree if it's dressed up well that the entire experience can be enjoyable/memorable/whatever, it's just lately these kinds of games are more focused with showing you an amazing experience, at the sacrifice of some gameplay.

To be fair, that sounds exactly like Assassin's Creed, and while I agree with everyone about the problematic aspects of that series, for whatever reason they totally pull me in and I absolutely love the atmospheric experience I have with them.


It has more than TR with slightly less filler checklist features

Such horseshit. You can't even roll or dodge out of the way of anything in Spec OPs. You can shoot your gun, command your squad with the push of a button (depth right?), chuck grenades and use a melee attack. The sticky cover system sucks ass as well.

Besides that its a fantastic ride.
Spec Ops is pretty much the definition of an average TPS, right down to the use of UE3.

Spec Ops story is also massively overrated by gaf--it's just a gore fest.


it's great that you actually don't have to use cover and use your dodging skill / dust thingy. I think it provides more variety than most tps since you are not constantly thrown with "hey look a perfect sized wall for you" in your face. SpecOps is just such an offender in this regard, you can almost see the level editor placing elements for the player, ugh.


Such horseshit. You can't even roll or dodge out of the way of anything in Spec OPs. You can shoot your gun, command your squad with the push of a button (depth right?), chuck grenades and use a melee attack. The sticky cover system sucks ass as well.

Besides that its a fantastic ride.

I forgot that button was even in Tomb Raider. It's another useless feature in normal combat, only good for the shield guys.
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